
Volume - Day 5                                      

Scripture: Job 31:1a Amplified version

 "I dictated a covenant - an agreement - to my eyes..."

 We must make a decision to set our spiritual eyes on God's Word. We must dictate to our natural senses, so they do not hinder, or dis­courage us. Elisha, after learning that the Syrian armies were approaching his house to capture him, chose to turn his attention to the armies of Heaven, who were defending him. He knew the Syrians were no match for his protectors. As a result, he experienced peace, calmness, control and, most of all, victory!

The Word of God says in Revelation 12:11 NIV, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony..." This indicates that these saints focused on the powers made available to them by God, rather than the devil's seemingly strong attempts to defeat them.

We should carefully examine our choices and make a quality decision to take the divine approach offered us by God. Choose life. Choose blessing. Since we have no innate power to guarantee either, we will be choosing to cooperate with God, thereby receiving both. How do we cooperate? As Amos wrote, "Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to do so?" (Amos 3:3 NIV) There must be agreement. To agree with God includes contemplating what He says about a thing and rejecting anything to the contrary. If our direction ever disagrees with God, to continue walking with Him, we must change, since He will not.


I wlll focus on and contemplate God's Word, rather than any circum­stance that goes contrary to the Word.
