Day 16


Ezekiel 47:13 Amplified Version

 "Thus says the Lord God: these shall be the boundaries...."


God, Our Father sets boundaries. Adam was limited in what he could do. Boundaries were set for the property of each tribe of Israel. Satan was limited in what he could do to Job. A boundary was set for the sea at the shore. Many other lines were drawn in the Word of God. It is God's love and power that causes Him to "draw lines."

When the Father draws lines for us, we must remember that as a Father, He has a responsibility to care for His own, and He knows what is best. Thank God for the boundaries He established because of His great love for us. We should joyfully heed His instructions.

It is indeed encouraging and comforting to know assuredly that God has set definite and secure boundaries for our enemies. There is none who can pluck us from His hand. There is none who can throw us into Hell. We cannot be tested beyond our ability to overcome. The Father's Word reveals our advantage over our enemies in many instances.

Greater is He that is in us. We overcome the world with our faith. We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Out of gratitude to our Father, we can observe the boundaries He has set for us and praise Him for the boundaries He has set for our enemies. Thank Him for His great love that causes Him to "draw the lines."


I observe the boundaries God has set for me and thank Him for the ones He has set for my enemies.
