Day 39
I Peter 2:24 Amplified Version
"He personally bore our sins in His own body to the tree [as to an a/Jar and offered Himself on it], that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness,by His wounds you have been healed."
We would not dare think of sin as acceptable after Calvary. Jesus shed His blood to pay for our sin. We are crucified with Him and consider ourselves dead to sin. We endeavor to live above sin out of respect for the sacrifice of Our Savior.
The same sacrifice that was made for sin was made for sickness. By the same wounds that were received for our transgressions, we are healed. Our tolerance for sickness and disease should be zero. We recognize that we are faced with temptation and have a constant struggle to walk free of sin, but we fight because of who we are. For the same reason, we should be no less motivated to resist attacks of sickness and disease.
I hate sin.I hate sickness. I respect the sacrifice Jesus made for me at Calvary. I resist sin. I resist sickness and disease.