Day 41


Luke 24:49b; Acts 1:Ba amplified version


': ..but remain in the city [Jerusalem] until you are clothed with power from on high." "But you shall receive power- ability, effi­ ciency and might - when the Holy Spirit has come upon you..."


Jesus promised supernatural power to those who represent Him after His departure from earth. He explained to His disciples, before a cloud received Him out of their sight, that this power would be theirs after the Holy Spirit came upon them. This experience was not limited to the 11 apostles or the 120 who received the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room (Acts 2:1-4), but to as many as God would call (Acts 2:39). In John 14:12, Jesus promised to all believers divine power to

perform His works. So, we know that power to carry out the work of the ministry (each member of Jesus' Body having a part in His min­ istry) is available to all believers.

How can we adequately represent Jesus without having the power to do His works? It is the works of Jesus that give proof of His resurrection to those who are lost, or to heathen worshippers who have gods of their own. The demonstration of the power of God that the unbelievers see causes their ears to open to the gospel. History has proven that more unbelievers ha':'e received the gospel when it was accompanied by a demonstration, than when it was not. (I am refer­ ring to unbelievers who knew nothing about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or had no Christian heritage.)

Even in reaching those who have a Christian heritage but have not received Christ as Savior, the supernatural power of God works to draw them. The message they hear is anointed and breaks through the natural mind, revealing truth to their hearts. Paul said in I Corinthians 2:4, "My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:"


I am endued with power from Heaven. The Holy Spirit is in me and operates through me. I do the works of Jesus.
