

Psalm 9:11 Amplified Version

 "Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion! Declare among the people His doings!"


Sometimes a great man or woman is taken for granted by those they live among. Jesus said a prophet is not properly honored among his own people (countrymen and kin). Sometimes someone on the outside will draw attention to the person we are so accustomed to being around and cause us to remember that someone great and admirable is a part of our house or community. Have you ever seen a person who was just born-again seem extra excited about God? Sometimes someone who has just been saved out of a terrible life, healed by God's power and introduced to the glorious gospel, seems more excited about God and the things of God than people who have been in the church for years.

The psalmist David exhorted his people to sing praises to the Lord, who lived among them. It is a pity that those of us, among whom the Lord dwells, seem to lose our excitement about His greatness. We can take for granted the things that used to excite us. The angels never lose their excitement over sinners repenting, and they have seen it happen for thousands of years.

When we first learned! about healing, we were excited about being delivered from a headache. It is possible to forget that it is only our God that can do those things. There may be counterfeits that seem to be able to bring healing, but there are always bad side effects with any "healing" that comes from the wrong source. The blessings of God are pure and carry no !:>ad side effects.

Let us praise the God who lives among us, who lives in us. Let us brag about Him to everyone -  those among us and those outside the camp.

 I remain excited and enthusiastic about the goodness of God "great'' or "small." I will tell of His works to others who will appreciate it or be blessed by it.       :


