Day 47
Romans 15:4
"For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope."
God gave us His Word to comfort us and to build hope in us. We can receive comfort from the scriptures as we meditate the Word, while looking to God for illumination by His Spirit.
The scripture also said hope comes through patience. Romans 5:4 tells us that patience (cheerful endurance while remaining constant) brings experience and experience brings hope. So, if we are patient, we will end up with a victorious experience that will cause us to have hope for another victory. God told the Israelites to set up reminders of what He had done for them. They were instructed to tell the stories of God's powerful deliverance of His people to their children.
Experience brings hope. Experience comes from patience. Patience comes from a dedication to the Word of God and a relationship with God Himself.
By the Word of God, I will always have hope. I will meditate God's Word I will practice God's Word because I love Him. I will operate in patience, which will cause me to have experiences that will bring me hope. I will always have hope.
From God's Word - hope
Because of hope - patience
Because of patience - experience
Because of experience - hope!