Day  235

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Hebrews 9:28 Amplified Version

"Even so it is that Christ, having been offered to take upon Himself and bear as a burden the sins of many once and once for all, will appear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to deal with sin, but to bring to full salvation to those who are [eagerly, constantly, and patiently) waiting for and expecting Him."


With all the crazy cults in our world that are teaching things similar to Christianity, it can be a challenge to hold fast to the truth. Nobody wants to be accused of teaching the same doctrine taught by cults. (A cult is a group that is separate  from the mainstream, but claims to have the right or perfect way of salvation. They generally are relatively small communities. Most of the time they demand separation from the family and everybody who does not agree with the doctrine they teach.)

We must realize that the devil uses some type of bait to attract the simple. The bait has to be an established truth. Once the bait is bitten, Satan then pours in poison.

One doctrine that has been attacked by the devil is the second coming of Christ. The Bible teaches that Jesus will come again, and we will live in a new heaven and a new earth. Paul said in I Thessalonians 4:15-17 that Jesus will catch away the believing ones. Since then, many groups have taught false doctrines on the return of Christ and predicted when this great event will occur. Some have even quit their jobs, gone to particular places and waited for the Savior to come and get them. One small computer oriented group committed suicide and left their bodies, supposedly to graduate to a higher level and be picked up by UFO's. They had packed their suitcases, as if their luggage would also be picked up. This group taught some truth. They said we are spirits and our bodies are simply something we live in. II Corinthians 5:4-8 teaches that. However, the Bible does not teach that to leave, we must kill ourselves. Neither does it teach us that UFO's will pick us up to take us to a higher level. Yet, we do look for deliverance from this temporal body, and we do expect to be caught away, but by the Savior - not by UFO's.

When we hear foolishness that seems to mock our beliefs, it can be challenging to keep believing what is really true. Yet, it is so important that we do not allow our faith to die. As the scripture teaches, Jesus is returning for those who look for Him. If hearing false teaching makes us doubt the truth, we must go back to the Word and reaffirm our faith. It is important that we continue look for Jesus' return.


I affirm my faith in God's Word concerning the return of Chrisl No matter how many people are used to pervert the truth, I will hold fast to my convictions and expect the fulfillment of prophecy to take place. God is faithful He will do exactly as He said, just like He always has.
