Day 239
I Corinthians 15:51
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed."
Paul encouraged the Corinthian church, as he spoke prophetically about their future. He informed them that when Christ comes for the church, the dead will be raised, and those of us who are alive will escape death and be changed physically. We will then receive new, transformed bodies that will be incorruptible.
How exciting it is to know that new bodies await us! We are grateful for what Jesus did for us on Calvary when He bore our sickness and disease. It allows us to receive healing for our bodies and enjoy health while we live on earth. However, the time will come when we will receive bodies that will never be subject to disease. Healing is a part of redemption, but not all of it. The full redemption of our bodies will be the transformation from mortality to immortality.
No matter how wonderful life is now as we serve Christ, it will still be better when our redemption is complete. We should be glad we are kept from evil in this world, but we should more gladly anticipate a world without evil.
Let us keep mindful of our blessed future and live like the temporary residents we are to this world's system. The new earth will be our dwelling place. It will be totally different from what exists now. This world's system will disappear, and we will no longer be subject to the anarchy it has caused.
We must be willing to change what we can while we are here, but we should keep our hope alive for the world to come. Let us be encouraged by looking through the eyes of faith at where we will spend eternity.
I am glad to be in the family of God and have hope for a new body in a New World. Though I am happy living for Christ in this present world, I also look forward to the new world he will bring into existence.