Day 242

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Mark 5:28 J.B. Phillips Version

"For if I can only touch his clothes," she kept saying, "I shall be alright"


Mark's gospel records the story of a woman who had a disease that caused abnormal bleeding. She suffered, growing

steadily worse for many years, and could find nobody to help her. Eventually, she heard about Jesus and became convinced He could help her. Breaking tradition and the law, she ventured out into the public. (People with conditions like she had were not supposed to be out in public.) Her boldness demonstrated her faith. To take such a chance, she had to believe she would get results.

This woman had to break through more than tradition. She had to make her way through a crowd that was very tight. Jesus was not easy to get to that day. There was no way she could announce her need and ask for help to get through. Although her body was probably weak from the prolonged illness, she had to maneuver her way through to get within reach of Jesus' clothes. She may even have had to push, squeeze, and wiggle her way through. One record of this story indicates this woman touched the hem of Jesus' garment. That means she eventually stooped to the ground to make her final move. What a story of faith!

Before the woman was healed, she continued to say, "If I can only touch His clothes, I shall be alright." She was single­ minded. While others in the crowd could see many people dressed in different clothes, she was focusing on one person and on one garment. When faith comes into our hearts and causes us to reach for a healing or a miracle of some kind, we must be focused. One of the ways to remain focused is to keep saying the same thing. The woman in the story made her way out of seclusion, into the street, to the middle of the crowd and eventually to the hem of Jesus' garment. She had several opportunities to give up and tum around. Her consistent declaration of faith enabled her to keep her attention on her goal.

Little will come to us without our showing determined effort. Our mouths can either help us or hinder us. Let us find the right words to help keep our focus and press towards our breakthrough.


With God's help, I will find the right words to help me focus on my goal I will continue to say words that are in agreement with God's Word and focus on my victory. By faith, I will overcome every obstacle and come out with a testimony.

