Day 230

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Matthew 10:39

"He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.


As Jesus taught his followers about the cost of discipleship, he explained that God must be first. The order of priorities must be very clear. It would be costly to get things out of order. To seek after one's carnal life will result in a loss of one's spiritual life. A loss of one's spiritual life can result  in an early loss of one's natural life. How frustrating it would be to deny our spiritual lives in favor of our natural Jives and then lose both. It would be better to lose our natural lives and keep our spiritual lives.

As we study the words of Jesus, it is clear that we need to ponder the path of our feet before we face challenges. The world makes decisions based on circumstances. They determine whether something is right or wrong based upon the possible consequences. If it will cause embarrassment, a loss of friends or a loss of something they value, they may resort to violating their moral standards to save themselves. This mode of operation is not applicable for us. We should make our decisions based upon what our Lord requires of us. We must follow His written Word, as well as the Holy Spirit, who has been sent to guide us.

These things needed to be stated as plainly as Jesus told them. To receive Jesus as Savior is one thing. To qualify for discipleship is another. It is not fair to choose Jesus as Savior and not as Lord and Master. What if Jesus chose to walk on the earth as our example but not die for our sin?

As we consider our current attitudes toward complete allegiance to Christ, let us remember that God only seeks to do us good. It may cost more to buy a new car than it does to buy an old bicycle, but you will get what you pay for. It costs more to be a disciple than a Christian in name only, but the benefits are far greater for disciples. As a matter of fact, the benefits are worth more than the price.

Jesus said in John 15:16, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you." In John 14:23, He said "If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." Let us ponder the benefits of total surrender to the Lord and change or reinforce our position. If we think the whole thing through, we have to admit that the deal God presents to  us  cannot  be beat. True discipleship is the only sensible way to go.


I am totally surrendered to Jesus ChrisL My position is nonnegotiable. My way will always be His way forever.
