Day 232

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Ephesians 3:14

"For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,"


Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, expressed his strong desire to see them grow spiritually. He told them some of the things he said in prayer for them. In Ephesians 3, as he shared a part of his prayer, he said He bowed his knees to God the Father. Because the gesture of kneeling is not uncommon, we can easily pass over these words, without pausing to notice their significance.

What does it mean to bow before God? This gesture is taken seriously by servants of God who refuse to allow humans to

. bow to them. They see it as an acknowledgement of the source of help and want the person being helped to recognize that God is the true source of help. He allows humans to deliver the goods.

Paul was bowing his knees before God, because He recognized that God was the only one who could produce the results he wanted. We can position ourselves different ways when we pray, but none of them makes our prayers more effective. When it comes to God hearing us, it does not matter what position we are in when we pray. From time to time, however, we should bow our knees to remind ourselves that God is our only source of help. He is not an alternative to some other power. He is almighty. We should not trust God because someone else cannot help us. We should trust God, because He is the source of our help, even if that help is delivered to us through a human vessel.

Another thing that bowing before God can help us remember is that He is not just a possible solution to our problems, but He is God, and there is no other being that is God. Therefore, we should worship, obey and serve Him, primarily because of who He is and not what He can do. Our devotion toward God should not vacillate, depending upon how we perceive He is performing for us. He is God, and we should serve Him regardless. Let us bow our knees in reverence to the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth. In Him we live and move and have our being.


I will bow before God in reverence, because of who He is. I will ever keep before me that He is more than just someone who can help me. He is God.
