Day 267

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Exodus 14:15-16 Amplified Version

"The Lord said to Moses, Why do you cry to Me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward!

Lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, and the Israelites shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea."


After the children of Israel left Egypt, they reached the Red Sea, and Pharaoh's army began to pursue them. They  began to panic, and Moses tried to calm them. He did not know how God would deliver them, but He knew that after such a mighty deliverance from Egypt which the Lord had wrought, the Egyptians could not defeat them.

The people of Israel had no weapons that would match the weapons of the Egyptian army. They had no vessel in which to sail away and escape from them. Yet, they were not stuck. They had God. God always has advance technology to do whatever needs to be done. He told Moses to stretch his rod over the sea and divide it so the people could cross over on dry ground. Moses had no idea how God could use a rod to create a system that would separate the Red Sea and dry the sandy path that was created. He did not care. He was just proud to be associated with the God who could do it. To us, that was supernatural. To God, it was no big deal, because He knew exactly what He was doing and could do it again anytime he wanted to. He is awesome!

As we follow God, let us stay mindful of the fact that He is never taken by surprise. He is prepared for every challenge we will face. We simply need to ascertain the mind of the Lord and follow Him. When we run into impossible situations, we need to look to Him in faith, realizing He has the answer already. When we follow His instructions, we will experience what is supernatural to us, but just natural to God.


I am very proud of my God, who can do anything within the boundaries of His Word. There is nothing too difficult for Him. If I need something that is not already available in the earth, He can make it for me on the spol Through Him, I have access to futuristic technology that cannot be comprehended today. My Father is awesome!
