Day 293

Come Up Higher 4 COVER.jpg

II Kings 1:3 NIV


"But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, "Go up and meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and ask them, "ls it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?""


King Ahaziah, king of Israel, suffered a fall and became bedridden. He sent messengers to consult an idol god about his condition. He wanted to know if he would recover. God sent a rebuke to him. It was insulting that the king who was over God's people would send men to another god to seek insight, when the only true God had proven Himself over and over again. He had proven He was alive and was able to do anything for them. No other god had such a track record. Yet, they ignored the Almighty. As a result of the king's behavior, God told Elijah to tell him he would never get up from the bed he was lying on and that he would die there.

We can read this story and easily exempt ourselves from the possibility of ever being guilty of such a thing. We may never read horoscopes, play ouija boards, and seek fortunetellers, witches or root workers, or play with tarot cards or carry good luck charms. Our allegiance should be to the God who made Heaven and earth. Like the psalmist, we say, "My help comes from the Lord."

However, is it possible that in another sense we can be asked a question similar to the one Ahaziah was asked? Could God be annoyed at us when we ignore Him? Let us ponder this question: "Do we become frantic and irritable when we think God is not available? Are we forgetting Him, seeking help from everywhere else?" Consider another question. "Is it because there is no God that we ignore His Word and prefer the advice of unbelievers?"

Now, more than ever before, we are bombarded with "educated" people who think they are smarter than God. They have a better way of raising children, running a family and determining what is acceptable. They have some of the most stupid answers to scientific questions, simply because they are determined to eliminate the possibility that God exists. How will we respond to these people of whom the Bible says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools?"

Let it never be said of us, "They act as if there is no God in their lives." As Solomon said, let us acknowledge God in all our ways and allow Him to direct our paths. First, we should begin our day with prayer and reading His Word. Then, we should communicate with Him throughout the day and increase our awareness of His presence. Isaiah 26:3 says, ''Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Whenever we seem to have lost our peace, let us examine ourselves to see if we are acting like we have no God. If we are, then let us correct our behavior immediately and give God the attention he deserves. He is so faithful to us.


I will monitor my behavior and make sure I continually acknowledge God in  all  activities.  He  will help me all day,  every day. I will correct myself whenever I  see myself  acting as  if God does not exist. As long as I have God, I have help, and there is no need to panic.


