Day 309

Come Up Higher 4 COVER.jpg

II Chronicles 6:41


"Now therefore arise, 0 Lord God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests,0 Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let they saints rejoice in goodness. "


David provided materials for a temple for the Lord. He gave Solomon, his son, the design and asked him to build it. Before the temple was constructed, the ark of God's covenant where His presence dwelt among His people was kept in tents. The first tent, or tabernacle was designed in the wilderness while the children of Israel traveled toward the promised land. It was made in such a way that it could be taken down and carried from one place to another as they journeyed. David was the first one to actually prepare for the construction of a permanent building for the ark of the Lord. As he prayed while dedicating the temple, Solomon asked God to come into His resting place.

God's presence could rest in the place they made for Him because of the conditions surrounding it. God gave the design for the place of the ark and instructions on how to keep the atmosphere holy. No one but the high priest could go into the most holy place where the ark was kept, and he could only go there once a year. Before he could go in, the high priest had to follow strict guidelines. If he failed in one point, he would not come out alive. A rope was tied around his foot in case they had to pull him out if he fell dead.

Isn't it amazing that our bodies should be called the temple of God? It is a testimony to the power of the blood of Jesus. How can God stand to dwell in us? I John 1:7 says, "But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin." This is a continual process. The blood that cleansed us at the time of our new birth continues to keep us clean, as we walk in the light and stay in fellowship with one another.

We must walk with God in the light of His Word. If we sin, we must confess it and allow the blood of Jesus to remove all unrighteousness from us. If we live with unconfessed sin or refuse to walk in the light, we will not receive the benefits of continual cleansing. This could make the difference between our being the dwelling place and the resting place of God. Solomon asked God to come into His resting place. Many people have dwelling places, but if they want to get some quality rest, they have to escape to another place. God said He would destroy the person who defiles His temple. He was referring to the bodies He dwells in, not the stone structure of the past. (I Corinthians 3:17) It may be if His rest is disturbed too much, He will allow that home to be done away with.

O, how I wish we would live in such a way that we could say to God as Solomon said, "Arise, 0 Lord God, into your resting place!" Let us allow God to work in us continually. Let us refuse to allow unconfessed sin or rebellion to be a part of our lives. Our Father paid in full for the right to dwell in us. His stay should be a restful one.


I will not allow unconfessed sin or rebellion to stay with me to disturb the Holy Spirit who dwells in me. With God's help, my body will not only be a dwelling place, but a resting place also.
