Day 311

Come Up Higher 4 COVER.jpg

I Samuel 17:47

"All this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands."


As David faced a giant who threatened to kill him, he remained unimpressed with his enemy's size or his weapons. The fact that the giant, Goliath, was an experienced warrior and David was just a shepherd did not alarm David. Goliath was much larger than David, but that did not disturb him. The comparison of the huge sword and heavy defensive armor of Goliath to David's sling shot, five small stones and no defensive armor did not bother him at all. The issue to David was that he was on the Lord's side, and the giant was fighting against God. So David boldly told Goliath that everyone would observe that God does not depend on natural weapons to win His battles. Therefore, the comparison of their weapons was irrelevant. The only important issue was who was on the Lord's side.

Throughout the Word of God, we see examples of God's people winning battles where they were outnumbered or far less equipped than their enemies. Throughout modem history, there are similar stories. If we could talk to some of the soldiers who fought in wars in the 20th century, particularly those who fought for Israel, we would hear of the supernatural intervention of God to deliver the children of Israel and those who looked to Him for help. Because Satan is the god of this world, it seems that the  ungodly have the upper hand most of the time. Christians often find themselves at the mercy of unbelievers financially. It seems we sometimes need favor from the children of the enemy to get certain things done. The scenario we are accustomed to can cause us to forget that God does not save us by natural means alone. He still goes before us and prepares the way. He still opens doors no man

can shut. He still breaks apart gates of brass and cuts open bars of iron. By causing the destruction of the Berlin wall, He demonstrated that the thicknesses of the walls, like the walls of Jericho, are still not an issue to Him. The freedom of slaves in America and the return to Israel of Jews held captive in Russia and Ethiopia prove that He still overrules "Pharaoh" to set people free.

Regardless of what we seem to be up against, let us realize whose side we are on. That is the only thing that is important when we want to know if we will win or not. As long as we are in the will of God, we have all we need.


I will not be dismayed by what appears to be obstacles that are impossible to overcome. I will remain confident that with God on my side, I automatically have the upper hand

