Day 316

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Revelation 11:6


"These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will"


How many people would love to be "Superman" or some other character who seems to have power to do superhuman acts as they choose? God spoke in Revelation 11 of two witnesses He assigned to prophesy 1,260 days. They were given unlimited power, so that anyone who tried to hurt them could be killed with fire, which would proceed from the mouths of the witnesses. They could command nature to respond to their wishes, as they brought judgment on the earth.

A person would need tremendous discipline to be allowed to wield that kind of power. More importantly, God would have to have a great deal of trust in us to give us such authority. Yet, if He would give it to the witnesses mentioned, there is a way for us to position ourselves to be candidates for such an assignment. First of all, we must practice strict obedience. We would not send someone on a mission for us with the power to spend our money and sign our names as they choose to, unless we knew that person was so obedient to follow our instructions over a period of time that they would automatically do what we would do in any given situation.

Secondly, we must practice humility. If we get the big head every time God uses us, we will be vulnerable to using our power for our own advantage and glory rather than for the purposes and glory of God. If we tend to think we are always right because God's power has flowed through us, and we no longer regard how we treat people, then we would probably use unlimited power to make everyone look up to us and fear us.

Thirdly, we must not love our lives more than we love the cause of Christ. These two witnesses had to lay down their lives before it was all over. God allowed them to be killed and their bodies lay in the street for 3 ½ days. Then, they were resurrected and went up to Heaven. Some people will not go to church at night because they fear for their lives. They cannot possibly qualify for the unlimited power of God. We must not be afraid to go anywhere and do anything God tells us to do. We should claim divine protection and expect the angels to accompany us, but we must also be willing to die for the cause of Christ. Paul said in Acts 21:13, "... For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." In Acts 20:24 he said, "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God."

There are other things that will help us prepare to qualify for God's unlimited power, but the things mentioned above are foundational and must be practiced. Let us love God enough to do what is necessary to be the instruments He can use in any assignment. Let us prepare, not only because we want to be used, but because we love God with all our hearts and He deserves our all. We should be willing to be everything for Him because, He is everything to us.


I will practice obedience and humility. I will not love my life more than I love my Lord. I will be willing to do anything and go anywhere He leads me without fear. He is my everything, and I give Him my all.

