Day 320
I Chronicles 1:11-12
"And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou has not asked riches, wealth, or honor, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made thee king:
Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like."
God blessed Solomon with things he did not ask for, because he did not ask for them. It is interesting to see that God would be moved to do something for someone based upon what they did not request. This also lets us know that there are people who God would not bless with what they asked for because they ask for it. James 4:3 says, "Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts."
The lesson to be learned here is that God does not answer selfish prayers. This explains why many husbands and wives are frustrated, as they wait hopelessly for God to answer their prayers for their mates. Most times they are motivated to pray for selfish reasons. An unsaved spouse does not need to come to the Lord to bring relief and happiness to their mate. They are on their way to Hell. God will only entertain the prayers of those praying for the lost when the person praying has compassion for the sinner. He will not move to change the behavior of the annoying spouse, when prayers are offered to bring relief to the one who is praying. He will move when compassionate prayers are offered for God to work in the life of the person needing help. We need to pray that God will perfect the things that concern the individual who needs help. Our attitude should be that we are concerned for the well- being of the one we are praying for. The end result we desire should be one that will bring glory to God, not relief for ourselves. When the right results are accomplished, we will benefit. However, we should not pray for our benefit.
Selfish prayers not only waste our time, they increase pride on our part. The more we pray, as if the other person is our problem, the more we tend to think too highly of ourselves. We must humbly realize that all of us need improvement. We should not want people to pray for us as though we are a problem to them. Since we want to do better, we should prefer prayers of compassion. In Luke 18, Jesus gave an example of someone who obviously had a habit of praying selfishly. He said the man prayed, "God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess."
Let us imagine some modem examples of selfish prayers: "Lord, our marriage would be so much better if my husband would be more considerate of me. Please make him help me around the house."
"God, my wife needs to stop nagging me. Tell her to shut up. She is making me miserable and ruining our marriage."
"Lord, please cause my co-worker to act better or get fired. Work would be a whole lot more pleasant ifhe were gone." "Father, please speak to the pastor to accept my proposal. It is obvious that I have the best idea for the project. Show him that I am right."
Now let us consider alternative prayers that God might be much more attentive to:
"Lord, thank you for allowing me to be a helper to my husband.
Show me how I can be a better wife to him. Bless him with wisdom and insight to function well in the roles you have given him. Perfect the things that concern him. Help him to excel as a husband, father and godly man to your honor and glory."
"God, thank you for my wife. Help me to be the kind of husband you need me to be, so she can be ministered to properly. Give me the right words to encourage her and be a part of what you are doing in her life as you continue the work you have started in her."
"Lord, I don't know why my co-worker acts the way he does. I have no idea what challenges he faces in his personal life. Help me to be a part of the answer instead of the problem. Help me contribute to his coming to know you personally. If this is not the best job for him, help him to find the right job, where he can be productive and happy."
"Father, thank you for placing me in this local church. Please help my pastor make the best decisions for the people you have placed under his care. If my idea is the best, please help him see. If not, help me to keep a positive attitude, so I do not make his job hard. Help me to be a blessing and not a thorn in his flesh. Send him the right kind of help to fulfill the vision you have given him.
Let us remember that it is what we do not say sometimes that causes God to hear our prayers and motivates Him to bless us. So, let us examine our hearts before we pray.
I will pray unselfishly, being considerate and keeping the needs of others above my own selfish desires.