Day 340
I Kings 10:1
"And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord, she came to prove him with hard questions."
When the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she also heard about the God he served. It is so important that we glorify the Lord with the talents He has blessed us with. If it were not for the Lord, we would have nothing. Even the ungodly owe God the praise for what He has enabled them to do, for every good gift comes from God. As children of God, however, we should set the example by always acknowledging our Lord when we are praised for our talents, abilities or accomplishments.
When the queen came to test Solomon, God helped him to astound her with his wisdom. It was essential that Solomon recognized the Lord, because without God's help, he would have been embarrassed. If we forget God, who gave us the abilities we have, we can find ourselves embarrassed like Samson was. Samson received supernatural strength from God, but after acting presumptuously, he experienced a most humiliating surprise. After he told the secret of his strength to a woman he loved she proceeded to shave off his hair, which God told him never to cut. When he awoke to the attack of his enemies, he proceeded to fight them like he always did. Only this time, the Spirit of God had deserted him, and he lost the fight.
Let us show appreciation to God for what He has enabled us to do. We can do it by acknowledging Him and keeping His covenant with us.
I will acknowledge God in all I do. I will thank Him publicly and privately. I will walk in the way He directs me so I' life may he an example and bring Him glory.