Day 327

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Epehsians 1:2

 "Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ."


As Paul greeted the Ephesain Christians, he pronounced grace and peace upon them from God. Where else would grace, the unmerited favor of God, come from? Where else would true peace come from? God's grace is there to help us make it when we would otherwise fail. His peace is there to stabilize and comfort us when we would otherwise lose control of ourselves or suffer damage to our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual being.

It is important for us to remember that God is the one to tum to when we need help. It does not matter what natural means are available. We must first tum to God for aid. He can work through various channels, but He is the source of our total supply.

Better still, let us grow closer to Him until we do not have to go to Him in the time of need, because we are constantly aware of His presence with us. We will simply tum our attention toward Him to receive what we need. Being aware of His presence does not always involve a feeling. We can be aware that He is with us just like we are aware that other people are in the room with us, even when we do not see or hear them.

To obtain the best, let us strive to come to a point where we never know periods of time when we are lacking in grace or peace. As we continue to grow closer to God, there will be an automatic flow of these spiritual blessings into our lives at all times.


I am getting closer to God all the time. I will strive to reach a point where His grace and peace are automatically flowing into my life, so I never have to seek for them.
