Day 329

Come Up Higher 4 COVER.jpg

Ephesians 1:15-16

 "Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints"

Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in nry prayers;"

 As Paul wrote to the saints at Ephesus, he mentioned their reputation for having faith and love. He saw this as a cause to continually give thanks for them and pray for them. Sometimes, when we see people are doing well, we relax in our prayers. However, when we realize how desperately the Body of Christ needs good examples and how much Satan would like to rob us of the good we have, we should pray consistently for those who are examples to the believers.

Let us look for the good examples we have among us. The Body of Christ needs examples of godly husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, children and young men and women. We need married couples who demonstrate what a godly marriage and family should be like. We need godly businessmen and businesswomen, employers and employees. The church needs examples of godly teachers and students. We need good workers for the operation of the local church and its outreaches. When we see godly examples, we need to give thanks and pray for them, so that they will be strengthened and encouraged to continue lifting up high standards.


I will notice the godly examples we have in the Church today. I will thank God for them and lift them up in prayer, so God will strengthen and encourage them. With God's help, I will be a part of the group of people who set high standards for other believers to follow.
