Day 81


I    Kings 3:14, 15 NIV

 "Elisha said, ' surely as the Lord Almighty lives, whom I serve, if I did not have respect for the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you or even notice you. But now bring me a harpist"


In II Kings 3, we find the story of a king who did not serve God wholeheartedly, yet God delivered him, because of who he was with. Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. Salt is a preservative. It is applied to foods that cannot be saved from rotting without it, and it makes a difference between the destruction and the survival of those foods. So, likewise, we make the difference between destruction and survival of our towns and cities.

Jehoram, the son of Ahab, was not as wicked as his parents, but he still followed the ungodly example of another king (Jeroboam). When Jehoram went out o war, (he enlisted the aid of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, who was godly king. When the prophet of God was called upon to assist then\ in a crisis, Jehoram was told by the prophet that help was coming, only because Jehoshaphat was among them. God wrought a mighty! deliverance for the team of three kings, because one of them was a godly man.

We have a great responsibility as intercessors in our areas of dwelling and influence. Not only do we need to pray, we need to live a life that will make a difference. When God brings deliverance to our area, people around us should know that it was because of us and our relationship with God. The deliverance of the three kings was a testimony to the power of godly living. It was because of one man's dedication to serve God that the miracle took place.

Paul was able to gain deliverance and protection for all the men on the ship with him on the way to Rome. The only reason they were saved was because Paul was on the ship. God delivered them on his behalf. Would God intervene in a situation because of us? If He did, would it be a testimony that would glorify Him because of the life we live? God saved Egypt from the devastating effects of a seven-year famine, because Joseph was there. All Egypt should have recognized that Joseph was a man of God used to save them. The king of Egypt acknowledged that the Spirit of God was in Joseph and promoted him to Prime Minister, or second in command.

When we live as we ought before God and man, people will even seek us out in the time of trouble, and we will have the opportunity to glorify God by bringing deliverance. God can and will save others because of us.


I will be an intercessor in prayer and in deeds. I will position myself to be used of God to bring deliverance and demonstrate the benefits of godly living.
