Day 86


Matthew 18:14

"Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven, that one of these little ones should perish."

 In Matthew 18, Jesus had strong words of warning to anyone who would hurt children or hinder them spiritually. He warned that they each have an angel that is continually in the presence of God. That could mean that they report on what is being done to those in their care. This could result in adults failing to receive answers to prayer, or having blessings due them held up.

Jesus said in Matthew 8:14 that God did not want one little child to be lost. He is more particular about the way children are treated, because they are dependent on adults. They are not old enough to make many decisions for themselves. For the most part, it is up to adults as to what they see, hear and experience. As children grow up, their decisions are often affected by childhood training and experience. Most children, if they receive the right input, will make good choices, as they reach an age of accountability and become responsible for their own decisions.

Before we conclude that this lesson only applies to the young children living in our homes, let us realize that they are not the only children we will be held accountable for. Every child we have opportunity to interact with will have an experience that will either help them or hurt them. So, it is important that we see them through God's eyes and treat them accordingly. Many children who were raised in a negative, unhealthy environment were helped to make the right choices by the input of a loving, caring adult who had no blood relationship to them. Every word and every gesture counts. Let us make positive input in some children today - whether they are our own or not. We can pray when we are unable to do anything else.

I will be a part of the answer for children today. With God's help, I will make a positive difference.
