📖 A righteous person eats until his appetite is satisfied, but the stomach of the wicked is always empty. â€”Proverbs 13:25 EHV 

Eating well is a benefit of being a child of God. Jesus told us in Matthew 6 to NOT worry about what we are going to eat or what we are going to drink. He told us to seek first the kingdom of God, and these things will be added unto us. On several occasions when Jesus was teaching, He multiplied bread and fish to meet the needs of thousands of people. On another occasion, God rained down manna and caused water to come out of a rock in order to feed His people in the wilderness. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we see that God took care of people. As we walk with God, we can be assured that He will also take care of us and will see to it that we are taken care of. It's not based primarily on what we do, it is based on how good our God is. 

#faithfulGod #Provider #devotional #GodIsGood #trustGod 

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