📖 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created, and thou renewest the face of the earth. 
—Psalm 104:30 Darby Translation

In Genesis 1:2, the Spirit of God is moving upon waters, yet nothing is happening. He begins to move as God is speaking. As God says, “Let there be...”, the Spirit of God begins moving. ‘The Spirit of God is the muscle of God’, as one minister put it. The Spirit of God brought about the changes that God the Father was speaking of. The Spirit of God wants to change things in our lives as well. He wants to renew and restore. He wants to turn things around. We must give Him free course. We must speak the desired result. We must call those things that be not as though they were. We must speak God’s Word. When we speak God’s Word, we will have God’s results. Things that are dead will be made alive. There will be an end to chaos. There will be a change. The Spirit of God will put your world in order.  

#spiritofGod #creation #vccharlotte #devotional #motivation #JesusChrist 
