📖 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore. —Psalm 16:11 NKJV
Because of our relationship with our Heavenly Father, He will show us the right path. If you choose to walk on that path, the Lord’s presence will go with you. As you rely on Him and put the total weight of your trust, honor, and love in Him, you will find yourself in His right hand. Did you note the progression? First: Relationship - God will show you. Second: Fellowship - If you move in His direction, His presence will go with you. Third: Friendship - If you value His presence, He will position you at His right hand. Relationship to fellowship and fellowship to friendship is what our Heavenly Father offers. Why? Because He wants you to experience abundant life, fullness of joy, and pleasures that are eternal! If the path you are on is not producing the abundant life Jesus paid for you to have, get in pursuit of the Lord. If you are not experiencing the presence of God with the fullness of joy, regardless of what is happening on the journey, pursue Him for direction. Get back on the path of life! If you find yourself with more pain than pleasure, pursue God’s presence until you are at His right hand. He has provided all that you need. Will you accept it?
#iamvictory #pathoflife #inHispresence #devotional