đź“– Don’t let all kinds of strange teachings lead you into the wrong way. Depend only on God’s grace for spiritual strength, not on rules about foods. Obeying those rules doesn’t help anyone. â€”Hebrews 13:9 ERV

We are to hold fast to sound teachings. We are living in the last days, and Paul warned Timothy that people would give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils (I Timothy 4:1). The Word of God should be the stabilizing factor in our lives. It is the anchor for our souls. The Word of God is to be the foundation of our lives. It will keep us when we encounter the storms of life. It will cause us to overcome in every area of our lives. We must stick to the basics of the Word of God and not allow ourselves to be carried away with every doctrine that is popular yet contradicts the Word of God. Paul told Timothy to hold fast to the sound doctrine that he had received since a child. God’s Word never changes. We must stick to what we know. We must hold fast to sound doctrine. 

#sounddoctrine #WordofGod #devotional #PaulandTimothy
