📖 The spirit of a man sustains him in sickness, But as for a broken spirit, who can bear it? â€”Proverbs 18:14 AMP 

In the world many people are consistent when it comes to feeding themselves. As Christians we are exhorted from the Word to feed our spirit man but many times we neglect to do so. The verse here says a man’s spirit will keep and sustain him in sickness. If we are not consistently feeding our spirit, it will not be able to sustain us during that time. Just like we constantly feed our natural body, we must give attention our spirit man. We can do this by reading and meditating the Word of God daily so that the word can come up in our spirits in our time of need. We also can commune with God in our heavenly language in prayer and worship. These practices will keep our spirits strong, and in turn, keep our bodies well. 

#prayer #devotional #feedyourspirit #vcccharlotte #worship
