

📖 If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action]. —I John 1:9 AMPC

We have all missed the mark at some point. We all have said something we shouldn't have said and done things that we knew we should not have done. In short: we have all made mistakes and acted in ways in which we knew better. The good news is that God is a LOVING God. When we confess our sins, He is faithful to forgive us and to cleanse us from all wrongdoing. God promises to forget our sins and to act like the sin has never taken place when there is true repentance. God looks at the heart, and He knows our flaws. He is faithful to us! God is true to His compassionate nature. He will never condemn us for our past. As we walk with Him, we know that our latter end will be greater than our former. 

#lovingGod #compassion #devotional #vcccharlotte




📖 Oh, thank God—he’s so good! His love never runs out. All of you set free by God, tell the world! Tell how he freed you from oppression, then rounded you up from all over the place, from the four winds, from the seven seas. —Psalm 107:1-3 The Message Bible 

God is so good. The Bible tells us that His mercies are new every morning and that He is faithful (Lamentations 3:22-23). When God sets us free, He expects us to stay free. He also expects us to share about our deliverance with others. Remember, we have overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). God is so good to us that we should always be testifying about His goodness. Our testimony is advertisement for the Kingdom of God. It reveals to the world how good God is, and it causes them to want to know more about the God we serve. Spread the good Word! 

#greatGod #devotional #deliverance #faithfulGod




📖 Let us look closely at our ways and examine them and then return to the Lord. 
—Lamentations 3:40 GWT 

Every now and then, we have to examine our lives. Sometimes, we can get off track and not realize it. Other times, we can find ourselves in a state of unbelief or in a place where we aren’t trusting God as we once did. We can become so busy that we aren’t praying or reading the Word like we used to. The good thing is that we can always get ourselves back on track. We can always return to the Lord. Returning to the Lord doesn’t always mean we are living a life of sin. It could also mean that we need a personal revival. We need to do things the way we once did. God is always reaching out to us; the key is how we respond. We can always come back if we have drifted away. 

#Godlovesyou #devotional #vcccharlotte #meditate




📖 Because the Lord God helps me, I will not be dismayed; therefore, I have set my face like flint to do his will, and I know that I will triumph. —Isaiah 50:7 The Living Bible

Our confidence should always be in God. When we know who is on our side and who has our back, it should be difficult for us to live in a state of worry or dismay. We can be like Jesus. We can set our faces like a flint, knowing that we will triumph. Paul even said, “now thanks be unto God who always causes us to triumph in Christ” (2 Corinthians 2:14). We can “set our faces”, regardless of the circumstances. We can gain confidence in the fact that God will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). When God helps you, you can’t help but win. We are not only winners, but we are also more than conquerors through Him that loves us (Romans 8:37).

#winners #conquerors #devotional #Godfidence 




📖 And the Lord said, My Presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest. 

And Moses said to the Lord, If Your Presence does not go with me, do not carry us up from here! 

For by what shall it be known that I and Your people have found favor in Your sight? Is it not in Your going with us so that we are distinguished, I and Your people, from all the other people upon the face of the earth? 

And the Lord said to Moses, I will do this thing also that you have asked, for you have found favor, loving-kindness, and mercy in My sight and I know you personally and by name. 
—Exodus 33:14-17 AMPC

What is one thing that causes us to stand out as believers: God’s Presence. As believers, God dwells on the inside of us. We take His Presence with us everywhere we go. This is what causes us to be the light of the world, and the salt of the earth. His presence within causes us to walk in peace. It should bring us joy. It is what creates the distinction between us and the world. Moses knew that He would be unable to successfully carry out His mission without God’s Presence. We should have the same understanding. We must get to the place where we realize that He is our sufficiency, and He is our ability. We can do all things, but it is only because of Who is on the inside of us. Let us never lose sight of that truth. 

#HisPresence #vcccharlotte #devotional #standout #peaceofGod


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📖 And I said, Who are You, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus, Whom you are persecuting. 

But arise and stand upon your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, that I might appoint you to serve as [My] minister and to bear witness both to what you have seen of Me and to that in which I will appear to you, 

Choosing you out [selecting you for Myself] and delivering you from among this [Jewish] people and the Gentiles to whom I am sending you— 

To open their eyes that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may thus receive forgiveness and release from their sins and a place and portion among those who are consecrated and purified by faith in Me. 
—Acts 26:15-18 AMPC

As we walk with God, we don’t have to guess what His plan is for our lives. We don’t have to wonder what His plan is. God will reveal everything that He has preordained for us to walk in. When Paul had his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, Jesus shared with Him His plan and His assignment for Paul’s life. Paul knew whom he was sent to. He knew what he was called to do, and he found out in his initial encounter with Jesus. God is no respecter of persons. We don’t have to be in the dark. We don’t have to be clueless concerning the will of God. If we seek, we shall find. If we ask, it will be given to us. We can be “in the know” concerning the will of God. 

#WillofGod #trustGod #God’splan #walkwithHim #revelation

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📖 My desire is to have you free from all anxiety and distressing care. 
—I Corinthians 7:32 AMPC

Paul, speaking to the Corinthian church, expressed that his desire was for them to be free from all anxiety and distressing care. His desire is what God desires. God desires to handle every worry and every care. He doesn’t want you distracted with the issues of life. Jesus said in Luke 12:29, not to have a mind that is, “anxious, troubled, unsettled, excited, worried, and in suspense”. God knows what's up the road. He tells us not to worry about tomorrow. God can handle every situation when we give it over to Him. The key is we must hand it over to Him. Cast your cares on the Lord and don’t allow the enemy to overwhelm you. God can handle anything, including your problems. 

#castyourcaresonHim #trustGod #noworries #dailydevotional




📖 Strip yourselves of your former nature [put off and discard your old unrenewed self] which characterized your previous manner of life and becomes corrupt through lusts and desires that spring from delusion; 

And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude], 

And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness. 
—Ephesians 4:22-24 AMPC 

When God sets us free; He expects us to stay free. We are to strip ourselves of our former nature and walk in the new nature that is on the inside of us. Our mindset should change. We should no longer think like the world. Our thinking should be in line with the Word of God. We should walk in holiness and consecrate our lives to God because He paid the ultimate price for us through the Blood of His Son. The very least we can do is to live for Him. We owe Him our lives. We should endeavor to increase our knowledge of God so that we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind. We increase our knowledge of Him, so that we can be transformed into His image. With all that God has done for us, why shouldn’t we live for Him. 

#liveforGod #renewyourmind #victory #devotional




📖 For which of you, wishing to build a farm building, does not first sit down and calculate the cost [to see] whether he has sufficient means to finish it? 

Otherwise, when he has laid the foundation and is unable to complete [the building], all who see it will begin to mock and jeer at him, 

Saying, This man began to build and was not able (worth enough) to finish. 
—Luke 14:28-30 AMPC

Before we make any major decisions in life, we must count the cost. Before you build something, you must count the cost so that you can finish the project. Before you change jobs, you must count the cost. Before you get into a relationship, you must count the cost. We must be thorough thinkers. As we contemplate what decision to make, we must look at things from every angle and allow the Spirit of God to show us things that we may not have seen. When we yield to the leadership of the Spirit of God, we follow His lead knowing that He would not lead us astray. He would not lead us down the wrong path. We put our trust in Him, we will never be put to shame or disappointed in our expectations.  

#theLordismyshepherd #countthecost #devotional #vcccharlotte




📖 Joshua asked the Israelites, How long will you be slack to go in and possess the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you? —Joshua 18:3 AMPC

We have all been slack in certain areas of our lives. One thing we can continue to get stronger in is possessing all that God has for us. We don’t want to be like the Israelites. We don’t want to be slack concerning the promises of God. We don’t want to leave anything on the table. We should want everything that God has for us. It will take effort on our part. It will take diligence. God had given them (the Israelites) the Promised Land, but there were giants that had to be defeated. They had to ‘take’ the Promised Land even though it had been promised to them. We also must take the land (promises). We must slay every giant. We cannot be satisfied until we experience all that God has for us. That is truly the abundant life. 

#vcccharlotte #Joshua #verseoftheday #godlovesyou #prosperity #promisedland #righteous




📖 In [this] freedom Christ has made us free [and completely liberated us]; stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery [which you have once put off]. —Galatians 5:1 AMPC

Christ has made us free. He has set us free from sin, sickness, poverty, and every ill that is under the curse of the law. We all have been set free from something. Some people have been set free from alcoholism. Some from drug use. Others have been set free from other addictions, but the bottom line is that they are free now. When God sets us free, we must stand fast in our freedom. We must fight to stay free. We must avoid behaviors that will set us back and cause us to get entangled back into bondage. We must guard our eyes, our ears, and our hearts. We stay vigilant because the adversary will return, and He will try to put us back not only into bondage, but in a place where we are worse than we were before. We must not yield to the enemy. We must resist Him. We must stand fast in our liberty. Whom the Son sets free, is free indeed. 

#vcccharlotte #freedom #verseoftheday #resistthedevil #stayfree




📖 The Lord will work out his plans for my life—for your loving-kindness, Lord, continues forever. —Psalms 138:8 The Living Bible

God knows where we are supposed to be, and when we are supposed to be there. He knows which doors to open and which doors to close. He can coordinate encounters with people that can help us as we navigate our path. As we walk with God, we can trust that He will remove barriers and obstacles. He will go before us and make the crooked places straight. The Lord will work out his plans for our lives. When we believe that, it will remove stress. It will take pressure off us. Depending on Him will cause us to enter a state of rest. Faith rests. Faith trusts. Are you in faith today? 

#walkwithGod #devotional #vcccharlotte #God’splan #restinHim




📖 David inquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You deliver them into my hand? And the Lord said to David, Go up, for I will surely deliver [them] into your hand. —II Samuel 5:10 AMPC

How many mistakes could we have avoided if we inquired of the Lord more? How many hardships could we have avoided if we simply sought the Lord about what to do next? God knows the future. God knows every detail of every situation we face, and yet we still try to figure things out on our own. At times, we still lean to our own understanding concerning life-changing matters. God wants to lead us and guide us by His Spirit. He wants to tell us what to do, so that we can avoid any pitfalls and struggles. God wants to instruct us. He wants us to experience His goodness and His faithfulness in every area of our lives, but He will not force it on us. Let’s cut down on the mistakes. Let’s remove the self-inflicted hardships. Let’s seek the Lord. Good things always happen when we do. 

#trustGod #devotional #bible #verseoftheday #hardships #peace




📖 But now bring me a minstrel. And while the minstrel played, the hand and power of the Lord came upon [Elisha]. And he said, Thus says the Lord: Make this [dry] brook bed full of trenches. For thus says the Lord: You shall not see wind or rain, yet that ravine shall be filled with water, so you, your cattle, and your beasts [of burden] may drink. This is but a light thing in the sight of the Lord. He will deliver the Moabites also into your hands. 
—II Kings 3:15-18 AMPC

It doesn’t matter what you are facing in your life right now, it is a light thing for God. Your getting out of debt is a light thing for God. Getting your children out of the world is a light thing for God. Whatever is in your life that is negative, it is a light thing for God to turn it around. Many times, we look at God through the wrong lenses. We think that if it is difficult for us, it will be difficult for God. Life is so much easier when we give our challenges to God. Life is easier when we give Him our burdens and our cares. God is smarter than all of us put together. He knows how to handle the challenges and difficulties we may face throughout our lives. Let’s have the right perspective. Let’s have GOD’S perspective! Regardless of what you are facing, it is a light thing for God.  

#trustGod #lifeisgood #devotional #vcccharlotte #inspiration #giveGodyourburdens




📖 And a furious storm of wind [of hurricane proportions] arose, and the waves kept beating into the boat, so that it was already becoming filled. 

But He [Himself] was in the stern [of the boat], asleep on the [leather] cushion; and they awoke Him and said to Him, Master, do You not care that we are perishing? 

And He arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, Hush now! Be still (muzzled)! And the wind ceased (sank to rest as if exhausted by its beating) and there was [immediately] a great calm (a perfect peacefulness). 

He said to them, Why are you so timid and fearful? How is it that you have no faith (no firmly relying trust)? 

And they were filled with great awe and feared exceedingly and said one to another, Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey Him? 
—Mark 4:37-41 AMPC

How do you respond when a storm hits your life? The Bible tells us that “out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). When the disciples encountered the storm, they spoke fear. They believed they were going to die. When Jesus was aware of the storm, He spoke faith. He spoke to the storm, and it obeyed Him. Everything became calm. The disciples could have done the same thing. If they couldn’t, Jesus would not have asked them where their faith was? The storm is a revealer. It reveals what you truly believe and what is really in your heart. Let’s continue to study the Word because that is what will give us victory over the storm. The Word is our answer to every problem of life. 

#WordofGod #calminthestorm #vcccharlotte #devotional #peacebestill #trustGod




📖 Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created, and thou renewest the face of the earth. 
—Psalm 104:30 Darby Translation

In Genesis 1:2, the Spirit of God is moving upon waters, yet nothing is happening. He begins to move as God is speaking. As God says, “Let there be...”, the Spirit of God begins moving. ‘The Spirit of God is the muscle of God’, as one minister put it. The Spirit of God brought about the changes that God the Father was speaking of. The Spirit of God wants to change things in our lives as well. He wants to renew and restore. He wants to turn things around. We must give Him free course. We must speak the desired result. We must call those things that be not as though they were. We must speak God’s Word. When we speak God’s Word, we will have God’s results. Things that are dead will be made alive. There will be an end to chaos. There will be a change. The Spirit of God will put your world in order.  

#spiritofGod #creation #vccharlotte #devotional #motivation #JesusChrist 


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📖 Long ago when the Israelis escaped from Egypt, from that land of foreign tongue, then the lands of Judah and of Israel became God’s new home and kingdom.

The Red Sea saw them coming and quickly broke apart before them. The Jordan River opened up a path for them to cross. The mountains skipped like rams, the little hills like lambs! What’s wrong, Red Sea, that made you cut yourself in two? What happened, Jordan River, to your waters? Why were they held back? Why, mountains, did you skip like rams? Why, little hills, like lambs?

Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, the God of Jacob. For he caused gushing streams to burst from flinty rock. —Psalm 114 The Living Bible

No obstacle can stand in the way of an individual who walks with God. The Red Sea, the mountains, and the Jordan River all fled from the Lord. We know that this Psalm is more figurative than literal, (except the Red Sea and the Jordan River), but the point remains the same. God will remove kings for our sakes. He will bring down the mighty, if needed. He will go before us and make the crooked places straight. There is nothing that can hinder us or stop us with almighty God beside us. A man of God once said that if “Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra were walking down the street with us, we would have no fear because of who was walking with us”. Well, we have one mightier than a few Hollywood monsters walking with us. We have the Creator of the universe with us. Fear needs to be a thing of the past. If God be for us, who can be against us? 

#havenofear #LetGod #devotional #vcccharlotte #walkwithGod

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📖 How oft did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert! Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy. —Psalm 78:40-42 KJV

Have you been limiting the Holy One of Israel in your life? Many times, God desires to do so much more than what we are currently experiencing because of unbelief. Jesus could only heal a few sick folks in His hometown because of their unbelief. Unbelief hindered them from receiving, and it will do the same thing in our lives if we allow it. God desires to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could ever ask or think. Let’s not hinder God in any area of our lives. Let’s allow Him to do more in our finances, our health, our relationships, and any other area of our lives. God wants to show Himself strong in our lives, let’s allow Him to do so. 

#abundance #LetGod #devotional #vcccharlotte #dontlimitGod




📖 I have gained perfect freedom by following your teachings, and I trust them so much that I tell them to kings. —Psalms 119:45 CEV

The Word of God was given to us to set us free from every wile and scheme of the wicked one. It was given to us so that we can know who we are and what belongs to us in Christ. The Word of God will set us free, and it will cause victory to manifest in every area of our lives. God told Joshua that if he meditated on the Word of God both day and night, that he would become prosperous and have good success. The Word of God says something similar in Psalms 1. Our success comes from desiring and obeying the Word of God. In the book of Acts, it tells us that the Word of God grew mightily and prevailed. When the Word grows in our lives, it will do the same thing. It will prevail over everything the devil can throw our way. 

#success #dailydevotional #vcccharlotte #bible #verseoftheday #freedom




📖 Be strong and courageous. Be not afraid or dismayed before the king of Assyria and all the horde that is with him, for there is Another with us greater than [all those] with him. 

With him is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles. And the people relied on the words of Hezekiah king of Judah. 
—II Chronicles 32:7-8 AMPC

As believers we always have an advantage. The world always leans towards the ‘arm of flesh’. They make decisions based on what they can see and understand. We are not limited by what we see. We are not limited to our own reasonings and deductions. We can tap into the Wisdom of God! We can hear the Voice of God. God can and will lead and guide us in the way that we should go. God will fight for us AND help us. We don’t have to figure things out on our own. We don’t have to fight our own battles. We don’t have to be afraid of a man. He who is with us is greater than he who is against us. At the end of the day, we must rely on His Word if we are going to see Him fight our battles.  

#leannotonyourownunderstanding #trustGod #vcccharlotte #devotional #verseoftheday
