Day 246

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Philippians 3:13


"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,"


Paul emphasized the need to forget the past to reach for what is ahead. No matter how many things we accomplish, there is far more to achieve. As our knowledge, experience and wisdom increase, we should be able to do more in less time. Our latter years should be more productive than the former ones. We should have learned a lot about what to do and what not to do, what to pursue and what to avoid. We should be better.

Nothing should stop us from going forward. We must forget regrets. God will heal us of hurts, if we sincerely desire to be free. Failures are not the only things that hinder us. Sometimes, we can be a tempted to camp out on our successes, but we must humble ourselves and forget our accomplishments. We are who we are by the grace of God. There is no excuse for parking and retiring. Moses, who died at 120 years of age, was actively serving God the day he died.

Success is not achieved by observation or meditation alone. Paul said he reached for the things ahead. Today, let us reach for what we believe our divine destiny is, climbing the ladder one step at a time. If we look at the top of a I00-step ladder, we can be tempted to procrastinate getting started. Our attitude must be to climb each step as quickly as possible. If we never reach the top, it is certainly better to die trying, than to successfully get nowhere because we never made an effort.

Let us reach today. Someone can be saved by our efforts. We were saved by someone else's reaching. God will help us, because He is the one who puts in us the desire to go forward.

I will reach today. I will make at least one more step toward my goal God will help me. Someone's life will  be blessed because of my effort.
