Day 247
Ephesians 6:17
"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."
Paul said, "Take... " That is a demonstrative word. It is a word of deliberate action. He did not say, "Receive." Receive is a more passive verb. It does not require as much effort, because someone else initiates the action, and we respond. On the other hand, when we take something, we initiate the action with a purpose.
Let us take the helmet of salvation today. When we do, we will not be passive about who we are and what we have through Jesus Christ. Our helmets protect our heads. When we do not take the helmet Jesus provided for us, our heads will not function properly. Our thought processes will be vulnerable to pessimism, fear, confusion, doubt and inferiority.
Salvation includes redemption from the kingdom of darkness. We cannot be moved from something without being moved into something else. We have been translated into the kingdom of Light. Kingdoms function by laws. Paul said in Romans 8:2, "For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." The laws of our kingdom produce life and free us from the cycle of sin and death. As we take the helmet of salvation, we will be intolerant of anything that goes against the spirit of life. Galatians 3:13 tells us Jesus redeemed us from the curse of the law. This curse included sickness, disease and poverty, among other things. We must not tolerate these things. Our helmets cause us to resist things that are under the curse of the law.
Let us thank God for the helmet of salvation and take it today and every day. It will not only make our lives better, but it will also have a positive effect on the lives of those we come in contact with. The more positive our thoughts and responses are, the better off people around us will be.
I take the helmet of salvation today. I will think and respond as a child of God, as a citizen of the kingdom of God. I will accept only that which produces life and well being.