Day 344

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Matthew 12:41 The Worrell New Testament

 "The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation, and will condemn it; because they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and, behold, a greater than Jonah is here."


Jesus told the religious leaders of His day that they were far more privileged than the Ninevites who repented when Jonah prophesied to them. He pointed out that the Jews had a greater prophet than Jonah among them, and yet they were hard-hearted and refused to change.

We must examine our response to the vast amount of knowledge made available to us as opposed to others who are getting their hands on the Bible for the first time. Some Christians with far less at their disposal are showing much more dedication to the things of God than others who have abundant access to teaching and fellowship.

As we realize how blessed we are to have the freedom and the ability to learn, we must eliminate all excuses and surrender our lives completely to the Master, who bought us with His own blood. Our lives should be full of obedience and service to God. We should be constantly purging ourselves of all that does not please our Lord.

Let us show gratitude to God today by subduing our flesh and allowing our spirits to reign as we follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit, instead of yielding to the desires of our flesh that do not please God.


I will express my gratitude to God for how blessed I am to have all He has made available to me. I will seek to please the Lord in all I do, choosing to follow my spirit as I am led by Him, instead of yielding to carnal desires that war against the will of God.
