Day 345
Ephesians 3:20
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
Have we shortchanged God lately? Have we insulted him with our low expectations? Ephesians 3:20 reveals that He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think. That being the case, if our thinking and expectations have not exceeded the normal things we look for help with daily, we may be missing out on the power of God. We may also be very boring to God, as He sits high with so much power. He would like to use this power on our behalf but cannot because we are not asking for or expecting much.
Have you ever met someone who had a sports car that could go faster than 120 mph? If you have, you may have heard that person say they wish they could go to a place where they could test the car's speed.
You may have met someone who did not resist the temptation to go far over the speed limit on the highway just because they wanted to get where they were going in less time. Tue temptation was strong, because the speed limit was far below what the car was capable of doing. As long as a car can go faster than the speed limit, we will be tempted to speed up. Whenever a sign shows up indicating the speed limit has increased, drivers are usually very happy. They normally adjust their speed immediately to reach the new limit.
God is like that driver who sits in his automobile wishing for a sign that will increase the speed limit. Just like the driver wants to see a sign that will permit him to drive his car at a speed that makes use of its ability, God wants to receive a sign from us that we will permit Him to display His ability in our lives.
Let us ask for more and expect more. If we are struggling and living below the standards God has planned for us, we do not need to be afraid to ask for things that will benefit us. As long as our hearts are pure toward God, and.we are willing to follow His instructions when He responds, God has no problem meeting our needs and giving us the abundant life Jesus came to give. We also need to ask for things that will help us reach the lost and meet the needs of others. Our willingness to stretch our faith and believe God to do more can make the difference between heaven and hell for someone, life and death for another, or sickness and health for someone else.
I will elevate my thoughts and see God in a greater way. I will ask for and expect more than I have asked for or expected before. My God is able to do more, and as I magnify Him in my own eyes, He will do more.