Day 359
Matthew 26:8 J.B. Phillips Translation
"The disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, "What is the point of such wicked waste? Couldn't this perfume have been sold/or a lot of money which could be given to the poor?"
A woman performed an extravagant act of kindness for Jesus. She poured very expensive perfume on Him. Some of His disciples disapproved of this and called it a waste. Jesus, knowing His value and appreciating what the woman had done, rebuked the protesters for their poor judgment. Later, He had supper with those same men who did not know how to appreciate Him. He lovingly shared His precious last hours on earth with them.
Could we respond so lovingly to ungrateful people who would even vocalize their displeasure over someone's act of kindness toward us? When we have given our best and been tolerant with our helpers, could we stand it when immature workers criticize the ones who understand our value and show appreciation for us?
When Jesus asked us to love one another the way He loved us, He was asking us to follow His example. He showed us it could be done. With His love inside us and the power of the Holy Spirit to help us, we can love like Jesus loved. We must ignore our mental evaluation of the matter and focus on the fact that what we need to do is the will of God on the inside of us.
I will do what God tells me to do. Jesus is my example. He told me to love like He loved. He would not tell me to do something, if He did not already know He had given me what I needed to accomplish it. I have the love of God in me and, with His help, I will let it flow toward others.