Day 360

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Matthew 10:29, 30 J.B. Phillips Translation


"Two sparrows are sold/or a farthing, aren't they? Yet not a single sparrow falls to the ground without your father's knowledge. The very hairs of your head are all numbered. Never be afraid, then - you are far more valuable than sparrows.


Jesus wants us to give up all worry or concern about our well-being when it comes to our service to God. As we proceed to be about our Father's business, God is taking good care ofus and watching over us all the time. He is very particular about us - so much so that He has our hairs numbered. He will see to it that our labor is not in vain.

In Matthew 10, as Jesus commissioned His disciples to go out and minister on His behalf,  He warned  them that they  might face opposition. However, they were to see themselves as  totally sold out to their Lord and unconcerned about what might happen to them physically. They were to prepare themselves to be persecuted for the name of Jesus Christ and were assured they would be rewarded for their obedience.

Jesus told His disciples that the one to fear was not the one who could destroy their bodies, but the One who had power to destroy both body and soul in Hell. Life on earth is relatively short. Eternity never ends. It is not this temporal life that we should be fighting to protect as much as it is our eternal lives, which is far more important.

The Savior taught His disciples to be fearless. They were instructed not to even plan a speech when they were called on the carpet to testify relative to their mission. Jesus said they would be given what to say at the time they needed to speak. That indicates that God takes it personally when we are persecuted for His name. It is as though He is saying, "It's me they are calling on the carpet, and I will speak for myself. You just lend me your mouth  when  you get there."

So, if it appears that God has deserted us when we are persecuted, let us settle ahead of time that He not only remains with us, but is monitoring us so closely that He is involved in answering the questions we are asked about our mission. He keeps track of all the strands of hair on our heads, having designated a number to each one. We should answer this question before we proceed on God's business: "Does God see or care about what is happening to me?" The answer is most emphatically, "Yes - very much so!"

 When I am about my Father's business, I will only be concerned about obeying Him completely. I renounce all fear, knowing that my Father cares for me and watches over me affectionately. Nothing will happen to me without His knowledge or input.
