Day 90


Revelation 3:3a

"Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast and repent."


To remember means to recall, or to bring up to consciousness items stored in memory. In Revelation 3, Jesus expressed concern about people who knew the right way to go, but had strayed almost completely away from it. They had just enough ritual and routine left to look alive, but he considered them dead. His exhortation to them was to first remember.

We must remember the highlights of our spiritual experience - the times of peace, joy, contentment and zeal for the things of God. We should remember how we applied God's Word to bring those things into manifestation. We should

remember our sweet fellowship with Him. What is left of what we had to cherish? The next thing He exhorted them to do was to hold fast.

When we seem to be losing everything and are left holding on with very little to keep us in tact, we must grasp tightly to what we have left with gratitude. We should be thankful that it has been enough to keep us afloat. It is what remains that enables us to regroup. When we grab hold of what is left, then we go to the next step. Jesus told them to repent.

To repent means to go the other way, to move in the opposite direction, beginning with a change of mind. As we hold fast to what remains, we must realize that we cannot stand forever with the little we have left. It is necessary to go the way that will renew our relationship and, consequently, our strength.

Let us focus on what we need to do to strengthen our stand today, and immediately act to contribute to our spiritual well-being. The natural world is temporary. The spiritual world is eternal. We should always put more emphasis on that which will last forever.

I will remember, hold fast, and repent. With God's help, I will be vic­torious.
