Day 278
Daniel 2:20
"Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his:"
King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream. Although he forgot it, he was still troubled by it. He wanted help remembering it and understanding the meaning of it. When the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers and Chaldeans were summoned to help the king, they were unable to offer an interpretation without the king telling them the dream. The king threatened to kill them if they would not help him. The endangered men pleaded with the king to be reasonable and to realize it was humanly impossible for them to tell him what his dream was. The king thought they would make up an interpretation if he could tell them the dream, and he wanted to be sure they actually had the power to help him. So, he demanded they tell him both the dream and the meaning.
Daniel was considered a wise man, so his life was in danger also. He requested that the king give him time to come up with the interpretation of the dream. Then, he spoke with three of his Hebrew friends whose lives were also threatened and asked them to pray with him for God's mercy to deliver them. God revealed the secret to Daniel in a night vision. Daniel responded with praise to God. He said, "Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his."
If we need the answer to something that is troubling us, we need to tum to God. If nobody has been able to save us from the suffering brought about by negative circumstances in our lives; we need to call on the source of wisdom and might. We always need to rely on God, but there are times when we more desperately need Him to show up than at other times. As the songwriter wrote, "If we ever needed the Lord before, we sure do need Him now!" As Daniel did, we must be prepared to allow time to get a response from God. It is not that God has to send the answer a long distance or has to try to figure it out Himself. It is simply that we must prepare ourselves to receive. We would not understand some things if we received them "fast food" style. God usually needs us to settle down and allow our minds to be quieted, because the natural mind cannot comprehend spiritual things. Sometimes, God has to show us step by step. There may be some basic things we need to understand before we can understand other things. Some things must be taught to us line upon line and precept upon precept. As we seek assistance in the natural arena, speaking with doctors, lawyers, or other professionals, we must not forget that wisdom and might are God's. He can reveal our answers to us directly or through someone else, but the answer ultimately comes from Him. Then there are times we will ask and receive fairly quickly. There are other times when we must seek diligently to find our answers.
I will seek the Lord for the answers I need. I will quiet my mind and body and listen with my spirit to what God will reveal to me. I will diligently seek the Lord until, through a vision, a dream, a quiet voice, another human instrument or some other means, He gives me the answer I need. I will praise Him who is the source of all wisdom and might.