Day 258
Matthew 13:57-58
"And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house. And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief."
When people do not believe because of ignorance, God can still perform miracles by the gifts of the Spirit, as the person doing the ministering operates in faith. However, where there is unbelief, He can do nothing. Doubt comes from not knowing or understanding. Unbelief is the result of offense.
The people in the areas where Jesus was raised were offended that the person they grew up with was able to do things they could not do and was looked up to by so many others. They seemed to think, "Who does he think he is? We know him as one of us. How can he expect us to look up to him? He's no better than any of us." How sad it was that they missed the visitation of God because they refused to believe.
We may look at them and feel disgust at their attitudes, but many Christians are suffering today with the same problem. They know what God can do. It is obvious to them. However, they are offended at God and refuse to believe Him. Sometimes they are offended at a minister and therefore cannot receive from God through him or her.
We need to examine our hearts to see if we are in unbelief. One of the signs that we are in unbelief because of being offended at God is when we give more attention to the problem than the answer. Even after we have prayed, we may speak as though we have more faith that the problem will continue than that God will solve it. This can be especially true when it comes to our prayers for people. We can get offended when we expected God to do more within a certain time frame with the individual we prayed about. So, we get fed up waiting on God and begin to operate in unbelief.
Another sign that we are offended at God and are operating in unbelief is when we stop feeding our faith in a certain area. When things do not change in the time frame we expect, we despise hearing the Word on the subject and will not confess God's Word in that area any more.
It is clear that unbelief is a result of pride and selfishness - thinking about ourselves and what we want. Often, our prayers were never going to be answered anyway, because God will not respond to selfish prayers. He is not an errand boy who does as we command. He runs the show, not us. We must not believe and serve God conditionally. He is God, and He is worthy of our reverence, regardless of what we get or do not get.
If we determine we are operating in unbelief, we need to pause today and forgive God for the hurt we suppose He caused us. Then, we need to repent for our attitudes of pride, selfishness, and unbelief and receive forgiveness. Satan would love to capitalize on our offense and destroy much more than our relationships with God. God wants to restore His fellowship with us, and we desperately need it.
I will examine myself for offenses today. If I have been offended at God, I will forgive Him and repent With God's help, I will avoid such offenses by humbling myself daily and serving God with pure motives and great appreciation for what He has already done, primarily for the great salvation He has given me through Jesus Christ.