
Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 298

Day 298  

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John 13:8-9

 "Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feel Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou has no part with me. Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head."


During the time Jesus walked the earth, travelers walked the dusty roads wearing open shoes, and their feet would get dirty. It was customary for servants to wash the feet of their masters or the feet of guests. After Jesus and His disciples had had supper one evening, He noticed that none of the disciples thought they were lowly enough to wash the others' feet. So, He washed their feet as an example to them.

When Jesus approached Simon Peter, Peter objected because Jesus was his master. He should have been the one washing Jesus' feet. Nevertheless, Jesus needed to wash all their feet to teach them the lesson He wanted them to learn. Peter yielded when Jesus said he must cooperate or have no share in companionship with Him.

Sometimes God may ask us to allow Him to do something for us that seems inappropriate in the sense that we do not think we deserve it, or we think we should be the givers instead of the receivers. True humility is submitting to the will of God and not our own opinions. We may not want to receive honor from someone we feel we should be honoring. We may rather serve the one who is serving us. We may prefer to give a gift to the person we are receiving one from, especially when it seems like they need it more than we do. However, before we act based on our opinions, we should consult the Lord. He may be trying to minister to us or teach us something. Our refusal to cooperate could interfere with what the Holy Spirit is endeavoring to accomplish in our lives.


"I will submit to the will of God, even when I prefer to do things differently. I humble myself before God, that He may perfect those things that concern me.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 297

Day 297

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Matthew 10:1


"And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."


When the disciples of Christ were dispatched to minister on His behalf, they had to receive the tools to get the job done. Jesus did not just give them instructions on what to do. He gave them what they needed to carry out those instructions. For the particular mission described in Matthew 10, the disciples needed supernatural power. Once they received the power to accomplish the task, they were then responsible to follow the instructions of their leader.

It is one thing to tell God we need power to do His work, but it is another thing to be responsible when we receive His power. So often, we think we are ready for more of the anointing and more of the power of God. Yet we are not sober in regards to the responsibility that goes along with what we ask for. Once we have been given the ability to do the works of Christ, we need to understand that it is not a tool to use as we choose, but rather a gift to distribute as we are instructed.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to us to minister as the Holy Spirit leads us. We must not use the anointing to promote

 ourselves. The Holy Spirit has come to exalt Jesus. We should not refuse to operate in our gifts because of a fear of embarrassment. Our reputation is not a consideration in this arena. We cannot decide who deserves to receive the benefits of our anointing, because we do not own the gifts. We simply deliver them as we are instructed. They are sent from God, not from us.

It is possible for us to be tempted to tum off the Holy Spirit because we just do not feel like being used by God at a given time. However, we are not the Lord of our lives, and the gifts are not ours to decide when we will deliver them. If we want more of the anointing and the power of God, the key is not to ask for more, but to be faithful over what we already have. Jesus said those who are faithful over little can be trusted with more. If we are overly concerned about what people will think of us when we are among 20 people, then how can we expect to be used before thousands?

Let us not ask for more today, but rather repent for the disobedience and lack of responsibility we have displayed with what we already have. Then, let us focus on being faithful and obedient, as we use the gifts God has given us. When we do that, we will not have to ask for more. He will automatically give us more. Matthew 25:23 says, "His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord."


I will repent of unfaithfulness over what I have already been given. I will practice faithfulness over what I have and seek to glorify my Lord by obeying His leadership. Without my having to ask, He will dispense power to me as He sees I am responsible enough to handle it.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 296


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I Corinthians 7:19 NIV


"Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing. Keeping God's commands is what counts."


During Paul's ministry, the question of whether or not a Christian should be circumcised was a major discussion in certain places. All Jewish males were circumcised as a symbol of the covenant God had made with Israel through Abraham. When Jesus came and fulfilled His earthly mission, He left instructions for His disciples to preach the good news of salvation to all the world. The Jews who had kept the law for so long had difficulty imagining that Gentiles could enter a covenant with  God  simply  by  accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It was hard to imagine that the Gentile Christians were neither responsible to keep the old law, nor did they have to practice the rite of circumcision to be accepted by God.

Paul was forced to address this issue over and over again. In I Corinthians 7, He explained that outward marks were not really that important. It was following God's instructions that were important.

Living for God is not wearing symbols, garments, or marks that identify us as the people of God. It is walking in obedience to His commands, which do not include circumcision under the new covenant.

An important point we can gather from this is that we must examine ourselves more intensely for obedience than we do for external appearance. Before we leave the house for work or whatever we have on our agenda for the day, it is natural for us to look in the mirror and check everything from our head to our toes to make sure we look right. Let us check our insides a little more carefully today than we normally do:

From my head

Am I thinking the right thoughts? Have I spoken to God today and asked if there was any thing special He wanted me to  do, or have I only made sure my plans are on the "Things to Do" list? Have I confessed my love and appreciation to God  and acknowledged Him as  my Source  so  He can direct  my path?  Have I spoken life and good over myself and my family?

From my neck to my shoulders

Am I standing up straight and ready to walk as a child of God - with confidence and godly self-respect? Am I carrying myself as if am the winner God made me?

From my chest to my waist

Is the center of my being all right? Have I forgiven everyone who has hurt me, including myself? Am I walking in love with everyone? Is my spirit strong and ready to submit to God and resist every temptation of the devil? Have I charged up my inner man through prayer and meditation of the Word?

From my hips to my toes

Am I about to move in haste, or will I ponder the path of my feet? Am I set to rush through the day taking a chance of making the wrong moves in haste, or am I prepared to let my spirit guide my feet?


I will examine my inner appearance and not just my outward appearance today. With God's help, when I prepare for each day, I will give more attention to being obedient  to  God than to the impression I make upon men.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 295

Day 295

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Exodus 18:23


"Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord God: and not that he should return from his ways, and live?"


God reveals through Ezekiel that the plight of the wicked, though justice is served, is not pleasant to Him. He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked and their eternal separation from Him. His purpose for every man includes fellowship with Him eternally. He has to allow man a choice; or else man cannot enjoy his relationship with God. Nevertheless, God wishes that everyone would choose to follow Him.

As we understand the will of God for everyone, we should do our part in fulfilling the desires of God's heart. Through our testimonies, our giving, our praying and our lifestyles, we should make every effort to follow the Lord's guidance so we can win as many people to Christ as we can.

When we see wicked men dying, we should not take pleasure in it. Sometimes we may have to agree with the judgment that was passed upon them. However, we should have no pleasure in their death. Our desire should be as God's - to see the wicked repent and tum to Him and receive eternal life.


I will walk in the love and compassion of God for the wicked. My desire will be to see them receive eternal salvation. My actions will demonstrate that desire. I will share the gospel, pray and give, that others may have an opportunity to come to know God personally.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 294

Day 294

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Exodus 33:15-16


"And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence. For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? Is it not in that thou goest with us? So shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth."


God was so tired of the rebellious and unbelieving attitude of the Israelites, that He threatened to withdraw His presence and send an angel to escort them to the Promised Land. He said He could not put up with them any longer. But Moses protested. He did not want to proceed without the presence of God. Moses told God that it was His presence that made a difference between them and the other people of the earth.

Moses grew up in luxury. He did not need to go to the Promised Land, the land flowing with milk and honey, to experience abundance. He lived in the palace in Egypt, and was possibly the heir to the throne. He would not only have known no lack, but he would have had access to the best Egypt had to offer. With the help of the Hebrew slaves who built two cities for Pharaoh, Egypt was extremely rich and glorious in worldly terms. Yet, Moses voluntarily gave up the riches of Egypt for the spiritual benefit of serving God. As Moses encountered the presence of God, he found it far more attractive than material wealth. He was glad to lead the people of God to a land of milk and honey - a land where they would have no lack and could enjoy great wealth.

 Nevertheless, Moses did not enjoy the trip to Canaan because of natural rewards. He was greatly blessed to have the presence of the Lord in their midst. Moses had learned to communicate with God as a friend. He could not bear the thought of going on a journey where his best friend would not go along.

Here was a man who really tasted of the goodness of the Lord - not in the sense of how he meets our natural needs, but just how sweet He is Himself. When we taste of the Lord in this way, natural things are never as important again. Perhaps the songwriter understood this when he wrote. "Take this whole world, but give me Jesus."


I will seek nothing more earnestly than being in the presence of the Lord. My aim on life's journey will not be how much I can accomplish or accumulate, but how much  I motivate God to want to be with me. I will long more for Him and His presence than I do for His benefits.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 293

Day 293

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II Kings 1:3 NIV


"But the angel of the Lord said to Elijah the Tishbite, "Go up and meet the messengers of the king of Samaria and ask them, "ls it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?""


King Ahaziah, king of Israel, suffered a fall and became bedridden. He sent messengers to consult an idol god about his condition. He wanted to know if he would recover. God sent a rebuke to him. It was insulting that the king who was over God's people would send men to another god to seek insight, when the only true God had proven Himself over and over again. He had proven He was alive and was able to do anything for them. No other god had such a track record. Yet, they ignored the Almighty. As a result of the king's behavior, God told Elijah to tell him he would never get up from the bed he was lying on and that he would die there.

We can read this story and easily exempt ourselves from the possibility of ever being guilty of such a thing. We may never read horoscopes, play ouija boards, and seek fortunetellers, witches or root workers, or play with tarot cards or carry good luck charms. Our allegiance should be to the God who made Heaven and earth. Like the psalmist, we say, "My help comes from the Lord."

However, is it possible that in another sense we can be asked a question similar to the one Ahaziah was asked? Could God be annoyed at us when we ignore Him? Let us ponder this question: "Do we become frantic and irritable when we think God is not available? Are we forgetting Him, seeking help from everywhere else?" Consider another question. "Is it because there is no God that we ignore His Word and prefer the advice of unbelievers?"

Now, more than ever before, we are bombarded with "educated" people who think they are smarter than God. They have a better way of raising children, running a family and determining what is acceptable. They have some of the most stupid answers to scientific questions, simply because they are determined to eliminate the possibility that God exists. How will we respond to these people of whom the Bible says, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools?"

Let it never be said of us, "They act as if there is no God in their lives." As Solomon said, let us acknowledge God in all our ways and allow Him to direct our paths. First, we should begin our day with prayer and reading His Word. Then, we should communicate with Him throughout the day and increase our awareness of His presence. Isaiah 26:3 says, ''Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." Whenever we seem to have lost our peace, let us examine ourselves to see if we are acting like we have no God. If we are, then let us correct our behavior immediately and give God the attention he deserves. He is so faithful to us.


I will monitor my behavior and make sure I continually acknowledge God in  all  activities.  He  will help me all day,  every day. I will correct myself whenever I  see myself  acting as  if God does not exist. As long as I have God, I have help, and there is no need to panic.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 292

Day 292

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Revelation 22:16

"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star."

Our God is an awesome God. God the Son became the Son of man. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus refers to Himself as the Root and the Offspring of David. His existence is recorded before and after David. No human can claim such a thing. It is impossible to be both the great grandparent and the great grandchild of the same person. Yet, our God is not limited to human possibilities.

It is helpful for us to ponder some of the seemingly impossible things God has done for us. It will remind us that when we have a need, He knows how to find a way. When we pray, we address the Father in the name of the one who is the Root and the Offspring. He knows no limitations. Nothing is too hard for Him.


I will ponder the greatness of my God today and release Him to do the impossible on my behalf.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 291

Day 291

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Exodus 23:22 NIV


"If you listen carefully to what he says and do all that I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and will oppose those who oppose you."


God told Israel, as they proceeded toward the promised land, to listen and obey the angel He would send to keep them and take them into the land. The angel would guide them according to God's plan for them. He promised that if they were obedient to His instructions, their enemies would be His enemies.

Whenever God is on one side, whoever is on the other side might as well give up before they get started! Our God is the Almighty. He is omnipotent. No one can be compared to Him. No one is a match for Him. He is awesome, and with the mere use of His name in faith, demons are defeated. Paul said in Romans 8:3 I, "What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?"

We never need to be worried about who is against us and what or who they have on their side. We simply need to make sure we are following God's instructions. When we are following His leading, He is on our side, and He becomes an enemy to our enemies. He opposes them who oppose us. So, when the enemy challenges us and threatens to hurt us, how shall we respond?

The Word gives us our proper response. Psalms 118:6 says, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?" Psalm 27:I says, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Our conclusion can be found in Romans 8:37: ''Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."


I will not be worried about what my enemy is doing.  I will concern myself with obeying God. As I follow  Him, He will be an enemy to my enemies and oppose those who oppose me. With God on my side, I cannot lose.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 290

Day 290

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Psalm 86:9


"All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship before thee,0 Lord, and shall glorify thy name."


It is good for us to experience worshipping our Lord with people of other nations. Psalm 86 shows that David recognized that all nations were made by God and should worship Him. Eventhough he lived during a time when Israel was the only nation known for worshipping the true and living God, David realized it was the will of God for everyone to worship Him.

When we only witness people of our nation worshipping God, we can become very small-minded relative to the greatness of our God. We can possibly become unreasonably proud, thinking we are the people of God. As we join with our brothers and sisters of other nations, it helps us understand that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ consists of a multitude of people of different cultural backgrounds who had the same experience we have had. Regardless of where we were on earth, we all had to recognize we were lost and needed to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Revelation 5:9 NIV says, "And they sang a new song: You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchase men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation."


I will take advantage of opportunities to worship with my brothers and sisters of different nations. I will glorify the Lord for His greatness, as I recognize that His love and power covers the globe and my spiritual family is made up of people all over the world I humbly give God thanks for allowing me to be part of the great church of the Lord Jesus Christ.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 2 | Day 289

Day 289

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Zechariah 8:17


"And let none of you imagine evil against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord."


Who do we enjoy being around? It certainly would not be the people who do the things we hate. All of us not only want to be around the right people, but we want the right people to want to be around us. Certainly we want God to enjoy being around us. So, let us take into consideration the things He hates and avoid doing them.

Through the prophet Zechariah, God revealed that He hates for people to plan to do evil against other people. To avoid planning evil against others, including our own household members, we must walk in love and forgive quickly. We must rebuke thoughts of envy and jealousy and subject our minds to thoughts that are lovely, pure, peacemaking, praise producing and virtuous.

Through Zechariah, we also learn that God hates false oaths. The Lord is faithful to His Word. He will not alter one word that has left His lips. He watches over His Word to perform it. His Word is forever settled in Heaven. The only time we will ever see the Word not come to pass is when it depends on human cooperation and not on God alone. God fulfills His Word 100 percent of the time for things He does not require human cooperation on. If His Word does not come to pass in our lives, the failure is never with God. Even with the things that depend on human response, His Word has been shown to be dependable every time He has found someone to do exactly what He says. For example, when hundreds of thousands of Israelites died in the wilderness instead of entering the land God promised to give them because of their disobedience, other hundreds of thousands did possess it, because they followed God's instructions on how to get in.

Because integrity means so much to God, he hates to see people promising one thing and doing another. We must endeavor to be people who are very slow to make promises, so we can be sure we can keep the promises we make. If our word is not good, it hinders our faith. When we practice keeping our own word, it helps us understand how God always keeps His Word. Our integrity also makes it more enjoyable for God to be around us.


I will manage my thought life and reject any thoughts of evil toward anyone. I will walk in love and forgive quickly. I will watch 119' mouth and be slow to make promises. With God's help, I will keep the promises I make. God will enjoy being around me, for I will avoid doing the things He hates.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 288

Day 288

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Psalm 2:11-12

 "Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him."


In Psalm 2, the writer exalts the Lord as he declares the futility of those who would oppose God. He mentioned  how  the Lord laughs at those who come against God and His anointed ones. The exhortation in verses 11 and 12 indicates that God is not to be taken lightly. It also concludes that those who trust in Him are blessed. The same might and power that makes the enemies of God tremble is the same might and power that is available to aid those who are committed to Him.

It is important to know that the wrath  of God is  reserved for His enemies, not for His children. As people who trust in the Lord, we need never be afraid that the wrath of God will be poured out against us. If we walk out of the will of God, we may open the door for the devil to attack us. However, God waits to help us, not to destroy us. If we sin, He waits to restore us, not to judge us. If we suffer for our wrongdoing, we are not experiencing the wrath of God. It is the consequences of walking in enemy territory unprotected. It is so important that we understand this so we can know where to  run when we  suffer for our foolishness.  If we see God as  someone wanting to  pour  out His wrath  on  us, we will run from Him. If we realize He is waiting to help us and restore us, we will run to Him.

The only time we would have reason to be afraid of God is when we choose to become His enemy. If we choose to fight against Him by coming against His anointed, we are crossing the line. Even so, if we come to our senses and truly repent, He will still forgive us and have mercy on us. Whatever we have to suffer will be made easier, however, because of His grace.

Let us remember the instructions we have been given in the Word. I John 1:9 NIV says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." It is a trick of the devil to convince us that God is against us. He wants us to sink further into sin and run from the One who loved us so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us. Let us not support the devil's efforts to get back at God and destroy us. God is on our side.


If I sin or fall short in any way, I will run to God and not away from Him. He is a terrible force to those who oppose Him, but He uses His power for the benefit of those who trust in Him.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 287

Day 287

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II Chronicles 1:1

"And Solomon the son of David was strengthened in his Kingdom, and the Lord his God was with him, and magnified him exceedingly."


Whenever the Lord is with us in our careers or our projects, positive results will follow. Because the Lord was with Solomon, he became a great king. It is wisdom to endeavor to stay in the will and plan of God for our lives. His will is usually a matter of following what is in our hearts, especially when we are endeavoring to worship and obey God in our everyday lives. As we delight ourselves in Him, He places desires in us. As we pursue those desires and keep God first, we will experience success.

It is important that we be willing to give up anything that is not producing results. We should never keep pursuing something that God is not a part of. Sometimes we just need to be patient.  Other times we need to give it up. It is such a waste of time to keep working at what God is not interested in. Good works  are  not  always God's works. Even success is not always an indication that God is with us. However, lack of progress and failure can never be blamed on God, and we should not  make excuses  for  carrying  on an unproductive work in the name of the Lord.

Let us be willing to change when it is time to change and try to hold fast only to that which God is a part of. First of all, we need to seek the Lord daily for His wisdom and guidance. Then, we need to monitor our progress and demeanor as we proceed. All the ways of God produce peace and good results. If we are losing our sanity over something, that is an indication that we have left God and taken off on our own. He may have been with us in the beginning, but our anxiety and frustration means we need to find where we left Him and return there.


I will monitor my progress in my career and in my projects. If God is with me, all will turn out well, and I will be at peace. I will not hesitate to let go of endeavors I perceive God is not with me in. I will determine what needs to be done as I observe the effects of my pursuits. The Lord will guide me continually, and I will follow Him.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 286

Day 286

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I Samuel 18:3-4


"Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle."


One of the most famous friendships in the Bible is the one between Jonathan and David. Though Jonathan was the natural heir to the throne of Israel, he had no problems accepting that David was destined to be the next king of Israel. He was quite content to be the best friend of the king instead of the leader of his nation. His love for David was something to be admired.

I Samuel 18:3 says Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as his own soul. To show the sincerity of his love, Jonathan gave David several items, including his personal weapons and articles of clothing. This story illustrates what true love is all about. Love is not a feeling. It is a commitment. True love produces feelings but does not depend on feelings to stay committed. Love is a verb, as well as a noun. It causes us to act. The depth of our love is evident by the extent of our commitment. Because Jonathan's love for David was very deep, he entered into a covenant with him that would guarantee goodwill between them and their descendants forever. He gave him valuable items to demonstrate his sincerity. Jonathan's love caused him to be very unselfish. He was willing to give up everything that was supposed to be his and allow David to have it instead.

It may be good for us to use this story to measure our love for God. What kind of covenant have we made with God? God made a covenant with us that caused Him to give us His very best. His covenant showed that He was willing to deny Himself for our benefit. He withholds nothing good from us. Are we responding with the same kind of covenant? He deserves it. Let us examine ourselves today and see if we are holding back on Him in any way. If we find anything we have not been willing to let go of, let us release it today. Our Lord is worthy of our best. He is worthy of our all.


My love for God will cause me to keep a covenant with Him that involves my total surrender to His will  All I  have and all I am will be dedicated to Him for eternity.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 285

Day 285

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Ephesians 1:3 J.B. Philips


"Praise be to God and Father of our Lord  Jesus Christ for giving us through Christ every spiritual blessing as citizens of Heaven!"


The Bible informs us that God, our Father has blessed us with every spiritual blessing through Christ. That is awesome! Everything we need to live an overcoming, victorious life is already ours. We have no excuse for ever losing. It is important that we meditate on the fact presented to us in Ephesians 1:3. Sometimes we have struggled because of a lack of knowledge. Other times, we have had the knowledge, but struggled for a lack of understanding. The knowledge and understanding, which will come through meditating on this verse, will greatly increase our awareness of the help that has already been given to us. That awareness will increase our ability to win. We do not need to seek God about giving us anything we need spiritually. He has already given us all spiritual blessings. We must act as though we have received what we need by thanking God for it. Since all we have been blessed with is in Christ Jesus, we must stay connected to Him through obedience and fellowship to see these things manifested on our behalf.

What are spiritual blessings? Anything that is not natural is spiritual. There is natural healing and spiritual healing. There is natural happiness, and there is spiritual joy. There is also natural tranquility, and there is spiritual peace. There is natural love, and there is the love of God that has been placed in our hearts. We have natural gifts and abilities given to us by God. God also gives us spiritual gifts and abilities. Paul said in I Corinthians 2:14, "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." Spiritual things cannot be explained to the natural mind or in natural terms. Simply speaking, there are things a person who is not born again cannot understand.

Let us be encouraged today by the provision God has made for us. The Lord is our Shepherd. We have everything we need.


I will thank God today for blessing me with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. I appreciate the divine provision He has made for me. I will walk confidently, knowing I have no lack. I will obey Jesus. I will fellowship with him and allow all God has given me to be manifested and to flow freely in my life.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 284

Day 284

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Malachi 3:1 NIV


"See, I will send  my  messenger, who will prepare the w before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking  will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come," says lhe Lord Almighty."


God spoke through the prophet, Malachi, informing the Israelites that He would come to them after a messenger prepared the way. Paul said in I Corinthians 3:6, "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." We cannot be looking for personal glory when we are serving the Lord. There may be times when the glory of God will show up after we have prepared the way and left the scene. Someone else who comes to the forefront may be recognized for the results, when they were simply participating in the harvest we have planted, or watered, or one we have both planted and watered.

We must realize that the glory belongs to God only. It is He who instigates the demonstration of His power. He moves on someone to plant. He urges someone to water. Then, He sends in someone to handle the increase. Sometimes the same person may experience every phase of the move of God, However, the results occur because of a move of God and not the work of a man.

Another thing we must learn from this is that God uses us to prepare the way for him, Therefore, it is important that we are habitually obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit What we may perceive as an unimportant assignment may be a very important preparatory act for a move of God. The butler who told Pharaoh about Joseph interpreting his dream probably had no idea he was preparing the way to save Egypt and the surrounding areas from the starvation (Genesis 41). The four lepers who decided to walk into the enemy's camp to seek food had no idea they were preparing the way for the deliverance of the Israelites from starvation (II Kings 7). When Philip left a great revival in Samaria and followed the leading of the Holy Spirit into the desert, he had no idea he was preparing the way for the gospel to be spread into Ethiopia (Acts 8). We can find many examples of things people did that had fur greater significance than they could have imagined at the time.

It is important that we become consistently obedient to the Lord, regardless of how insignificant the action may seem. Let us not be glory seekers who only want to obey when it seems significant and we can be assured of being recognized for our actions, Let us also not be moved to speak up and claim glory for a move of God we helped prepare the way for. It is not important who is recognized, as long as God shows up and people praise and worship Him for what is done. We must seek God's approval and not man's, Our motives for serving the Lord should always be to bring glory to Him who alone is worthy.


I will learn to be consistently obedient to the leading of the Lord, never seeking the glory for what He does. I will not allow myself to be concerned with being recognized for my part. I will rejoice always in the fact that God is glorified, for that will be my aim. I am privileged to play a part, big or small, in what God wants to do in the earth.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 283

Day 283

Ephesians 2:13-14 NIV


"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ.

For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility."


Paul told the Ephesians how the Jew and Gentile were united through the blood of Christ. All were made equal at the cross of Christ. The Son of God paid the price for the sin of the world, and each of us had to accept his sacrifice to be able to come to God. Jesus fulfilled the old law and brought in a new law, a new covenant. All over the world today, when people have a genuine encounter with Christ, it affects the way they feel about people of other cultures and nationalities who know Jesus as Savior. When the Spirit of God bears witness with our spirits that we are children of God, we understand that everyone else in the family of God is our family.

Because some of us allow pride and stupidity to overcome us, we may be drawn against our brothers and sisters who are different in some way. However, rejecting others in the Body of Christ simply because they are different from us is not from the Holy Spirit. Rejecting our own family for no good reason comes from an evil spirit who knows unity is productive to our cause.

In certain instances, differences in the way we believe about particular things may hinder us from functioning on the same team. However, there should be enough common ground for us to praise God together and love and help each other. There should be occasions when we can stand together for the cause of Christ. Unfortunately, there are groups among us who believe the Body of Christ consists only of the members of their denomination. They claim no other brothers and sisters except those who belong to their church. Although they are wrong in their understanding of the Body of Christ, those of us who know better must love them and respect them anyway. Jesus broke down the walls that divide us, and if there are any built, let them not be by our hands. When we meet those who exclude us because we don't belong to their churches, let us be glad they are saved, if they accept Jesus as Savior. Although they are deceived into thinking we must join their church in addition to accepting Christ, we know we are saved and can just forgive their ignorance and love them anyway.

If we meet Christian people who exclude us for other illegitimate reasons, such as ethnicity, social status or particular beliefs, let us be a part of the answer and not a part of the problem. God needs somebody to set an example of how His children ought to treat each other. We do not need to compromise our convictions to get along with our family. All it takes is love and respect. People in the business world do it every day. They get along with people who believe differently than they do, because they are motivated to make money and advance in their careers. Let us do it because we are motivated to please God.


I will respect what Jesus did at Calvary. He has broken down the dividing wall between believers. I will not participate in rebuilding the walls He has destroyed. I love all my spiritual family. I will be a part of unity and love. I will be a part of the answer and not the problem, wherever I go.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 282

Day 282

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Psalm 46:1

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

A refuge is a place of protection. It is a place we can escape to in the time of trouble. Strength is used to fight and protect. With God as our refuge, we know we have a very  safe place to run to. With Him as our strength we need have no fear  of  the enemy. Nobody is a match for God. The fact that God is a very present help in trouble means it is ridiculous for us who belong to Him to give up.

Whenever we are feeling chased by our enemy, we need to

run to God and say to Him, "You are my refuge!" When we feel we are being attacked and our strength is running low, we need to say to God, "You are my strength!" When we feel like we are in the midst of trouble, we need to say to our Father, "You are my very present help in trouble!" Sometimes we need to put it together and say, "You are my refuge and strength, my very present help in trouble!"

Regardless of the type of need, God is our help. Let us never complain about our situation or endure it hopelessly. Our refuge, our strength and our help are not things for us to observe, talk about or sing about. These are characteristics of God who is there for us to assist us with our challenges every day.


God is my refuge and strength. He is  very  present help in trouble. I am safe, strong and secure in Him.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 281

Day 281

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Ephesians 6:9

"And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of person with him."


After Paul exhorted the servants to serve as unto the Lord, he told the masters to have the same attitude of accountability to God, because all are equal before Him. God loved humanity so much, that He gave His only begotten son to die for every human being. Jesus shed the same amount of blood for everyone, regardless of their status. We are all at the same level at the cross of Christ.

When we deal with those we have authority over, we may have to correct or reprimand them. When we do, it is important that we keep in mind that God is observing the manner in which we conduct ourselves. We may be dealing with our employees or helpers, but we are also dealing with God's creation. Every human comes in a package labeled "Handle with care." That does not mean we allow people to get away with doing wrong. However, it does mean we perform humbly, recognizing that the line of authority does not stop with us, but with God.

To excel in ''human handling" to God's satisfaction, we must be slow to speak and act. When we become frustrated or disappointed, it is important that we forgive the individuals who have disturbed us before we begin to handle the situation. Then, we must ask God to help us get over the frustration. We need to request His aid in choosing the right words and conduct while responding to the situation. If we fail in any way, we must apologize and humbly correct ourselves.

It is so important that we refrain from making excuses for ourselves and maintain high standards when it comes to the way we treat people. We must ask God to give us a good balance. We cannot afford to allow those under us to function in sloppiness or disrespect for the job. We must be firm and demand excellence. At the same time, we must not be arrogant and inconsiderate of the feelings of others. A good rule to use is found in Matthew 7:12. It says, "Treat other people exactly as you would like to be treated by them - this is the meaning of the Law and the Prophets." (J.B. Phillips translation)


I will be conscious of how I treat people working under me. With God's help, I will treat others the way I want to be treated. More importantly, I will respect others the way God wants me to. My words and actions will demonstrate my respect for God's feelings for every man.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 280

Day 280

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Psalm 119:99

 "I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation."


Many times we are praying for answers that we will not get unless we go to the answer book God gave us. The psalmist found out something we all need to learn - the answers for life's questions are in God's Word. According to Psalm 119:99, a student who studies the Word of God can become more intelligent than his teacher. The Bible is an untapped resource of knowledge and understanding. Of course, we need the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us unlock the truths that are hidden for us.

Through the scriptures, we can solve spiritual, physical, social, emotional and financial problems. The Bible has even been found to have answered scientific questions long before we knew those questions are asked. Medical scientists are discovering what the Bible revealed thousands of years ago. It is time we recognize the value of the book and spend more time looking into it.

Psalm 119:105 says, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." If we would develop a better attitude about the Bible and search it for answers, expecting to find them, we may be amazed at what is actually inside its covers. It may be a good idea to get a diary or a log and begin to write the questions we want answered. Then we can ask the Holy Spirit to guide us to the scriptures that will give us the answers we seek. Next, we can begin reading and patiently seeking until we find. After a few years of recording our results, we may prove to ourselves that the Word of God is indeed a light to our pathways.


I will turn to the Bible for the answers I seek in every area of my life. With the Holy Spirit guiding me, I will find everything I need. God's Word is my road map.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 279

Day 279

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John 15:3

 "Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you."

Because of its cleansing properties, water is a type of the Word of God. In Ephesians 5:26, Paul said Christ would cleanse the church by the washing of water by the Word. In John 15:3, we see Jesus also speaking of the Word as a cleansing agent. Whatever mess we find in our lives, the Word of God is what we need to clean it up. Programs are usually available to help us get rid of bad habits, but if the Word is not applied, we can only do a cover-up job at best. The only thing that will do a thorough cleaning in our lives and eliminate, not just cover up our messes, is the Word.

Psalm 107:20 says, "He sent His Word and healed them." Psalm 19:9 says, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word." It is important that we put the Word of God first place in our lives and not neglect it. It will help us in every area of our existence. Not only will it clean away dirt, but as the psalmist indicated in Psalm 119:11, it will help prevent dirt from accumulating.

We should not give our attention to the word of God just to receive magical results. We should not use the Bible simply as a way to get out of our problems. We must give our attention to the Word with respect to God and with the intention of making it our pattern for living. James said in James 1:22, "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." In verse 25, he said, "But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the word, this man shall be blessed in his deed."

Speaking the Word is also important. God told the children of Israel that they should teach the Word to their children and talk about it all the time. If we talk about the Word all the time, it will help us avoid talking against it. Sometimes, we cancel out the benefits we can get from the Word by speaking things that are contrary to what God has said. The first group of Israelites who left Egypt, with the exception of Joshua and Caleb, never entered the promised land because they spoke against God's Word. God said he had given them the land, but they said they were unable to take it.

Let us make sure we do not cancel out the blessings God has promised us by saying things that contradict what He said. We must be consistently loyal to the Word in both speech and conduct. To do this, we must keep the scriptures before us by reading, meditating and speaking them.


Through God's Word, I will be clean. I will get rid of dirt and prevent contamination from occurring. I will keep the Word before me through reading, meditating and speaking it. I will be consistently loyal to the Word in speech and conduct.
