
Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 318

Day 318

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Psalm 116:1

 "I love the Lord, because He hath heard my voice and my supplications."


In Psalm 116, the psalmist said he loved God because He had heard his voice and his earnest requests. His love for God was based upon what God had already done for him.

Our love for the Lord must always be based upon what He has done for us and not on what He can do for us. When we nurture our love for God by thanking Him and showing constant gratitude for the love He has already shown to us, it will help us maintain pure motives. People who love God mainly because of what He can do easily get discouraged and angry at Him when things do not go the way they think they should. When God does not perform the way they expect Him to, they are ready to give up, forgetting the fact that had it not been for the love of God, they would be eternally lost. Every good and perfect gift comes from above and, if God had not been active in showing kindness to all humanity, we would all be destroyed. The rain and sun are a blessing to the just and the unjust. Although sinners have not yet accepted the lordship of Christ, they are still better off because of the goodness of God. The good in the world is because of God. The evil is because of Satan and man's submission to him.

Let us show gratitude to God today because He heard us and responded to our request for salvation. Let us thank Him for His goodness toward us in every other way. We love Him because He first loved us.


I love the Lord, because He has been so good to me. He heard my prayers and is always looking out for my benefit. I will always love Him for what He has already done.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 317

Day 317

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I Chronicles 6:31-32


"And these are they whom David set over the service of song in the house of the Lord, after that the ark had rest.

And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing, until Solomon had built the house of the Lord in Jerusalem: and they waited on their office according to their order."


It is interesting to note that the ministry of singing was not mentioned in the law of God. Even musical instruments for the purpose of praise were not mentioned. We find that trumpets were used for war or communication. The law contained instructions for offerings and various types of worship. The offices of the priests and the Levites were described, and music or singing was not mentioned. The first time God used the word song was in Deuteronomy 31, where He told Moses to teach the Israelites a song as a witness for Him against them because they would eventually go after other gods.

 Although God gave no instructions for singing songs of praise and worship, singing for the purpose of praise and worship appears to have been a cultural thing that was already being done. After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Miriam led the women in a dance as they sang a song of praise. They boasted about the greatness of God. Later, we see that David appointed singers to minister in song before the tabernacle of God. They continued their ministry in the temple, once Solomon had constructed it.

Since God did not request songs to be sung to Him for praise and worship, we must recognize that it is our choice to do so. Even in Heaven, according to the book of Revelation, when the elders sang a song of worship, it was their choice to do so. When we choose to do something for someone, it should be meaningful, and not ritualistic. In Psalm 47:7, the psalmist wrote, "for God is King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding." We should not sing just to be singing. We should not sing to the Lord just because someone asks us to. God must have expressed concern over the lack of quality in the worship He received, because Jesus said the Father was seeking worshipers who would worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24) Thought should be given to the words of our songs, and we should understand what we are singing. We should sing from our hearts and mean what we say.

It would be interesting to find out what was required in training the singers that were appointed to sing in the tabernacle and later, in the temple. Considering that we serve an awesome and holy God, it seems that the ministry of music in the act of praise and worship should not be delegated to persons simply based upon their ability to sing. When the songs are ones of praise or worship to God, it would be inappropriate for the song leaders to enjoin the congregation simply for the purpose of having a good time. Praise songs should not be sung over and over because they sound good or make us feel good. Song leaders should lead more by example than by coercion. They should provoke ·the worshipers to get involved rather than coerce them.

 For us, worship and praise should not be a thing we do just because we are told to. It should be a private practice that makes participating in corporate praise and worship an easy thing to do. Our God is so worthy. Let us come up higher in praise and worship to Him.


I will be more thoughtful when I sing in praise and worship to the Almighty. He is awesome, and I will sing to Him with understanding.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 316

Day 316

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Revelation 11:6


"These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will"


How many people would love to be "Superman" or some other character who seems to have power to do superhuman acts as they choose? God spoke in Revelation 11 of two witnesses He assigned to prophesy 1,260 days. They were given unlimited power, so that anyone who tried to hurt them could be killed with fire, which would proceed from the mouths of the witnesses. They could command nature to respond to their wishes, as they brought judgment on the earth.

A person would need tremendous discipline to be allowed to wield that kind of power. More importantly, God would have to have a great deal of trust in us to give us such authority. Yet, if He would give it to the witnesses mentioned, there is a way for us to position ourselves to be candidates for such an assignment. First of all, we must practice strict obedience. We would not send someone on a mission for us with the power to spend our money and sign our names as they choose to, unless we knew that person was so obedient to follow our instructions over a period of time that they would automatically do what we would do in any given situation.

Secondly, we must practice humility. If we get the big head every time God uses us, we will be vulnerable to using our power for our own advantage and glory rather than for the purposes and glory of God. If we tend to think we are always right because God's power has flowed through us, and we no longer regard how we treat people, then we would probably use unlimited power to make everyone look up to us and fear us.

Thirdly, we must not love our lives more than we love the cause of Christ. These two witnesses had to lay down their lives before it was all over. God allowed them to be killed and their bodies lay in the street for 3 ½ days. Then, they were resurrected and went up to Heaven. Some people will not go to church at night because they fear for their lives. They cannot possibly qualify for the unlimited power of God. We must not be afraid to go anywhere and do anything God tells us to do. We should claim divine protection and expect the angels to accompany us, but we must also be willing to die for the cause of Christ. Paul said in Acts 21:13, "... For I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus." In Acts 20:24 he said, "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God."

There are other things that will help us prepare to qualify for God's unlimited power, but the things mentioned above are foundational and must be practiced. Let us love God enough to do what is necessary to be the instruments He can use in any assignment. Let us prepare, not only because we want to be used, but because we love God with all our hearts and He deserves our all. We should be willing to be everything for Him because, He is everything to us.


I will practice obedience and humility. I will not love my life more than I love my Lord. I will be willing to do anything and go anywhere He leads me without fear. He is my everything, and I give Him my all.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 4| Day 315

Day 315

Mark 14:3-5 J.B. Phillips Translation


"Jesus himself was now in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper. As he was sitting at table, a woman approached him with a alabaster flask of very costly spikenard perfume. She broke the neck of the flask and poured the perfume on Jesus' head. Some of those present were highly indignant and muttered,

"What is the point of such wicked waste of perfume? It could have been sold for over thirty pounds and the money given to the poor." And there was a murmur of resentment against her."


Before Jesus died, a woman anointed Him with very expensive perfume, signifying that his body would soon be prepared for burial. She was responding to a desire in her heart that was put there by God. It was so touching to Jesus, that He said wherever the gospel is preached, the story of what this woman did would be told.

Some of Jesus' disciples were offended at what the woman did and complained that the perfume was wasted. Someone said it could have been sold and the proceeds used to help the poor. Although God admonishes us to help the poor, we should not worship them. The poor will always be with us, even if everyone sold all they had and gave it to all the poor people. There are various reasons why poor people exist.

In our service to  God, we must always give and serve as unto the Lord and never exalt the people we minister to over the Lord we represent. It is easy to want to support only our ministry. What we do, especially giving to the poor, can be a means of building our own self-worth or self-esteem. If God wants to bless someone through us, we must never consider it a waste and think that we could better use it for our own ministry. When we think that way, we have begun to exalt our ministry and ourselves above God. We must be open to doing extravagant things for God. God designed the tabernacle, the objects to go inside it and the garments the ministers were to wear. The materials used were expensive and included fine cloth, jewels, brass, silver and gold. King Solomon was exceedingly rich, partly due to the gifts that were given to him.

 The Bible indicates that God made him rich, which means He approved of the gifts given to Solomon, although there were poor people in the world at the time.

It actually takes more humility to give extravagantly to someone as the Lord directs us, or to contribute toward something elaborate that will be used in the service of the Lord, than it does to give generously to the poor. We are far more likely to be admired for giving to the poor. We are far more likely to be criticized for giving extravagantly toward someone or something. The fact that we love God above ourselves is not evidenced so much by what we give to a particular project or group of people as it is by our obedience to His leadership in our giving. We must be careful to give to please God, not to be admired by people or to receive self gratification.


I will examine my motives for giving. I will give as unto the Lord. I will give as I am directed by the Lord, regardless of whether or not it will cause me to be admired or criticized. I worship God and no one else or nothing else.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 314

Day 314

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Leviticus 7:1

  "Likewise this is the law of the trespass offering: it is most holy."


The Old Testament was full of types and shadows of what was to come. In the New Testament, we see the fulfillment of Old Testament types and shadows. As we study the Old Covenant, we can gain greater understanding of the new.

In Leviticus, we see instructions for the ministers of the tabernacle in regards to the various offerings the Israelites had to bring to enjoy the benefits of their covenant with God. There was the trespass offering, the sin offering, the peace offering, the thanksgiving offering and more. If we think we have a lot of offerings to give today, we should read about the offerings required in the Old Testament. Besides the offerings they gave regularly, special vows and special offerings were given during set feasts. Numbers 29 describes the offering they had to give every year on the first of every seventh month. Then, Numbers 29:39 reads, 'These things ye shall do unto the Lord in your set feasts, beside your vows, and your freewill offerings, for your burnt offerings, and for your meat offerings, and for your drink offerings and for your peace offerings."

An offering is not an offering without the tithe having been given first. After the tithe, every other gift is considered an offering.

Offerings were a form of worship in the Old Testament. The people did not haphazardly bring their sacrifices and drop them off for the priests and Levites to use them to sustain the temple and its workers. Specific guidelines were followed, as they worshiped God with their gifts. They were told to say something specific when they brought their tithes. In their confessions, they exalted God as their savior and honored Him as their source. When we give to God today, there is no reason for us to change this aspect of worship. Our offerings can be more meaningful if we would understand the reasons people gave offerings in the past, and the manner in which they presented their gifts. When we give an offering, we should not just put money in the offering receptacle. We should worship God as we give. Jesus was the fulfillment of all the offerings of the Old Covenant. He was the final sacrifice. As we give now, we can thank God for all Jesus accomplished for us. All our offerings should be offerings of thanksgiving. Because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us, we do not have to make separate offerings to receive forgiveness from trespasses and sins or to receive the peace of God. He received all those things for us at Calvary. Each time we give, we need to thank God for all He has blessed us with through Jesus Christ.

Let us improve the richness of offering time for ourselves and for our God. Let us give willingly, with gladness of heart and with thanksgiving. Every offering time should be a celebration time.


The experience of giving tithes and offerings will become a richer time for me and the Lord. The relationship I have with God motivates me to give. I will worship God, as I willingly bring what I have to offer with thanksgiving and gladness. I will celebrate my Lord as I give.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 313

Day 313

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Mark 12:5-6

"And again he sent another, and him they killed, and many others; beating some, and killing some.

Having yet therefore one son, his beloved, he sent him also last unto them saying, They will reverence my son."

 In Mark 12, Jesus told a parable to the chief priests, the scribes and the elders of the Jews to show how God felt about them. The story was about a man who owned a vineyard and leased it out to farm workers. Later, the owner sent an employee of his to collect some of the fruit of the vineyard for him. The tenants beat the employee and sent him back empty-handed. The owner continued to send representatives to collect, but they were all abused, and some were even killed. Finally, he sent his only son, thinking they would surely treat him much better and give him what he asked for. However, they did not even respect the son. They killed him too.

This story shows how the religious leaders treated the messengers of God. Through the years, being a spiritual leader became a political thing to many who were assigned to serve. It was a position of power, and those who saw it that way considered retaining control more important than representing God. When they decided to do things their own way and God-appointed prophets came to correct them, they mistreated them and even killed some of them. When God sent His only son, the current religious leaders were, generally speaking, not any more respectful. They hated Him and wanted Him killed also. They ignored all the signs that He was the Son of God and cared only about the fact that he did not agree with them. More and more people were being attracted to Jesus instead of them.

We can easily just shake our heads and say, "Shame, shame, shame!" But let us see how we can learn something from this story. Let us examine ourselves and see how we treat messengers of God. When we go to church or other meetings or hear ministers through some other form of media, do we respond positively when they say something that is true but uncomfortable to our flesh? Do we show respect, or do we want to beat up the messenger and send him away empty? What do we do when we discover a need to change through reading the Word of God for ourselves? Are we motivated to serve God because of the story of Abraham, Job, Joseph, Elijah, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, Ruth, Esther or some other Bible hero? If they do not encourage us to tum from living for our own pleasures and serve the living God, then what about Jesus? Does the fact that God sent His only Son to give His life for us make a difference? Is our fame and reputation hindering us from giving God what is due Him? Do we allow pressure from Satan or a human being to take priority over God's instructions?

Let us take a good look at our relationship with God. Do our lifestyles show that we appreciate Him for sending His Son for us? Do we respect Jesus Christ highly? Jesus said if someone loves Him, they will do what He says. I am sure we can all see room for improvement, even if we feel we are already showing respect for God and His Son.


I will examine myself to see how I can improve and show more respect for God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. With His help, I will excel in giving God what is due to Him, which is everything He asks for.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 312

Day 312

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II Chronicles 31:4

"He ordered the people living in Jerusalem to give the portion due the priests and Levites, so they could devote themselves to the law of the Lord"

 King Hezekiah encouraged the people in his kingdom to forsake idolatry and evil living and serve the Lord God in accordance with His Word. One of the things he ordered them to do was to make sure the ministers in the temple were receiving what they were supposed to get, so they could devote their time to the ministry they were called to. Hezekiah realized that if the ministers did not have to be consumed with getting their needs met, they would be able to do a better job of taking care of the things of God, which would in tum benefit the kingdom and all its residents.

We must realize that even today, in accordance with the teachings of the New Testament, it is the responsibility of the believers who receive spiritual help from the ministry gifts to see

 that the natural needs of those ministers are met. The degree to which ministers have to be concerned about natural things is the degree to which they are distracted from their ministry.

Meeting the natural needs of ministers includes financial support, but it goes further than that. As Jesus walked the earth, He received financial support, but that was not the only kind of assistance He needed. There was a time when He needed help feeding the multitude, and His disciples organized the crowd and distributed the fish and bread. There was a time when He needed help healing the sick, casting out devils and raising the dead, and His students went out in His name, enabling Him to help more people. One time He needed help getting some rest, so His disciples led Him to an area of a ship where He fell fast asleep. When it was time to celebrate the Passover, His disciples prepared the Last Supper, and they all ate together. Jesus functioned as a human being and could not have accomplished all He did without natural help.

As He commissioned His disciples, who were ministering on His behalf and would carry on His ministry after He left the earth, Jesus told them that the people who received them were receiving Him and would be rewarded. (Matthew 10:40-42) As we help those whose primary responsibility is to minister spiritual things, we are helping the Lord fulfill His ministry on earth.

Let us examine ourselves today and see how we are contributing to the support of the ministries we benefit from. Beginning with our local church, how do we do our part to help our pastor? After giving the tithes and offerings, there are many ways we can help. There is the ministry of helps. We can bring others to church. We can make donations of time, talent and goods to the various outreaches. We can purchase small items we see them use often and help them eliminate some trips to the store. Their shoes may need to be polished, their cars washed or their clothes mended. There is something each of us can do if we observe. Whenever we help them, we are serving the Lord and helping ourselves. There is one important thing, however, that we must all do along with our other kinds of giving. Praying for our full-time ministers is most important. Whatever we do for them must be done with love and Christ-like motives. Praying for them continually will help us keep the right attitudes.


I will be faithful to pray daily for those whom God has sent to minister to me on a regular basis. I will take advantage of opportunities to help them with the work of the ministry, as well as with natural things, so they may be better able to concentrate on the ministry of the Word.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 311

Day 311

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I Samuel 17:47

"All this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands."


As David faced a giant who threatened to kill him, he remained unimpressed with his enemy's size or his weapons. The fact that the giant, Goliath, was an experienced warrior and David was just a shepherd did not alarm David. Goliath was much larger than David, but that did not disturb him. The comparison of the huge sword and heavy defensive armor of Goliath to David's sling shot, five small stones and no defensive armor did not bother him at all. The issue to David was that he was on the Lord's side, and the giant was fighting against God. So David boldly told Goliath that everyone would observe that God does not depend on natural weapons to win His battles. Therefore, the comparison of their weapons was irrelevant. The only important issue was who was on the Lord's side.

Throughout the Word of God, we see examples of God's people winning battles where they were outnumbered or far less equipped than their enemies. Throughout modem history, there are similar stories. If we could talk to some of the soldiers who fought in wars in the 20th century, particularly those who fought for Israel, we would hear of the supernatural intervention of God to deliver the children of Israel and those who looked to Him for help. Because Satan is the god of this world, it seems that the  ungodly have the upper hand most of the time. Christians often find themselves at the mercy of unbelievers financially. It seems we sometimes need favor from the children of the enemy to get certain things done. The scenario we are accustomed to can cause us to forget that God does not save us by natural means alone. He still goes before us and prepares the way. He still opens doors no man

can shut. He still breaks apart gates of brass and cuts open bars of iron. By causing the destruction of the Berlin wall, He demonstrated that the thicknesses of the walls, like the walls of Jericho, are still not an issue to Him. The freedom of slaves in America and the return to Israel of Jews held captive in Russia and Ethiopia prove that He still overrules "Pharaoh" to set people free.

Regardless of what we seem to be up against, let us realize whose side we are on. That is the only thing that is important when we want to know if we will win or not. As long as we are in the will of God, we have all we need.


I will not be dismayed by what appears to be obstacles that are impossible to overcome. I will remain confident that with God on my side, I automatically have the upper hand




Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 310

Day 310

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II Chronicles 30:8

"Now be ye not stiffnecked as your fathers were, but yield yourselves unto the Lord, and enter into His sanctuary, which He hath sanctified for ever: and serve the Lord your God, that the fierceness of His wrath may turn away from you."

King Hezekiah authorized a letter to be sent to all of Israel, inviting them to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover - something they had not done in a long time. The letter encouraged them to discard the rebellious ways of their parents who had brought trouble in the land. They were admonished to serve God, thereby bringing divine.favor upon them.

All of us have parents, either by natural birth, through legal adoption or through custody. Whoever raised us taught us things by word and example. We may love and respect our parents, but we must examine all they packed in our bags when we begin to reach adulthood. Some of us will not be able to find much good at all, because our parents were poor examples. Others of us will be able to find many good things, because our parents positively influenced our lives, and we find it easy to walk upright because of their teaching and examples. In every case, however, there should be something we need to unpack. As great as our parents may have been, they were not perfect.

If we picked up any bad habits, dispositions or characteristics, it is not easy to get rid of them because, after living with a person for so long, we could have subconsciously begun to imitate their behavior. Therefore, we need to pray about our desires for change, and allow God to help us devise a plan to reverse wrong patterns and replace them with good ones.

We may also need to look beyond our parents, if we had other relatives who had a good deal of influence over us. Let us lay aside everything negative we may have picked up through association and renew our minds to help us do better.


I will examine what I have copied from my parents or other relatives with whom I had relationships. With God's help, I will discard the bad and hold fast to the good.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 309

Day 309

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II Chronicles 6:41


"Now therefore arise, 0 Lord God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests,0 Lord God, be clothed with salvation, and let they saints rejoice in goodness. "


David provided materials for a temple for the Lord. He gave Solomon, his son, the design and asked him to build it. Before the temple was constructed, the ark of God's covenant where His presence dwelt among His people was kept in tents. The first tent, or tabernacle was designed in the wilderness while the children of Israel traveled toward the promised land. It was made in such a way that it could be taken down and carried from one place to another as they journeyed. David was the first one to actually prepare for the construction of a permanent building for the ark of the Lord. As he prayed while dedicating the temple, Solomon asked God to come into His resting place.

God's presence could rest in the place they made for Him because of the conditions surrounding it. God gave the design for the place of the ark and instructions on how to keep the atmosphere holy. No one but the high priest could go into the most holy place where the ark was kept, and he could only go there once a year. Before he could go in, the high priest had to follow strict guidelines. If he failed in one point, he would not come out alive. A rope was tied around his foot in case they had to pull him out if he fell dead.

Isn't it amazing that our bodies should be called the temple of God? It is a testimony to the power of the blood of Jesus. How can God stand to dwell in us? I John 1:7 says, "But if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus cleanseth us from all sin." This is a continual process. The blood that cleansed us at the time of our new birth continues to keep us clean, as we walk in the light and stay in fellowship with one another.

We must walk with God in the light of His Word. If we sin, we must confess it and allow the blood of Jesus to remove all unrighteousness from us. If we live with unconfessed sin or refuse to walk in the light, we will not receive the benefits of continual cleansing. This could make the difference between our being the dwelling place and the resting place of God. Solomon asked God to come into His resting place. Many people have dwelling places, but if they want to get some quality rest, they have to escape to another place. God said He would destroy the person who defiles His temple. He was referring to the bodies He dwells in, not the stone structure of the past. (I Corinthians 3:17) It may be if His rest is disturbed too much, He will allow that home to be done away with.

O, how I wish we would live in such a way that we could say to God as Solomon said, "Arise, 0 Lord God, into your resting place!" Let us allow God to work in us continually. Let us refuse to allow unconfessed sin or rebellion to be a part of our lives. Our Father paid in full for the right to dwell in us. His stay should be a restful one.


I will not allow unconfessed sin or rebellion to stay with me to disturb the Holy Spirit who dwells in me. With God's help, my body will not only be a dwelling place, but a resting place also.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 308

Day 308

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Job 23:2-5


"Even to day is 119' complaint bitter: 119' stroke is heavier than my groaning.

Oh that I knew where I might find him! That I might come even to his seat!

I would order my cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments.

I would know the words which he would answer me, and understand what he would s,ry unto me."


When Job was attacked by Satan, He thought God was doing it to him, but he still remained loyal to God. However, he was frustrated, not understanding why he was suffering so greatly. He longed for an audience with the Almighty so he could plead his case. He wanted to hear from God concerning his situation. God granted Job that audience later and, once Job did what God showed him to do, he was delivered from all his troubles and was blessed twice as much as he had been before. If a man like Job, who did not even know how he could get an audience with God, could remain faithful in his confusion, how much more should we who have been given full access to the throne of grace remain faithful through our trials?

Job did not have the written Word as we do. He could not read Jeremiah 33:3 which says, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." He did not have James 1:5 which says, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him." There was no book of Hebrews from which he could read, "Let us therefore come boldly

unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in the time of need." However, he did !mow something very important. He said in Job 19:25, "For I !mow that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth." So he would not give up until God answered him.

One important lesson we need to learn from Job is that we should never let go of what we !mow because of what we do not understand. We !mow more than Job did, yet many times some of us become discouraged over far Jess than what Job had to deal with. When trials come and we do not seem to understand, we must be like Job and hold on to what we !mow until we find out about what we do not understand.

Also, when we are tested and tried, let us remember and be grateful that we !mow where to find God and can go before His seat any time we choose and plead our case without fear. God loves us and, through Jesus Christ, He has made a way for each of us to come before Hirn any time and honestly discuss with Hirn our troubles. He will always answer us - if not immediately, in time. Sometimes, God has to allow us to learn some things for us to be able to understand what we want to !mow. Sometimes He has prepared the minister of the gospel to deliver our answer, and we will get it when we attend church. In one way or another, if we do not give up, God will answer us.


I will hold fast to what I know until I get insight into what I do not understand. I am grateful for the open invitation God has given me to come before His throne any time I want to. I will call on Him and He will' answer me and show me what I need to know. Before His throne, I will find mercy and grace to help in my time of need.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 307

Day 307

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Isaiah 42:12

 "Let them give glory unto the Lord, and declare his praise in the islands."


Why would the command go out to praise God in the islands? God should be praised all over the world. In Isaiah 42, the Lord declares that He should be praised in specific places, one of them being the islands. Although praise to God should be universal, it is important that praise be lifted up specifically and not just generally.

God's command is separate when it comes to the islands, because His handiwork there is different from His handiwork elsewhere. Most tourists see the islands as a place to enjoy beautiful scenery, including the lovely beaches. Exotic foods, unique to the islands, make mealtime interesting. So what does that have to do with praising God in the islands? As the people of God, we should never go and enjoy His handiwork and ignore Him while doing so. When we travel to the islands, we need to remember that all we see is the work of our Father's hand. Everything we admire is the result of His doing. He is the creator. So, along with the "ooh's" and "aah's" should be sounds of praise to God, who created all things for us to enjoy.

It is easy for those who live on the islands to take its beauty for granted. When we see so many tourists coming just to enjoy the experience of being on an island, those of us who live there must thank God that we have something to share to bring happiness and relaxation to many others. God, our creator and Heavenly Father, is worthy to be praised for His greatness and His wonderful works all over the world.


I will praise God for all the beauty of the earth. When I am in the islands, I will praise Him for the beauty and special things unique to the islands. He has given us all things for our enjoyment. I appreciate all God allows me to enjoy.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 306

Day 306

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Psalm 10:14


"Thou hast seen it; for thou beholdest mischief and spite, to requite it with thy hand: the poor committeth himself unto thee; thou art the helper of the fatherless."


The psalmist said God is the helper of the fatherless, How does God help the fatherless? What do the fatherless need help with? God is the helper of us alL So this scripture could not be referring to general needs. It is specifically dealing with the challenges people face when they become fatherless.

For us to understand the unique needs of the fatherless, we must consider the role of the normal father. Fathers bring security. They do this by providing materially and by protecting. They also bring security by showing love and concern, which builds self esteem in their children. When fathers show support for their children, the children develop confidence in their abilities to accomplish the tasks they face. Security also comes through discipline. Discipline creates boundaries that protect children from harming themselves and others and causes them to build strong character.

How does God provide for the needs of the fatherless? He works through human vessels who are willing and obedient Sometimes He gives the mothers of these children extra grace to make up the difference. He also moves on the hearts of other men and women to contribute in some way to meet the needs of the fatherless, both young and old.

If we find ourselves with an opportunity to minister to a fatherless person of any age in the form of material provision, protection, showing love and concern, showing support or teaching through discipline, let us remember we can be God's channel at that time, Let us do what God leads us to do with gladness, counting it a privilege to be used by God to fulfill His Word.


With joy and gladness of heart, I will take advantage of opportunities to be God's instrument to help the fatherless.










Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 305

Day 305

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Judges 13:5

"For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the philistines."

 An angel appeared to Samson's mother before he was born and told her about his birth and his mission in life. Samson's mother was barren before she conceived him. Her pregnancy with him was a miracle. He was dedicated to God from the womb. When he grew up, God gave him supernatural ability to be a one man army for the Israelites. His story was a real life story that would seem like a fictitious movie. Single-handedly, he killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of a donkey. Yet, he was a miserable failure in his personal life and died prematurely after having lost his freedom and his eyesight at the hands of the enemies he was used to defeating.

How  could a  man upon whom God had  His hand fail as badly as Samson did? What about his supernatural birth? What about his being sanctified in his mother's womb? What about the special anointing he had to defeat the enemies of Israel? Samson's story will help us understand divine destiny and how it affects our lives. When God calls us to do a work for Him, He will fulfill His part. He will equip us and prepare the way before us. However, He will not make sure we do everything right. We are responsible for our personal lives. No one gives birth to a divine robot. Regardless of the degree of anointing or the magnitude of the calling, we must cooperate with God for His perfect will to be done in our lives. We must pray and seek the face of God just like any other person who may not appear to have a significant call or assignment in life. As a matter of fact, people with special assignments need to be more careful and prayerful, since they are more likely to be targets of the enemy. How well they live their lives, how long they live and how their families and circumstances fare will depend on what they do with their personal relationships with God.

God could not stop Samson from suffering as he did, because Samson had a choice to walk with God and experience the benefits, or rebel and suffer the consequences. Samson's choices brought him disaster. God did not desert him. Although he was humiliated by his enemies before his death, God showed mercy on Samson when he asked for it and allowed the end of his life to be somewhat victorious.

Let us realize that the more God uses us, the more responsible we need to be in our personal lives. The hand of God upon our lives is not evidence we are living right. It is a sign that we need to humble ourselves and conscientiously endeavor to live uprightly before Him and humanity.


I will humble myself daily before the Lord, who has given me a calling and an assignment to fulfill The more God uses me, the more I will give attention to my spiritual life. My behavior in my personal life will glorify Him.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 304

Day 304

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Joshua 24:31


"And Israel served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that overlived Joshua, and which had known all the works of the Lord, that He had done for Israel"


What caused the Israelites to serve God as long as the elders who lived after Joshua were alive? More is required to have our children serve God after we pass on than what is needed to have them serve God while we are alive.

Our authority and our ability to keep order can cause our children and others we have influence over to serve God  while we are alive. After we are gone, their lifestyles will be determined by their own personal relationships with God. Many denominations began with a mighty move of the Spirit of God. Generations later, however, the conduct of the members of the churches that make up those denominations bears no resemblance to the lifestyle of the founder or the one who inspired the creation of the organization.

Who motivates us most to desire an intimate relationship with God today? Is it those who teach or preach well,  or  those whose lives exemplify the character of Christ the most? There are some people we get information and instruction from  only.  Others, in addition to dispensing information, inspire us to want to do what they do. Jesus told His disciples to follow the instructions of the Scribes and Pharisees but not to emulate  their  lifestyles.  As  we pass the baton on in this Christian race, it will not be our ability to rule or keep order that will cause those who follow us to stay with God. The glory of God that is evident in  our lives  and the fruit  of the spirit we display because of our vibrant relationship with  God will entice them to continue in His ways.  Our  conduct  that shows we are doers of the Word and not hearers only, evidence that  our faith is being productive and the joy we demonstrate despite the challenges we face will motivate others to want  what  we  have.  If we do not have it, we cannot convince anyone else to get it. If they  do not get it for themselves, they will not keep the way of the Lord after we are gone.

What will make us pursue an intimate relationship with God? What do we need to motivate us to be steadfast, faithful and always abounding in the work of the Lord? What does it take for us to keep going, smiling and praising God, no matter what we face? Our appreciation to our Father for sending His Son to die for us and to Jesus Christ for what He suffered to enable us to win should be our first motivation. Secondly, our natural or our spiritual children and others we have influence over may be motivated or discouraged by our conduct.

Let us press on, developing our relationships with God, going from glory to glory, becoming more and more  like  Jesus every day. Those who look at us should not only hear about Jesus, but they should see Him living in us. If we lose our ability to stimulate thirst in others for a genuine relationship  with God,  we are like salt that has lost it saltiness, which is therefore good for nothing. As the salt of the earth, we must make others thirsty for  what we have, so we do not have to make them follow God. They should want to follow God themselves.


With God's help my children and those who look up to me will be motivated to have their own personal relationships with God that will make them strong and productive. As I am an example to them, they will be examples to those who follow them.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 303

Day 303

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Exodus 23:23-24


"For mine angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Caananities, and Hivites, and Jebusites: and I will cut them off. Thou shalt notbow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images."


God told the Israelites He would send an angel before them and get rid of all the people who occupied the promised land. He was going to prepare the way for his covenant people to possess the land He promised their forefathers He would give them. He realized that as the children of Israel entered the territory once owned by heathen people, they would learn about their idol gods and their way of life. Along with the discovery of those things would come the temptation to imitate some of the ways of the heathen. So, He warned them to keep themselves sanctified unto Him.

As New Covenant believers, God is faithful to go before us in this world's system and open doors for us that no one can shut. He surrounds us with favor so we will get good jobs we are qualified for and better prices on goods and services. He sees to it that we get many other benefits because we belong to Him and serve Him. At the same time, He realizes that as we interact with the world, we will learn about their way of life, the things they idolize and what they depend on for their success. So, in Romans 12:2, His Word warns us to avoid being conformed to the world's way of doing things.

It is easy for us to understand God's instructions to the  Old Testament saints, because we have images in our minds of the carved statues the heathen bowed down to. We may have knowledge of some of the horrible, ungodly practices they engaged in, such as sacrificing their children and engaging in immoral sex in the worship of their false gods. The same sins are not as obvious today, because we are supposedly more civilized as a people. The idols of the world today are not limited to images carved from gold, silver or wood. They are sometimes sleek machines that transport us by land, sea or air. Sometimes they are human beings who have been set up like gods and are adored and imitated by their followers, who collect memorabilia and set up shrines in their homes. Other times, jobs, positions and status cause us to turn away from the ways of God to possess them. Children in this "civilized" world are sacrificed in abortion clinics, and immoral sex is still practiced, as people worship lust and greed.

So, we must realize that just as strongly as the Israelites needed to heed the warning of God thousands of years ago, we need to pay attention to the same kind of instructions He has given us, or we will fail as many of them did. Many of them who succumbed to the temptation to participate in idolatry were probably unconcerned about the temptations when they first appeared. However, all it takes to fall into temptation is to do nothing to prevent it. In Exodus 23:25, God told the children of Israel to serve Him. If they would have practiced serving Him, they would have been protected from falling into idolatry. Today, if we will diligently practice renewing our minds with God's Word, we will not find time to be conformed to this world's system.


I am grateful to God for all He has done for me. With His help, I will renew my mind daily with His Word and stay away from being contaminated by this world's system. I will sanctify myself to worship God only and nothing or no one else.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 302

Day 302

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Ezekiel 36:5


"Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Surely in the  fire of My jealousy have I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against ldumea, which have appointed My land into their possession with joy of all their heart, with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey."


God spoke to Israel  through  the  prophet  Ezekiel concerning their future and the future of  their  enemies.  Because they backslid, the heathen were allowed to attack them and make their land desolate. However, when the  heathen  boasted  and took joy in the demise of the people of God, it angered God. He declared that the heathen would be severely punished, and Israel would be restored for His name's sake.

Even when the Lord has to allow our enemies to triumph over us when we refuse to cooperate with Him, He does not want anyone to underestimate Him in the process. When anyone begins to think winning against God's people is indicative that God is unable to do anything about it, they are asking for trouble. Whenever unbelievers or rebellious believers begin to gloat over harming God's people and rejoice over the hurt and losses incurred by Christians, they are setting themselves up for trouble. They are underestimating God's love for His people and His self-respect. He will not be mocked. He will not have His name blasphemed without punishing the guilty ones who are unrepentant.

We should never become despondent and assume God will make no response when we see His people being mocked. He is long-suffering, not because He will not defend Himself, but because He allows time for the offenders to repent. We must be careful not to participate in making fun of or persecuting the people of God, even when they do wrong. Every man stands and falls before his own master. We must mind our business and be careful ourselves, lest we fall. Let us consider how God feels about His family before we respond to what happens with other believers.


I know God will deal with anyone  who comes  against His people. I  will respect God  and His feelings, when it  comes  to how I treat other Christians. I will pray for my brothers and sisters who experience trouble, even when it is due to their own wrongdoing.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 301

Day 301

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II Kings 11:1-2

"And when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal

But Jeshosheba, the daughter of king Joram, sister of Ahaziah took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king's sons which were slain; and they hid him, even him and his nurse, in the bedchamber from Athaliah, so that he was not slain."

 When the wicked woman Athaliah, the natural mother of Ahaziah had her grandchildren killed so she could be queen over Jerusalem, she was not aware that one infant survived the massacre. The king's daughter rescued her nephew, who was an infant at the time, and hid him in the house of the Lord. His life was kept secret for six years. Then, Jehoida, the priest, successfully carried out a plan to install the 7-year-old heir as king. The ceremony took Athaliah by surprise, and she was assassinated when she appeared and shouted, "Treason!"

Sometimes it can appear that the devil has gotten away with murder. It may appear as though justice has failed. However, from the moment a crime against us is committed, God begins implementing the comeback plan He had already prepared in advance. The devil always ends up the loser. He thought he had won when the Israelites were. being destroyed, but Moses, the one used to deliver them, was raised up in the palace of the murderer. It looked like Satan was the winner when Joseph was thrown into the pit, but the ones who sold the boy into slavery later bowed before him, after he became the prime minister of the land where he served as a slave. Jephtha was born an "illegitimate" son and was later cast out by his brothers. However, there came a time when God helped him be the one they needed, and he was promoted to judge over Israel. Stephen became the first martyr in Satan's effort to silence the Christians, but his death, which caused a scattering of the believers, also caused the spread of the gospel as never before. Jesus was crucified and buried for three days, but on the third day, He arose to cause more problems for the devil than before His death. Paul said if the devil had known what the end result was going to be, he never would have crucified Jesus.

So, let us not ever see defeat as the end of a story in the life of a believer. The fight is never over until we win. The devil will always come up short. God is never taken by surprise. He is the one who always has a surprise. He sees and knows everything and will always make sure we have a victorious ending. God is for us. No one will succeed against us. Through our faith in God, we overcome the world. No matter what, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ.


I will never accept defeat as the end of the story. God does not miss anything. Through Jesus Christ we will always come out victorious.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 300

Day 300

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Ezekiel 18:19-20


"Yet say ye, Why? Doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father? When the son hath done that which is lawful, and right, and hath kept all my statutes, and hath done them, he shall surely live.

The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him."


During the time of Ezekiel the prophet, people used to say, "The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge." They believed the children would be punished for the sins of their fathers. God spoke through the prophet Ezekiel to inform them that they should not continue to say that. He declared that each person had a right to establish his own record and either suffer the consequences or reap the benefits of his actions.

This is good news. Although it is obvious that children can suffer from the wrongdoing of their parents, God wants us to know that He does not count a parent's sin against the child, nor does He count a child's sin against his parent, once that child is grown and has the right to make his own choices. Each person stands before God alone. Curses that have been in our families due to our parents' evil deeds do not have to come on us. The devil will try to use our families' history as an excuse to burden us with bad habits, diseases and other problems, but we need to know that God gives us the right to break free of all the works of darkness. If we live right before God and trust Him, regardless of what our ancestors did, we can be blessed and pass on a godly heritage to our children. Each of us has the ability to make a new start and claim the blessings of God upon our lives and the lives of our family members.

Let us refuse to accept anything that "ran" in our family that is not of God. Let us refuse to accept lack of any spiritual blessing as punishment for what our fathers did.

We will not miss out on anything God has for His children, if we meet the conditions He set forth in His Word, regardless of what family we were born in.


I will refuse any heritage that is not godly. I will not lack in any way spiritually because of ancestral wrongdoing. God judges me as an individual I have an individual relationship with Him, and will receive all He has for me, as I walk with Him day by day.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 299

Day 299

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Psalm 67:5-7


"Let the people praise thee, 0 God; let all the people praise thee.

Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God shall bless us. God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him."


In Psalm 67, the psalmist acknowledged that God responds to the praises of his people. Praise works against the enemy and allows God to move on our behalf. Good things happen when we praise the Lord. The results not  only affect  us,  but  those  we hope to reach. Psalm 67:7 says, "God  shall  bless  us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him."

Generally speaking, we do not praise the Lord enough. It is important to attend a church where the people are encouraged to praise God. We should attend as many services as possible where praise is lifted up to God. We should also be sure we are on time, so that we do not miss the opportunity to join others in exalting the Lord. There is a benefit to corporate praise. It causes us to praise God more as individuals, because we would not normally set that time aside in our busy schedules just to praise God. We may praise him throughout the day from time to time, but the time we spend with the congregation would add to our personal praise time.

Let us take intercessory prayer as another example. Prayer meetings are important. Most people who do not attend intercessory prayer meetings are usually not spending equal time at home praying for the needs of others.

Committing to attend special times of prayer or praise at church will make a positive difference in our lives and in the lives of others. Let us be a part of the answer by practicing praise in our individual lives and committing to regular church attendance when times are designated to praise the Lord. Our God will bless us, and others will come to reverence Him.


I will practice praise more in my personal life. I will attend church whenever time is set aside to praise the Lord and join with others in giving glory to our God. Positive results will follow.
