
Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 338

Day 338

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Mark 12:25

"For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven."


The Sadducess did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. One thing they used to disqualify it was the subject of marriage. They questioned Jesus about who would claim a particular woman to be their wife on the other side, if she had been married several times because of the deaths of previous husbands. Jesus responded to their question by informing them of their  ignorance of the scripture. He pointed out that marriage is a temporal contract that is not honored after death.

It is important that we relate properly to temporal things. Some people treat marriage as though it is an eternal union. An incident occurred where a couple tried to commit suicide together, assuming they would continue their relationship on the other side. First of all, there will be no happy reunions in hell. Secondly, there will be no continuation of relationships of any sort in Heaven or hell. Although we will recognize each other on the other side, we will be individuals, enjoying eternity as one big family.

When we consider that all our possessions and relationships are temporary, our primary purpose should be to please God relative to them and everything else in our lives. Our possessions should be at His disposal to be used to glorify Him. Our relationships should be conducted in such a way that they glorify the Lord. A husband must see his wife as a gift that he must cherish and nourish as Christ did the church, because she is only loaned to him for a period of time. He will have to give an account to God for how he handled her. She is not his wife as an eternal possession. She is the body of Christ, loaned to him to help him be all God wants him to be. A wife must understand that she has been given a divine assignment, not just to be a lover and to help with natural things. She is to respect her husband and assist him in becoming all Gods wants him to be. She will give an account to God for what she did with her assignment.

Single people should not be looking at marriage lightly as though it is all fun and games and designed solely to meet fleshly needs. God's primary purpose for marriage is the production of godly seed. The production of godly seed involves more than physical reproduction. Everything we do to further the kingdom in the earth will contribute to the children of our generation growing up to be godly adults. By our Christ-like conduct and giving in various ways to see the kingdom of God advance on the earth, we can make a difference.

All God allows us to have, including husbands, wives and children, are treasures loaned to us, and we will have to answer to God about how we handled them. It is important that singles choose their mates carefully, because all they do should be done to the honor and glory of God. As the saying goes, "Only one life 'twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last."


I will ponder my path today to make sure that I consider the eternal value of all I do. I wish to please God in every area of my life.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 336

Day 336

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Mark 4:36 J.B. Phillips

 "So they sent the crowd home and took  him with them in the small boat in which he had been sitting, accompanied by other small craft."


One day, Jesus was tired after teaching a crowd of people for a while. That evening, He said to His disciples, "Let us cross over to the other side of the lake." (Mark 4:35 J.B. Phillips) Jesus loved people so much that He came to die for them. However, He could only take so much because He was human. When the people wanted to hang around too long, He had to send them away so He and His disciples could rest.

It is important that we understand and respect the limitations of our human bodies as we serve the Lord. There will always be someone else to counsel or encourage, someone else to pray for or someone else to minister to in some way. However, if we are going to give God our best, we must rest. There is no point in failing to complete our divine assignments because we wore ourselves out early. There may be times when we have to push harder than normal, but we must not overdo overdoing. Jesus was obviously exhausted in the account we read in Mark 4. He was fast asleep in the middle of a storm. He had an opportunity to minister to more people, because they did not voluntarily leave. However, He realized they should stop for the rest of the day, and He allowed His disciples to send the crowd away.

Let us learn from the example of Jesus. We must take time to rest. We must also respect the time of other Christians and ministers, as well as laymen. Everyone needs rest, and we must be considerate. That does not mean we should deny ourselves help we need, but we must simply use good judgment when we get help. For example, we should attend all our regular church services and receive from the Lord through the gifts He has blessed us with. When we are faithful in church attendance, it will help eliminate our need for individual attention, since whatever we need is often addressed during the service, if our teachers are led by the Spirit of God.


I will respect my body and rest. I will respect the humanity of others by being considerate of their time and doing as much as I can to help myself.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 335

Day 335

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Galatians 3:13 NIV

 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree."


Deuteronomy 21:23 NIV says, "You must not leave  his body on the tree overnight. Be sure to bury him that same day, because anyone who is hung on a tree is under God's curse." In Galatians 3:13, Paul explained  how  Jesus took the  curse  from us by becoming a curse for us. Jesus hung on a tree. The cross was a pole made from a tree.

According to the New American Heritage Dictionary, the first three definitions of the verb redeem are: to recover  ownership of by paying a specified sum; to pay off as a  promissory  note; to tum in (coupons or trading stamps, for example) to  receive something in exchange. Man was lost through the disobedience of Adam. Jesus came to redeem humanity. He recovered ownership of man by paying a specific sum (death and separation from God).

Mankind had a debt he could not pay. He could not pay God off to regain his original place. Jesus paid the note. He canceled the debt, so man could be free.

Jesus turned Himself in to receive the blessing of God for us. Galatians 3:14 reveals that when Jesus paid the price for our redemption, He received something for us in exchange. Through His actions, we inherited the blessing that was given to Abraham and the promise of the Holy Spirit

 Deuteronomy 28 details the curse that man experienced when he broke God's law. When people walked in rebellion against God, God allowed the results of the fall of man to overtake them. Toe curse is already out there, but walking in God's ways protects us from it. Because man could not walk perfect before God, Jesus came and did it as our representative and purchased protection from the curse for us. He secured the blessing of Abraham for us. We can see what the blessing of Abraham was by reading about the things God promised Abraham and his descendants. Deuteronomy 28 outlines details of the blessings for the children of Abraham through Isaac and Jacob. According to Galatians 3, that blessing is also for the Gentiles through Jesus Christ

Nothing God has provided for us is automatic. It is all available, but we must receive it by faith. Jesus paid the price for the forgiveness of our sins. We must receive it. Jesus purchased for us the blessing of Abraham and protection from the curse of the law. We must receive it. Through faith, we access all God has provided for us. We must also walk in obedience to God. We do not have to keep the old law, because Jesus fulfilled it. However, we must walk in the light of the New Testament and follow the individual leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Obeying God does not purchase the blessing for us. The blessing has already been purchased. Obedience enables us to walk into the path where the blessings lie. Since the blessings are in Christ, living in Him will give us access to them and will protect us from the curse, as we operate in faith.


Jesus has redeemed me from the curse of law. I am free from everything associated with the curse. I am blessed because of what Jesus did for me. I will walk in obedience to God's Word and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. By faith, I will experience all the benefits my redemption brought for me.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 334

Day 334

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Ephesians 2:1-3 NIV

"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath."


It is good to read the letters of Paul, as he reminds us of what we used to be. It is important to remind ourselves from time to time of what we were like before Christ, because it will help us remember that we are not to live that way anymore. Because we are in this world, we are always tempted to slip back into its ways. We must keep in mind that we are to live distinctly different from the world

Paul pointed out that the ruler of the kingdom of the air, Satan, controls the way the world behaves. The way of the  ungodly is more than just sinful living. It is living as though God does not exist or is not relevant. The children of disobedience put all their emphasis on natural, carnal things. They make  no  plans  for  eternity. They live for the here and now. Consequently, their priorities are things like wealth, jobs, fame and fun. They look for every opportunity to gratify their flesh, ignoring the eternal consequences. Often, they even ignore the earthly consequences. Prisons, hospitals and cemeteries are full of people who were doing what felt good to them, while they ignored  the  consequences  of their actions.

Jesus prayed in John 17:15-16 NIV, "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world even as I am not of it." It is important that we see ourselves the way Jesus sees us - as citizens of another world, on business in this world. The world refers to the ungodly system, not the physical planet. With the cooperation of wicked men, Satan is running this world. We must make sure we are not assisting him in his operations.

Let us remember what we were like, so we will be conscious of how we should act now. We were dead in our sins, but Jesus has made us alive to righteousness. Let us assist Him in His plan to change the hearts of all men by being living examples and testimonies of His love and goodness.


I used to walk according to the world. I was disobedient and serving my flesh. I have been changed. I am now alive to serve God and to live uprightly before Him. I am now Christ's ambassador in this world, on a mission to assist Him in turning the hearts of all men toward Him.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 333

Day 333

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Ephesians 1:21-23 NIV

"Far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way."


Jesus is the head of the Church, which is His body. The head of an organization is the one who makes decisions for that organization. He is the legal defendant if a case is brought against the group. He is the one who will be contacted and who will react if anything bad happens to anyone on his team. He is concerned for the well being of everyone under his leadership, because his image is affected by the quality of the lives of his members. The head determines the mission of the organization, and his mission becomes the mission of everyone under him.

 God placed Jesus over every other authority, power and dominion. He gave Him precedence over every name or title relevant to this age and to the age to come. Everything was placed under His feet. The Father made Jesus the head over the Church, which is the Body of Christ. Therefore, whatever is under Jesus is under us. We are connected to Him, and our mission is His mission. His power and authority back us in all our activity because we represent Him.

In Christ we are, above all power and dominion in this world and in the world to come. Once again, we see that we need spiritual insight. The Holy Spirit has to help us grasp the awesome greatness of the power and authority that has been given to us, because we are in Christ. Jesus tried to explain to His disciples what it meant to be his representatives in Luke 10:19 when He said, "Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." May the Holy Spirit help us see that the enemy cannot stop us as we proceed in our mission as the representatives of Christ.


I desire that my spiritual understanding be enlightened, so I may comprehend the power and authority that has been given to me in Christ and, with that understanding, walk in that power with wisdom. With God's help, I will walk in the light of His Word more and more, to His honor and glory.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 332


Ephesians 1:19-20 NIV

 "and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in heavenly realms,"


Paul's prayer for the church at Ephesus describes what God wants for us. God's desire is that we understand the incomparably great power He has for us as believers. It is like the power that was exerted in Christ when He was raised from the dead. That is no small amount of power. God has made available to us a tremendous amount of power. He not only has it, but He has made it available to us.

It takes supernatural enlightenment to grasp what Paul was praying that the believers would have. We probably will not grasp it all at once. As we are faithful to walk in what we understand, God will reveal more to us until we have full revelation of what is available to us. The degree to which we understand what God has given us can be measured partly by our levels of boldness and the confidence we display when we face challenges. It can be seen in our reactions to hearing the prayer requests or seeing the conditions of those we are about to pray for. We will know our understanding is improving when we can think as Jesus did when He said according to Matthew 9:5 NIV, "Which is easier: to say, "Your sins are forgiven," or to say, "Get up and walk?" As Jesus responded to the scribes who were disturbed about His forgiving the sins of the paralytic man who was brought to Him, He showed His understanding of the power of God. Most of us understand that God has great power. We know what He can do. Jesus understood what most of us do not understand - the ability God has made available to His representatives. Jesus not only knew what God could do, He also knew what God would do through Him. He did not say, "Which is easier for God?" He was asking which was easier for Him to do as God's representative. Jesus told His disciples in John 20:2lb NIV, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." That is a powerful statement. Let us meditate on it.

Since we have been given the assignment to carry on the works of Jesus, let us seek enlightenment into what is available to us so we won't waste the precious time we have on earth. Let us be about our Father's business with boldness and confidence.


I will seek enlightenment about the power that is available to me. I will be faithful to walk in the level of comprehension I have until I understand more. I will go from glory to glory, as my understanding increases.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 337

Day 337

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 ''And they watched him, whether he would heal on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him."


As Jesus entered the synagogue one Saturday, the Pharisees watched Him to see if He would heal a man who had a withered hand. They were not interested in the man's well being and did not care whether or not he was healed. They only wanted to find fault with Jesus and bring a charge against Him for breaking their Sabbath rules.

It is important that our motives are right when we help people. If we are meeting the needs of people for show and to gain public approval, we may be setting ourselves up for great disappointment. Contrary to what some believe, everybody does not want to see the needs of others being met. Some care nothing for the helpless unless doing so would benefit them personally. The Pharisees were jealous of Jesus and were bent on destroying Him, because Jesus did not approve of them. Besides, He was more popular with the people. He took away a lot of the attention they once enjoyed. They could not do what Christ could do, and people were following Jesus in great numbers.

Some people will advertise to the public, doing things like calling a press conference or inviting the media to observe their acts of benevolence, thinking everyone will admire them for their good deeds. Others will boast to their friends and relatives about their kindness to others. It is important to realize that even friends and relatives can be jealous and despise us for what we are able to do with our natural talents or by the supernatural power of God. If we do not understand this, we will run our mouths off and tell the wrong people about what we have done or are planning to do. In doing so, we invite unnecessary opposition from those who are unhappy about our good deeds.

We must never expect to gain popularity by our good works. Everyone will not be happy that we are doing good. If our motives for helping others are not pure, we need to ask God to clean us up on the inside and help us serve with a pure heart to His honor and glory.


I will help humanity with a pure heart. My desire will be to please God and help others. Whether or not I am ever recognized by man for my good deeds, I will be satisfied in knowing God is pleased with my helping others and that my life is not in vain.

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Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 331

Day 331

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Ephesians 1:18 NIV


"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints."


One of the reasons we struggle with the challenges we face in this life is that we lack spiritual vision and focus for the hope to which we have been called by God. Paul prayed for the Ephesian Christians that the eyes of their spirits would be enlightened, so they could know the hope to which they had been called and the riches of God's glorious inheritance in the saints.

The more we grasp the hope or reasonable expectation God has given us, the less we will be impressed with negative circumstances. We will bounce back from setbacks. We will endure afflictions with strength and determination. We will have a joy in the midst of sorrow, peace in the midst of storms, and confident expectations of good in the midst of negative forecasts.

The hope to which God has called us is a reasonable expectation, because God has made promises to us, and He cannot lie. It is a blessed hope, because all His plans for us are for good, and none are for evil. He has promised to accompany us through attacks when it seems like we are going through overwhelming water or fire. He said He would not allow the circumstances to defeat us. Besides bringing us through tests and trials, God has also promised us a bright future in this life and beyond. Jesus told

 His disciples that everything they gave up for the sake of the gospel would be multiplied to them a hundred times in this lifetime, and in the age to come, eternal life would be their reward. Christ gave His followers authority over all the power of the devil in this lifetime and promised to return at some time to receive them to be with Him forever.

Whether we live or die, we are the Lord's, and He takes excellent care of His own. Whether we are in an affluent country or in the desert away from civilization, He meets our needs and blesses us, as we serve Him faithfully. Whether we are in prison for the cause of Christ or simply being lied on by fellow employees as a result of our testimony, God will never leave us nor forsake us and will give us comfort and joy through it all.

Let us seek to have our spiritual eyes enlightened, so we can see the hope to which we have been called. We need to see what a rich and glorious inheritance God has in us. This revelation will cause us to put trouble in its proper perspective. It will enable us to decrease the amount of emotional and mental torment we can suffer because of problems and obstacles the devil or the world will throw at us. We will be able to take the lemons of life and make lemonade with them. Instead of getting bitter, we will get better. The heavy loads thrust upon us will become weights we exercise with to develop spiritual muscles and become stronger and more useful in the kingdom of God.

What we see has such an effect on how we behave and develop. Let us seek to see more clearly the invisible realities that will make our lives more valuable to God and to humanity.


I will seek spiritual vision so I can see the hope God has called me to and the rich and glorious inheritance He has in me. Through a clearer view of that which is invisible to my natural eyes, I will handle the difficulties of life much better and achieve more positive results.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 330

Day 330

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Ephesians 1:17 J.B. Phillips Translation


"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the all-glorious Father, will give you spiritual wisdom and the insight to know more of him:"


As Paul outlined his prayer for the church at Ephesus, his desire was for them to receive spiritual wisdom and insight so they might know God better. We cannot know God in the flesh. Our minds cannot comprehend His majesty and awesome greatness. It takes more than natural wisdom and logic to begin to understand and know our Creator.

In John 4:23, Jesus said the Father seeks worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. He was contrasting the type of worship that was strictly based on natural objects and rituals with that of spiritual interaction that goes beyond religious formality.

If we pray using a prayer book, we can get satisfaction that we have done something good. We understand that certain prayers relative to our particular situations are recommended and they seem to make sense. There is a big difference when, however, we pray with our spirits. When we pray or sing with our spirits, and our minds do not comprehend what we are saying, there is an awareness of the greatness of our God being beyond natural comprehension. We experience His response, as our inner man is charged up, and we cannot technically explain how it works. As we worship the Lord from our hearts, we experience peace we cannot explain, joy that is indescribable and an assurance that all is well, even though the problems we face have not changed at all in the natural world.

A shallow religious experience, where everything we do is explainable to common man, is not what we should aim for. Let us desire spiritual wisdom, that we might know God more. With our natural wisdom, we can study and know about God. With spiritual wisdom and insight, we can know Him.


I will seek spiritual wisdom and insight. My aim and desire is to know God intimately.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 329

Day 329

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Ephesians 1:15-16

 "Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints"

Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in nry prayers;"

 As Paul wrote to the saints at Ephesus, he mentioned their reputation for having faith and love. He saw this as a cause to continually give thanks for them and pray for them. Sometimes, when we see people are doing well, we relax in our prayers. However, when we realize how desperately the Body of Christ needs good examples and how much Satan would like to rob us of the good we have, we should pray consistently for those who are examples to the believers.

Let us look for the good examples we have among us. The Body of Christ needs examples of godly husbands, fathers, wives, mothers, children and young men and women. We need married couples who demonstrate what a godly marriage and family should be like. We need godly businessmen and businesswomen, employers and employees. The church needs examples of godly teachers and students. We need good workers for the operation of the local church and its outreaches. When we see godly examples, we need to give thanks and pray for them, so that they will be strengthened and encouraged to continue lifting up high standards.


I will notice the godly examples we have in the Church today. I will thank God for them and lift them up in prayer, so God will strengthen and encourage them. With God's help, I will be a part of the group of people who set high standards for other believers to follow.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 328

Day 328

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Ephesians 1:4


"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love."


God chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. That does not mean we who have accepted Him were predestined to do so. God's plan was for every human being to live holy before him. Although He gives everyone an opportunity to choose their destiny, everyone has not accepted His plan.

Having to choose one's destiny is not a result of the fall of man. Before Adam fell, he had to choose his destiny. It  is  because he made the wrong choice that we experience trouble in the world today. For those of us who accept God's invitation to walk in His plan for our lives, He will tell us what He had in mind for us even before the creation of the world.

God's desire is that we live holy and blameless before Him. If we accept God's invitation to follow Him, we should continue our efforts to fulfill His plans for us. We should submit ourselves to the will of God every day and, with His help, walk holy and blameless before Him. When we fall short, we must repent and encourage ourselves to press on until we reach the mark. We may not complete a specific goal on this side of Heaven, but we should be getting better and better all the time, giving God the glory for our progress.


I will submit to God daily and allow Him to fulfill His plan for me. With His help, I will walk holy and blameless before Him.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 327

Day 327

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Epehsians 1:2

 "Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ."


As Paul greeted the Ephesain Christians, he pronounced grace and peace upon them from God. Where else would grace, the unmerited favor of God, come from? Where else would true peace come from? God's grace is there to help us make it when we would otherwise fail. His peace is there to stabilize and comfort us when we would otherwise lose control of ourselves or suffer damage to our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual being.

It is important for us to remember that God is the one to tum to when we need help. It does not matter what natural means are available. We must first tum to God for aid. He can work through various channels, but He is the source of our total supply.

Better still, let us grow closer to Him until we do not have to go to Him in the time of need, because we are constantly aware of His presence with us. We will simply tum our attention toward Him to receive what we need. Being aware of His presence does not always involve a feeling. We can be aware that He is with us just like we are aware that other people are in the room with us, even when we do not see or hear them.

To obtain the best, let us strive to come to a point where we never know periods of time when we are lacking in grace or peace. As we continue to grow closer to God, there will be an automatic flow of these spiritual blessings into our lives at all times.


I am getting closer to God all the time. I will strive to reach a point where His grace and peace are automatically flowing into my life, so I never have to seek for them.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 326

Day 326

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Nehemiah 11:2 NIV

 "The people commended all the men who volunteered to live in Jerusalem."


After the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem, the Israelites needed some men to volunteer to live there. They were responsible for the upkeep of that great city, which had spiritual significance to the Jews. Some would be gatekeepers, monitoring what came in and out. The Israelites commended those who volunteered to stay in Jerusalem.

When we serve in the ministry, whether it is in our local church, or in some other ministry, we must not take our position lightly. We may be involved in a local church, an evangelistic association or a ministry to specific segments of our society, such as the homeless, the unborn in jeopardy, or rebellious youth. Regardless of what form of ministry we are involved in, we need to value our roles properly. We are responsible for the upkeep of the spiritual life of our world. It is our responsibility to reach out to the nations of the world with the gospel. Our society is preserved or destroyed based on what we do. Even if all we do is type letters or clean toilets, our specific jobs enable the ministry to continue. Our attitudes should be ones of joy to be a part of what God is doing in the earth today. We should be giving our best, as we serve as unto the Lord and not to man.

Too many people are ignorant of the value of, or disrespectful about their roles in the ministry. Let us not be guilty of despising our responsibilities in the ministry, or of being half­-hearted in our service to God. We are not to be commended just because we mechanically accept our assignments in the ministry, but because we accept and respect those assignments with a godly attitude.


I will examine attitude toward  the ministry. I  will make adjustments when necessary, so that the words of my mouth, the meditations of  heart  and  behavior  will  be pleasing in the sight of my Redeemer. I am blessed to be able to help in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 325

Day 325

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Ephesians 6:11

 "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."


We are more than conquerors. We are world overcomers. We have authority over all the works of the devil. How is it that we can live in such a victorious state? It is not because of some natural quality that is a part of our humanity. We are who we are by the grace of God. We can do what we can do through Jesus Christ. By our God-given faith, we overcome. In the name of Jesus, we resist the devil, and he runs from us as one in terror.

When Paul said, "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes," he was reminding us that we are nothing without the Lord. The devil has power in his ability to tempt and deceive. If we are simply using natural, carnal weapons to deal with him, we will lose. His power is only nullified by the weapons God has given us.

Let us take the full armor God has given us and fight the good fight of faith. There should be a strong confidence about us as we face the challenges of life, but it should not come from self-confidence or dependency upon our perceived spiritual levels. Our confidence must be in God and the weapons He has given us. Let us humbly acknowledge that we are no match for the devil outside Jesus Christ, who defeated him for us. Then we can be more diligent to use the full armor God has designed for us to fight with.


I humbly acknowledge that I need the full armor of God to win in my fight to stand against the devil's schemes. I will resist the devil with all God has given me. I will win, because I will take advantage of what God has done for me through Jesus Christ.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 324

Day 324

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Judges 4:4

 ''And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time."


Deborah, the wife of Lapidoth, was the only female in Israel who was named a judge. The period of the judges preceded the period of the kings in the history of the nation of Israel. Before the first king was crowned, God ruled Israel, and the person representing Him was a judge He appointed. The judge helped in both spiritual and natural matters. They were sometimes given the military assignment of delivering Israel from their enemies. God showed that He has the right to choose whomever He wills. Just because He usually does something a certain way does not mean He will always do it that way. Sometimes He may do things differently to avoid misinterpretation of what He has already done.

God had good reasons when He appointed males as judges. However, it had nothing to do with their being more valuable than females. It had nothing to do with men having authority over women. God made husbands to be the heads of their wives and homes, not men to be the heads of women. Some people have misinterpreted God's order for the family to be His order for humanity. They have determined that every man is to be over every woman. God sovereignly appointed Deborah as judge, the highest leader of the nation at the time, which abolished the theory that women were forbidden to be in leadership over men. Women are not forbidden to lead other men, just their husbands. Deborah was over her husband in matters that concerned the nation, but she was subject to him in matters that concerned the home.

To help avoid confusion and to strengthen men in their extremely important roles of leadership in the home, God generally places men in leadership positions in government as well as in ministry. However, because of man's potential to abuse his power, God periodically appoints females to high positions in government and ministry to show men that women are not in submission because of their gender. The oppression of women all over the world has resulted in their having a second class or slave-like status. This has come from Satan's desire to hurt women and strip them of their power to make a positive difference in the world. He primarily uses men to carry out his plan against females.

We must make sure that we do not allow our personal prejudices to rule out God's ability to use whomever He chooses. Whether someone is of the other gender, another ethnic group, a different financial or educational status or is different from us in any other way, we must be open to God using them in ways we may think they could not be used. Sometimes people have thought only certain people can be effective in reaching certain groups. For example, they may feel that a former alcoholic who is currently living a victorious life is the best person to help recovering alcoholics. While that may be generally true, God can do the job just as well, or better, using someone who never touched strong drink. In the final analysis, it is the wisdom and power of God, not our individual skills, that accomplish the task. God uses our skill and experience, but He does not need it to accomplish His objectives.


I will not stereotype God. I will allow Him to express Himself as He chooses, recognizing that His only boundaries are in His Word. When He calls on someone I thought He  could not use, I will humbly thank Him for His wisdom. When He chooses me for something I thought I could not do, I will humbly thank Him/or His grace.


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Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 323

Day 323

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Hebrews 10:13

 "From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool"


Hebrews chapter 10 tells about the perfect sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God. After His crucifixion, burial and ascension to Heaven, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God. According to Hebrews 10:13, He is seated, expecting His enemies to be made His footstool.

If a person sits down, expecting his enemies to be defeated, he is obviously expecting someone else to get the job done. Before Jesus left the earth, according to Matthew 28:18-19, He said, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Once again, after Jesus declared that all power belonged to Him, He made no plans to do His earthly ministry Himself. He appointed His disciples to carry on His work, and He still sits, waiting for us to reach all humanity with the gospel. He was very confident that His followers could accomplish the task before them, because He supplied them with the power to do it. He commanded them to wait to be endued with power from Heaven so they could be His witnesses throughout the earth.

Jesus  said in John 14:12, "Verily,  verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." He promised believers that they would be able to carry on His ministry. So, we can see why He sits, waiting until His enemies are made His footstool. He has equipped us to do it for Him. He said to His disciples while He was still on earth, "Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the  enemy:  and  nothing  shall  by  any  means  hurt  you." (Luke 10:19) Before He left, our Lord promised He would be with us always and that the Father would grant the requests we make in His name.

We must develop a bold attitude about ourselves when it comes to the work of the Lord, and we should never permit intimidation to hang around us. We can do whatever  God  leads  us to do, and nobody can stop us. We must see ourselves the way God told Joshua to see himself. Joshua 1:5 says, "There shall  not any  man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as  I  was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."

Whenever we run into people who try to hinder the work of the Lord, let us remember that it is not up to God to get them out of the way. It is our responsibility. We should not try to physically move them, but we must initiate the action by taking authority over the devil, who is using them to fight us. God will back us up, but He will not move until we move. He will not act until we act. Once we boldly take our stand, people who hinder us will either be changed in their hearts, or their ability to cause us problems will be eliminated one way or another.

If we encounter financial challenges or other kinds of obstacles, the same principle would apply. We must act boldly and confidently in prayer and in using our authority. God will back us up, but He will remain seated until we initiate the action.

Let us be encouraged today that Jesus sits, waiting for his enemies to be made His footstool. That means He has given us the power to do it.


I reject intimidation of any kind. I can do anything and everything God tells me to do. I will arise and He will support me. To God be all the glory for what He has done, is doing and will do through me.

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Come Up Higher, Vol. 3 | Day 322

Day 322

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Haggai 1:4-5

 "ls it time for you, 0 ye, to dwell in your cieled houses, and this house lie waste? Now therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts; Consider your ways."


The prophet Haggai was used by God to rebuke the people of God for having the wrong priorities. The temple was destroyed and needed to be rebuilt. The people were building nice dwelling places for themselves and seemed unconcerned about their place of worship. God told them through the prophet that they were experiencing financial difficulty because their priorities were wrong. No matter how much they brought in, it appeared as though they were earning wages and putting them in bags with holes. God could not bless them and protect them from the devourer, because they were not honoring the Lord first.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said if we seek  the  kingdom  of God and His righteousness first, all the things we need to  function on this earth will be added to us. When we take care of God's business, He takes care of ours. When we do not try to bless ourselves, he will bless us. Our material goods will last longer, we will get better deals on our purchases, and we will  find  goodness and mercy following us wherever we go, when we put God first.

In raising our children, their spiritual needs must be put above their natural needs and, more importantly, above our own carnal desires. We only have a relatively short time to help shape their lives and affect their eternal destinies. Our first and foremost concerns should be about the things that will last forever.

As members of the Body of Christ and our local churches, we must realize that men and women in our communities and all over the world need to hear about Jesus and be saved. Those who are saved need to be nurtured with the love of God and the Word of God. The work of the ministry must be important to us. We must make sure that we are faithful in giving our tithes and offerings and giving physical labor and material goods. We must be faithful to pray and speak positive words that will build up and not tear down.

We will never know how much God can provide for us and bless us until we learn to put His work first and trust Him to care for us. Even in our time allotment, we must put God first. Our personal time of prayer and study of God's Word must not be the last thing on our list each day and rolled over to the next day because we did not get around it. Let us seek God early. Putting Him first can help us to always put our worries and fears to rest.


I will make the things of God priority in my life. I will love and serve Him daily through prayer, study, giving, godly speech and Christ-like behavior. He will take excellent care of me.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 321

Day 321

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Philippians 3:4


"Though I myself have reasons for such confidence. If any one else thinks he has reasons to put confidence in the flesh, I have more."


Paul wrote to the Philippians, reminding them that our confidence as believers is in the spirit and not in the flesh. Our spiritual accomplishments are directly attributed to God's work in us, which leaves us without boasting. We cannot brag about how we were saved, because it was not by our works of righteousness, but according to God's mercy that He saved us. Our being filled with the Holy Spirit is a gift, not an accomplishment. If we have received healing, it was because we accepted the Word of God about Jesus' sacrifice for our sicknesses and diseases, not because we earned it. Everything we have that relates to our being new creatures in Christ is to the glory of God.

The apostle Paul said he had things in the flesh he could boast about. He said he had more to brag about than anyone who might read his letter at that time. However, he would rather have counted all his fleshly gains as losses to achieve a much higher prize. He was pressing for the mark of being what Jesus called him to be. He wanted to know the Lord intimately and accomplish everything God called him for.

It is important that we realize we will always be tempted to put confidence in our flesh. One reason is we have accomplished things and achieved goals using our natural talents and abilities. People have awarded us diplomas and degrees or given us titles or special awards.

Even religious titles can be earned. Some have been elected bishops, appointed elders or ordained into the ministry by someone else. Although these positions and titles are in relation to spiritual work, they are of the flesh. The call or ordination of God is not an accomplishment of man, but a divine assignment based upon God's ability. Men award ordinations, etc. because of accomplishments they see. God gives the call before anyone sees anything. He then equips the individual to fulfill that call. It is difficult to ignore all we have accomplished until we come to a point where we are consumed with the desire to know God and to fulfill His plan for us.

Some of Paul's accomplishments were religious. He was an outstanding Pharisee, well versed in the law. Had he put his confidence in his accomplishments when God called him, he would not have accomplished what he did in the ministry. In I Corinthians 2:4, he said, "and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power." God used Paul's knowledge wherever it suited His purposes, but He did not need it to accomplish His tasks. He could use what Paul had learned, because He always has the option of using whatever we have. The thing for us to do is lay all we have accomplished aside and humble ourselves before the Lord. We must allow Him to tell us what He can use and not show Him what we have, as though He needs some of it.

Let us resist the temptation to expect God to use us or promote us because of our accomplishments. It is only His accomplishments in us that will determine what He does with us.


I humbly lay aside all I have accomplished and present myself before God as nothing without Him. My desire is that His plan will be fulfilled in me in the way He chooses. Whether my assignment seems great or small, it is only what pleases Him that counts.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 320

Day 320

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I Chronicles 1:11-12


"And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou has not asked riches, wealth, or honor, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made thee king:

Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honor, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like."

 God blessed Solomon with things he did not ask for, because he did not ask for them. It is interesting to see that God would be moved to do something for someone based upon what they did not request. This also lets us know that there are people who God would not bless with what they asked for because they ask for it. James 4:3 says, "Ye ask and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts."

The lesson to be learned here is that God does not answer selfish prayers. This explains why many husbands and wives are frustrated, as they wait hopelessly for God to answer their prayers for their mates. Most times they are motivated to pray for selfish reasons. An unsaved spouse does not need to come to the Lord to bring relief and happiness to their mate. They are on their way to Hell. God will only entertain the prayers of those praying for the lost when the person praying has compassion for the sinner. He will not move to change the behavior of the annoying spouse, when prayers are offered to bring relief to the one who is praying. He will move when compassionate prayers are offered for God to work in the life of the person needing help. We need to pray that God will perfect the things that concern the individual who needs help. Our attitude should be that we are concerned for the well- being of the one we are praying for. The end result we desire should be one that will bring glory to God, not relief for ourselves. When the right results are accomplished, we will benefit. However, we should not pray for our benefit.

Selfish prayers not only waste our time, they increase pride on our part. The more we pray, as if the other person is our problem, the more we tend to think too highly of ourselves. We must humbly realize that all of us need improvement. We should not want people to pray for us as though we are a problem to them. Since we want to do better, we should prefer prayers of compassion. In Luke 18, Jesus gave an example of someone who obviously had a habit of praying selfishly. He said the man prayed, "God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess."

Let us imagine some modem examples of selfish prayers: "Lord, our marriage would be so much better if my husband would be more considerate of me. Please make him help me around the house."

"God, my wife needs to stop nagging me. Tell her to shut up. She is making me miserable and ruining our marriage."

"Lord, please cause my co-worker to act better or get fired. Work would be a whole lot more pleasant ifhe were gone." "Father, please speak to the pastor to accept my proposal. It is obvious that I have the best idea for the project. Show him that I am right."

Now let us consider alternative prayers that God might be much more attentive to:

"Lord, thank you for allowing me to be a helper to my husband.

Show me how I can be a better wife to him. Bless him with wisdom and insight to function well in the roles you have given him. Perfect the things that concern him. Help him to excel as a husband, father and godly man to your honor and glory."

"God, thank you for my wife. Help me to be the kind of husband you need me to be, so she can be ministered to properly. Give me the right words to encourage her and be a part of what you are doing in her life as you continue the work you have started in her."

"Lord, I don't know why my co-worker acts the way he does. I have no idea what challenges he faces in his personal life. Help me to be a part of the answer instead of the problem. Help me contribute to his coming to know you personally. If this is not the best job for him, help him to find the right job, where he can be productive and happy."

"Father, thank you for placing me in this local church. Please help my pastor make the best decisions for the people you have placed under his care. If my idea is the best, please help him see. If not, help me to keep a positive attitude, so I do not make his job hard. Help  me to  be a  blessing  and not a thorn  in his  flesh. Send him the right kind of help to fulfill the vision you have given him.

Let us remember that it is what we do not say sometimes that causes God to hear our prayers and motivates Him to bless us. So, let us examine our hearts before we pray.


I will pray unselfishly, being considerate and keeping the needs of others above my own selfish desires.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 319

Day 319

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Psalm 69:30-33

 "I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving. This also shall please the Lord better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs. The humble shall see this and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God. For the Lord heareth the poor, and despiseth not his prisoners. Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and everything that moveth therein."

 Most of Psalm 69 records David expressing his distress over the treatment he was receiving from his enemies. Some of this writing seems to be prophetic concerning Jesus Christ. However, it is interesting to note that, although the psalmist spends a lot of time expressing his distress and making his request for help, the psalm ends on a very positive note. He praises God, who he says hears the poor.

We can learn an important lesson from this psalm. When we are suffering in any way, it is all right to cry and express our frustration, as long as we do not do it in the form of complaining. When we need to cry, we must cry to the Lord with the attitude that He is our answer. When we do, we will always end up with praise. The end of our session will leave us with a spirit of hope, a spirit of expectancy, as we look for the hand of God to move on our behalf

When we know that God is great, good to all and ready to help His own, our cry to Him can bring relief As we pour out our hearts to Him, we will experience a time of comfort and reinforcement, instead of a pity party that will make us bitter. When we go to God with the right attitudes, at the conclusion of our cry will come our confessions of confidence that He will come through for us. We will remind ourselves of our commitment to serve Him unconditionally and His commitment to respond to us because of His love and His Word.

There are times when we do not need to just make positive confessions. There are times when we need to cry and release the pain in our souls first. Jesus cried out to his Father in Gethsemane, because He did not want to face what was ahead.  He  did  not pretend He had no struggle. His cry was not to  complain.  He cried to God with the right attitude, expecting help. At the conclusion of His prayer time, He was encouraged and strengthened for the challenge ahead, knowing that victory was assured.

Let us realize that we have a soul, and the emotions we feel are important to our existence as humans. Even God has feelings, and He is not always happy. God expressed anger, as well as pleasure. The Bible tells us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. Our feelings should not control us, but we need not pretend they do not exist or do not need to be ministered to. Psalm 107:9 says, "For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.


I will cry to the Lord, whom I love, when my soul is overwhelmed. I will come to Him as the source of my help. I know He loves me and when I cry to Him, He will hear me and help me. God will comfort me and encourage me. He cares for me affectionately.

