
Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 47

Day 47


Romans 15:4

 "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope."


God gave us His Word to comfort us and to build hope in us. We can receive comfort from the scriptures as we meditate the Word, while looking to God for illumination by His Spirit.

The scripture also said hope comes through patience. Romans 5:4 tells us that patience (cheerful endurance while remaining constant) brings experience and experience brings hope. So, if we are patient, we will end up with a victorious experience that will cause us to have hope for another victory. God told the Israelites to set up reminders of what He had done for them. They were instructed to tell the stories of God's powerful deliverance of His people to their children.

Experience brings hope. Experience comes from patience. Patience comes from a dedication to the Word of God and a relationship with God Himself.

By the Word of God, I will always have hope. I will meditate God's Word I will practice God's Word because I love Him. I will operate in patience, which will cause me to have experiences that will bring me hope. I will always have hope.

From God's Word -  hope

Because of hope patience

Because of patience -  experience

Because of experience -    hope!



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 46

Day 46


John 15:11

 "These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full."

Jesus spoke words to His disciples that could cause His joy to be in them. Meditating and practicing the Word of God produces joy. In John 16:22, the Lord told his apostles that no one could take their joy from them. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17). It is great to know that the joy of the Lord is ours. We control it. Nobody determines when we can or cannot enjoy it. We stir it up when we decide to. It is our strength and we should refresh ourselves regularly by rejoicing in the Lord.

Luke 15:7 says, " shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance." One way to stir up joy in our hearts is to participate in saving sinners. If there is joy in Heaven over a sinner repenting, and we are citizens of Heaven, we should share in the joy of seeing the lost come to Christ.


I will participate in the saving of sinners. I will meditate and practice God's word. I will stir up the joy of God in me and be strong.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 45

Day 45


Psalm 16:11 AmplifiedVersion

 "You will show me the path of life; in Your presence is fullness of jay, at Your right hand there are pleasures forevermore."


Joy is full and complete in God's presence. So, we see how God has provided a way for us to experience, or lay hold of, or stir up the joy that is already ours. "Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace..." (Hebrews 4:16 amplified version) With a simple act of our will, we can go directly into God's presence - access the throne. The psalmist said we enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Isaiah 61:3 tells us we can put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. There are things we can do, such as praise, thanksgiving and worship, to bring us into God's presence, where the fullness of joy is. However, as we grow closer to Him, we will find that we can instantly, and with great confidence, will to enter directly in His presence. Instead of coming in through praise and worship, we come in, and it causes us to praise and worship. There is no ritual to get in His presence - the veil has been torn from top to bottom, and we have immediate access by the blood of Jesus into the presence of the Almighty God. Joy is always  a decision away. If there is no unconfessed sin in our lives, nothing stands in our way.

Until we reach that point in our understanding, we can praise and give thanks to help us get there. Meanwhile, the things that enable us to reach the point of understanding immediate access are the very things that cause us to experience the joy of the Lord. Praise, thanksgiving and worship help us increase our awareness of who God is. As we engage in these activities, our understanding of Him will increase, and our relationship with Him will be enriched.

Proverbs 15:23 tells us a man has joy by giving the right answer. When we answer every challenge with the right words - words that are in line with God's word - the result will be joy. Proverbs 21:15 tells us joy comes to the just when justice is done. When we decide to do what is right and fair, it brings joy to us who love what is right.


I praise and worship God.I give thanks to Him.I give the right answer to my challenges. I do what is fair and right. I maintain the joy of the Lord in my life.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 44

Day 44


John 14:1, 27 Amplified Version

 "Do not let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated)…" "Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid- stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed; do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled."


Jesus bequeathed His peace to His disciples, indicating that they had authority to maintain peace. He said, "Do not let..." That means the person being addressed has responsibility. We cannot have responsibility where we have no authority. So, it is exciting to know that we have control of our state of being by the authority of Jesus' words.

The centurion said to Jesus in Luke 7:8, amplified version, "For I also am a man daily subject to authority, with soldiers under me, and I say to one, Go, and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes; and to my bond servant, Do this, and he does it." He was explaining why Jesus did not need to do anything more than speak a word to heal his servant. He understood that when one has authority, he exercises that authority with words. Jesus equated this understanding of authority to great faith. We must use our mouths to appropriate and maintain the peace of God. By faith we speak and control our state of being. "Heart! You may not be troubled!" "Peace! Be still!" "Trouble! Go! Calm! Come!" Whatever is applicable or appropriate, we must lift up our voices and fulfill our responsibility of maintaining peace.

"Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition [definite requests] with thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God. And God's peace..... which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds.." (Philippians 4:6,7 amplified version) I Peter 5:6,7 indicates that we are to, in humility, cast all our cares (anxieties, worries, concerns) on God permanently. We must realize that the power of God takes up where we can go no further. There is a human responsibility and a God responsibility. When we are told to maintain peace, and natural circumstances dictate that this is impossible, we must realize that God must take over. We give Him the cares, and we maintain the peace. He invites us to leave the difficulties to Him. We must not struggle with what we cannot change. God has offered to participate with every intimate and minute detail of our lives. Let us let Him do it! Let us face it - a problem to us is not a problem to God.


I will cast my cares on the Lord and use my authority to maintain peace.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 43

Day 43


Psalm 119:165 Amplified Version

"Great peace have they who love your law..."


We have "seen" that there are great benefits God has given us. These benefits are received by faith. We also follow God's instructions, which is His strategy for us to obtain and walk in what He has provided. Some instructions are already written in God's Word. We will receive other specific instructions as God leads us by the Holy Spirit. Let us begin to examine how we possess what God has provided for us. Our first subject is peace.

Peace, we see, comes to those who love God's Word. A person's love for something can be seen by his dedication to it. Something that is loved is not ignored. When we love something, we pay attention to it. Our behavior and conversation demonstrate our love for it. As we receive God's peace by faith, we realize that we are also receiving a love for His Word.

Proverbs 3:2 indicates that paying attention to God's Word will produce peace. Isaiah 26:3 tells us that the one who keeps His mind on God will enjoy perfect peace. How can one keep his mind on God without being mindful of His Word?

"There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked." (Isaiah 48:22) Psalm 85:10 says righteousness and peace have kissed each other. We must live uprightly to walk in peace. A wicked life and peace do not match. I John 3:21 says, "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God." When we know we are not doing what is right, our own spirit will condemn us. Thus, we lose our confidence in our relationship with God, and that makes it impossible for us to enjoy peace.

So, we must love God's Word in  order to possess  God's peace. If we get out of line, He has provided a way for us to get back in line. I John 1:9 says if we confess our sins, He will forgive and cleanse us. So, even if we fail, we have no excuse for living without peace.


I love God's Word. I walk in obedience to God's Word and I experience God's peace continually.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 42

Day 42


Psalm 34:7 Amplified Version

 "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him  - who revere and worship Him with awe; and each of them He delivers."


God protects those who reverence Him. In the 91st Psalm, the Word says He will cover us (those who dwell in His secret place) with His feathers. Psalm 125:2 says, "As the mountains are about Jerusalem, so the Lord is around about His people from henceforth even for ever."

Jesus told His disciples in Luke 10:19 that they had authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing would hurt them in anyway. When He was leaving the earth, He told them he would be with them consistently until the end of the age. We are never on our own. God is with us, the angels are assigned to minister for us (Hebrews 1:14), and we also have God-given weapons with which to defend and protect ourselves. So, there are different ways divine protection is accomplished. Hebrews 13:6, amplified version, says, "So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper, I will not be seized with alarm - I will  not fear or dread or be terrified. What can man do to me?"

Psalm 46:1 says God is our refuge (protection from danger or distress), and He is positively present and ready to help in times of trouble. Proverbs 29:25, amplified version, says: "....whoever leans on, trusts and puts his confidence in the Lord is safe and set on high." We have divine protection. It is ours. It is given to us.


I am divinely protected. Angels are assigned to protect me. God is my refuge  my protection from danger or distress.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 41

Day 41


Luke 24:49b; Acts 1:Ba amplified version


': ..but remain in the city [Jerusalem] until you are clothed with power from on high." "But you shall receive power- ability, effi­ ciency and might - when the Holy Spirit has come upon you..."


Jesus promised supernatural power to those who represent Him after His departure from earth. He explained to His disciples, before a cloud received Him out of their sight, that this power would be theirs after the Holy Spirit came upon them. This experience was not limited to the 11 apostles or the 120 who received the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room (Acts 2:1-4), but to as many as God would call (Acts 2:39). In John 14:12, Jesus promised to all believers divine power to

perform His works. So, we know that power to carry out the work of the ministry (each member of Jesus' Body having a part in His min­ istry) is available to all believers.

How can we adequately represent Jesus without having the power to do His works? It is the works of Jesus that give proof of His resurrection to those who are lost, or to heathen worshippers who have gods of their own. The demonstration of the power of God that the unbelievers see causes their ears to open to the gospel. History has proven that more unbelievers ha':'e received the gospel when it was accompanied by a demonstration, than when it was not. (I am refer­ ring to unbelievers who knew nothing about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or had no Christian heritage.)

Even in reaching those who have a Christian heritage but have not received Christ as Savior, the supernatural power of God works to draw them. The message they hear is anointed and breaks through the natural mind, revealing truth to their hearts. Paul said in I Corinthians 2:4, "My speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:"


I am endued with power from Heaven. The Holy Spirit is in me and operates through me. I do the works of Jesus.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 40

Day 40


Exodus 15:26

' -.for I am the Lord that healeth thee."


God declared that He was the Physician of His people. A physician prescribes different types of treatment for his patients, depending on their individual needs. God, as our Physician, has provided different means for us to receive healing. We must be sensitive to His Spirit to know what our current prescription is. If we let Him, Our Father will take excellent care of us.

We should know where our faith is and be led by the Holy Spirit as to how our healing should come. We must never stop to question that healing belongs to us. God has provided many methods through which we can receive supernatural healing. Healing can come by the laying on of hands, anointing with oil and the prayer of faith, Holy Communion, the prayer of agreement, speaking the Word, the gifts of the Spirit, or by other means.

God has also blessed us with doctors who assist with natural healing. We can use them, but we must never put our full confidence in them. If we use a doctor, we must see him as an instrument, but recognize God as our source. By doing so, we can see the hand of God work along with the doctor to speed up recovery. God can cause him to go beyond his known abilities. He can baffle the students of medical science as things occur that they do not expect or understand.

II Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people...turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven...and will heal their land." Sometimes there are hindrances to our healing. That is why being led by the Spirit of God and walking in obedience to the whole Word of God is important.

III John 2 lets us know that God wants us to go beyond healing and live in health. So, our goal should line up with that. However, if we need healing, we can allow the Holy Spirit to lead us as to how we should receive in each case. In every case, we should offer thanksgiving in advance for the healing that has been provided for us.


I thank God I am healed, healthy and perfectly whole. I will walk in obedience to God's Word and be led by His Spirit God will lead me to the means by which I can see healing and health maintained in my body.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 25

Day 25

Ezekiel 17:1-2 Amplified Version

 "And the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, Son of man, put forth a riddk and speak a parable or allegory to the house of Israel;"



It is interesting to note that God called the prophet "son of man." Daniel was also referred to as "son of man" (Daniel 8:17). These men, Ezekiel and Daniel, great prophets of God, lived under the old covenant and were referred to as sons of men.

Then Jesus came. He, the Son of God, became the Son of Man so that we, the sons of men, might become the sons of God. "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God..." (John 1:12). I John 3:2 says, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God..." The first verse says, "Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God:..."


God loves me so much that He has lifted me up from being a son of man and made me a son of God. I receive my Father's love for me. Thank you, Father.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 24

Day 24

Romans 8:39 amplified version

"Nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."



Paul, in this verse, sums up everything imaginable as he says "nor anything else in all creation." He shows that God's love for us is per­ manent and not able to be tampered with. Does God love me? Even "if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there." (Psalm 139:Sb) The psalmist, David, described how intimately God was involved with him. Regardless of whether we choose to serve Him or not, and whether we go to Heaven or Hell, God's love is unconditional.

As long as a person loves someone, he makes his power available to that person as much as he can. If we choose to go to Hell, God will love us to the end, but He will not be able to bring us back. It  is not  a question of God's physical ability, but His integrity. There is no "Purgatory," there is no escape from the land of the damned. He cannot alter His Word. It is not a question of His love.

Jesus said if a man loves Him, he will keep His words, and the Father will love him (John 14:23). Does that mean God will love us only when we are obedient? While we were still sinners, Jesus died for us. So it could not mean that. What it does mean is when we cooperate with God by obeying His Word, we allow Him to manifest His love to us. We allow Him to love us, or to love on us.

While we are on this side of Heaven, we should meditate on God's love for us and do what we can to allow that 'agape' love to work for us. To remind ourselves of God's love is to remind ourselves to cooperate with Him with a positive attitude. Love does not require obedience for selfish reasons, but for the benefit of the one loved. Even His commandments are a demonstration of His love for us. Let us receive our Father's love!


God loves me with an everlasting love. I will obey Him and allow Him to manifest His love to me. I receive my Father's love.




Come Up Higher, Vol.1 | Day 23

Day 23

Acts 9:6b amplified version

 " ... But arise and go into the city and you will be told what you must do."



Saul, later called Paul, was instructed by Jesus to go into a city, not knowing what he would do after he got there. His first set of instructions, after choosing to follow Christ, was a lesson in trust and faith. Like Abram, he had to begin walking with God without knowing exactly where he was going.

It is important to understand 'basic training' in God's 'army'. As in any army, strict and quick obedience must be learned, even when we don't know why we are doing what we are doing. At times, it is essential for a commander not to give details about his instructions for various reasons, such as not enough time to explain, or the inability of those under his command to comprehend fully the complexity of the situation. However, it is also appropriate for a leader to give unexplained commands just for the practice. A soldier must have learned strict obedience to his superiors before an emergency occurs. My husband, who is a pastor, was led to purchase a piece of property that he would not have selected personally. It made no sense to him to purchase the amount of acreage that this parcel contained. It was too much land for his needs, in his opinion. Thank God he had some basic training prior to this incident and knew to obey without further explanation. It turned out that he would need every inch of the soil to fulfill parts of the vision that was yet to unfold. Since then, he has been entrusted with not only that land, but more than twice the amount of the original piece. Jesus said if we are faithful (reliable,dependable) over a little, we can be trusted with much.

Promotion comes in the earthly army by being a good soldier -a faithful one, and one that can be counted on to honor, respect and obey his superiors. In God's army, we can expect promotion when He has proven we can be trusted in the same way. Since we are the Body of Christ in the earth today, our Commander must be able to depend on us to carry out His plan. He has chosen us to accomplish His mission on earth.

Finally, we must realize that strict obedience without questioningcan not only earn us promotion, but it can save us from losses, disap­pointments and even premature death. If we obey today, we will be glad we did tomorrow.


I will obey my Father when I don't understand as well as when I do understand. My Heavenly Father can count on me.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 22

Day 22

I Chronicles 1:1

"Adam, Sheth, Enosh,"



The author of I Chronicles begins by tracing Adam's descendants to the children of Israel. He lists their forefathers from Adam to Jacob (Israel). Adam is listed as the first father.

All mankind descended from Adam, and he was created by God. Therefore, when God made Adam, He made man - all of mankind. In Adam was every man, woman, boy and girl who has ever lived or will ever be conceived. When God made Adam, it was a result of His desire to make man (the species) -  not one person, but an entire race of people. Note that Genesis l :26 said, "...Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion..."

So, when God created Adam, He created me and you. He made us in His image and in His likeness. If this is true, then why is Colossians 3: l O telling us that we, as Christians, have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him? Why is Romans 8:29 telling us that God predestined that we should be conformed to the image of His Son? It is because when Adam lost the image and glory of God, we all lost it, since we were in Adam.

Genesis 5:3 tells us that Adam produced a son after his own like­ness, after his own image. This helps us understand the need for a new birth for the Adamic race - a birth that would connect us to the second and last Adam - Jesus Christ - who is the image of God. Colossians 1:15 says, "He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation."

It makes me feel more special when I realize I am God's cre­ation. It's like this: whoever invented chocolate bars sees every chocolate bar as his creation, no matter where it is made. Although as time went on, millions of humans were created in different ways through different people, God sees us all as His creation. Even more special is the way He looks at us who are born again. We represent the restoration of His image in the earth. We are all created in Jesus Christ who is the image of God.

It helps us understand why Jesus said He wanted the world to see that God loved us the way He loved Him. Jesus was referring to those who were His own. When God sees us, He sees Jesus. Jesus feels the same way. When He sees us, He sees Himself. He said in Acts 9:4: "..Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"


I am God's creation, being conformed to His image through Jesus Christ. I am valuable and precious to my Father. I am His own.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 21

Day 21

Ephesians 6:3a Amplified version

 "That all may be well with you..."



God's desire is that ALL be well with us. What is not well in our lives today? We must not accept it, tolerate it, learn to cope with it or live with it complacently. Although we must allow nothing to discourage us or make us miserable, we must also not allow anything ungodly to become permanent fixtures in our lives.

God is a "repair man." Throughout all time, our Father has repaired broken lives, broken bodies, broken hearts, broken homes and more. As He takes up residence in us (John 14:23), let us give Him all that needs to be fixed and made whole. He designed the physical temple to be perfect. He moved upon the hearts of men to repair the house dedi­ cated to Him when it was broken down or in need of renovation. Now that we are His temple, let us not accept brokenness as permanent. Regardless of how long it takes, let us keep an attitude of wanting all to be perfect in the house (body) and life where He dwells.

Paul admonished us to present our bodies to God as living sacrifices, wholly, acceptable to God as a reasonable service. The sacrifices given under the Old Covenant, which contained types of what was to come, were  perfect  - without any flaws. David said, 'The Lord will perfect that which concerns me." (Psalms 138:8) We should have the same attitude.


God wants all to be well with me. I yield myself - all that I am and all that I have - to my Father, that He may perfect everything in my body and my life until His desire is fulfilled in me. By faith, all is well with me.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 20

Day 20


Ephesians 6:3 NIV

 "That it may go well with you and that you may enjoy life long on earth."


This promise was spoken with a commandment, which indicated it was a benefit. It was something desirable that God would make sure we enjoyed if the conditions were met. Without looking to see what the commandment is, we can just look at the fact that God desires life to go well with us and for us to enjoy long life. If that was not His desire, He could not have offered it to us.

More than giving us a way to experience a good long life, God was telling us a way already designed to produce it. When the commandment was given to honor parents, it was given to God's people, who were told to pass their godly heritage on to their children. When the parents were honored, the godly family could be preserved, and the godly heritage could be passed on along with a godly lifestyle that would tend to life. Even as we grow older, honoring our parents in a way that is possible and appropriate should be a natural outcome of a Christ-like character and the fruit of the spirit. So, it is a spiritual indicator to help us as we examine the quality of our spiritual lives. Even though we may be past the age of obeying our parents, we never outgrow the need to show respect and gratitude wherever and whenever possible.

The main point for this meditation, however, is not as much honoring parents as it is affirming God's desire for us to have a good long life. Whether it is honoring our parents, or observing any other command given us, we want to be certain about what God wants for us and cooperate with Him to see His desire fulfilled in us.


I will cooperate with God and receive what He wants me to have - a good long life.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 11

Day 11


Joshua 1:12 NIV


"But to the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Mannasseh, Joshua said,"


This verse is a solemn reminder that there is a "second choice" that God will allow us to have. It will not be bad. It just will not be the best. These tribes settled for land they deemed 'good enough' for them and their families. They even agreed to help their brethren possess the promised land, while they took what they chose to be their inheritance.

We must determine to go all the way with God to be in His will. Bear in mind that He allows us to choose our destiny, including an alternative to His plan that will not be bad. It just won't be what He prepared for us.

What caused the tribes to choose the land on the sunrise side of Jordan? They saw it on the way to Caanan. They were distracted by something that looked good and were moved by what they saw. They were not walking by faith. They were not doing evil, but they were not walking by faith either.

To reach the promised land, we must bypass  what appears to be satisfactory alternatives: ALMOST HEALTHY, ALMOST WELL, PRETTY PROSPEROUS, NOT TOO MUCH LACK, A DECENT RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD AND FAMILY, A FAIRLY GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD, etc. We must press for the mark, ignoring the distractions that are not bad, to proceed with what is best. How sad it is to teach and help others reach for and attain the highest, only to have them wave at us below and express their gratitude for how we helped them get over.


I  will  not be the "Reubenites,  the Gadites, and  the  half-tribe  of Manasseh" in the Body of Christ. I am going all the way to God's promised land. I will have and experience God's best for me. I will ignore distractions and press for the mark. I will do all God asks and receive all He gives. I want "my mountain."




Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 10

Day 10


Joshua 1:8 amplified version


"This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it;.."


The purpose of Joshua speaking God's words and meditating them was so he might observe and do what God said. It is not the mere repeating of words or contemplating them that would give him success, but the being a doer of them. Isaiah 1:19 (amplified) says, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." Obedience is the path to God's blessings, and having constant aware­ ness of God's word enables us to be more obedient. The psalmist said in Psalm 119:ll(NN) "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."

We must commit the scriptures to memory and recall them continually to keep us on the right path. When we are not doing as well as God desires, we can examine our behavior in the areas of contemplating, speaking, or rehearsing, and in doing.


I commit God's words to memory and contemplate and recall them continually, that I may be a doer of them. As a result, I deal wisely and have good success.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 1 | Day 9

Day 9


Joshua 1:8 NIV


"Do not let this Book of the Law deparl from your mouth; meditoJe on it day and night, so you moy be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful"


The latter part of Joshua I :8, amplified version, says, "...and then you shall deal wisely and have good success." This is how we measure whether or not the former part of this verse is operative in our lives, or to what degree it is operative. Keep in mind that God said good success. All success is not good.

Good success begins with God - a harmonious relationship with Him. It includes true blessings that do not bring misery with them (Prov. 10:22). It finishes with works that abide and qualify for heavenly reward (I Cor. 3:12-14).

The more we become one with God's Word, the more we will make wise choices, and thus, experience good success.


I speak God's Word. I meditate on it day and night with the intentions of being a doer of it. Consequently, I make my way prosperous. I deal wisely and experience good success.



Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 360

Day 360

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Matthew 10:29, 30 J.B. Phillips Translation


"Two sparrows are sold/or a farthing, aren't they? Yet not a single sparrow falls to the ground without your father's knowledge. The very hairs of your head are all numbered. Never be afraid, then - you are far more valuable than sparrows.


Jesus wants us to give up all worry or concern about our well-being when it comes to our service to God. As we proceed to be about our Father's business, God is taking good care ofus and watching over us all the time. He is very particular about us - so much so that He has our hairs numbered. He will see to it that our labor is not in vain.

In Matthew 10, as Jesus commissioned His disciples to go out and minister on His behalf,  He warned  them that they  might face opposition. However, they were to see themselves as  totally sold out to their Lord and unconcerned about what might happen to them physically. They were to prepare themselves to be persecuted for the name of Jesus Christ and were assured they would be rewarded for their obedience.

Jesus told His disciples that the one to fear was not the one who could destroy their bodies, but the One who had power to destroy both body and soul in Hell. Life on earth is relatively short. Eternity never ends. It is not this temporal life that we should be fighting to protect as much as it is our eternal lives, which is far more important.

The Savior taught His disciples to be fearless. They were instructed not to even plan a speech when they were called on the carpet to testify relative to their mission. Jesus said they would be given what to say at the time they needed to speak. That indicates that God takes it personally when we are persecuted for His name. It is as though He is saying, "It's me they are calling on the carpet, and I will speak for myself. You just lend me your mouth  when  you get there."

So, if it appears that God has deserted us when we are persecuted, let us settle ahead of time that He not only remains with us, but is monitoring us so closely that He is involved in answering the questions we are asked about our mission. He keeps track of all the strands of hair on our heads, having designated a number to each one. We should answer this question before we proceed on God's business: "Does God see or care about what is happening to me?" The answer is most emphatically, "Yes - very much so!"

 When I am about my Father's business, I will only be concerned about obeying Him completely. I renounce all fear, knowing that my Father cares for me and watches over me affectionately. Nothing will happen to me without His knowledge or input.



Come Up Higher, Vol.4 | Day 359

Day 359

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Matthew 26:8 J.B. Phillips Translation


"The disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, "What is the point of such wicked waste? Couldn't this perfume have been sold/or a lot of money which could be given to the poor?"


A woman performed an extravagant act of kindness for Jesus. She poured very expensive perfume on Him. Some of His disciples disapproved of this and called it a waste. Jesus, knowing His value and appreciating what the woman had done, rebuked the protesters for their poor judgment. Later, He had supper with those same men who did not know how to appreciate Him. He lovingly shared His precious last hours on earth with them.

Could we respond so lovingly to ungrateful people who would even vocalize their displeasure over someone's act of kindness toward us? When we have given our best and been tolerant with our helpers, could we stand it when immature workers criticize the ones who understand our value and show appreciation for us?

When Jesus asked us to love one another the way He loved us, He was asking us to follow His example. He showed us it could be done. With His love inside us and the power of the Holy Spirit to help us, we can love like Jesus loved. We must ignore our mental evaluation of the matter and focus on the fact that what we need to do is the will of God on the inside of us.


I will do what God tells me to do. Jesus is my example. He told me to love like He loved. He would not tell me to do something, if He did not already know He had given me what I needed to accomplish it. I have the love of God in me and, with His help, I will let it flow toward others.




Come Up Higher, Vol. 4 | Day 358

Day 358

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Deuteronomy 11:25

 "There shall no man be able to stand before you; for the Lord your God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that ye shall tread upon, as he hath said unto you."


It is important to know that God is not intimidated by people who oppose Him or His people. When God sends us somewhere, we need to know that He is the kind of God who will protect us when we are following His instructions.

When Laban, Jacob's father-in-law, thought he could run Jacob down and do what he wanted to him, God appeared to him in a dream and warned him to be careful about what he did to Jacob. When Potiphar's wife thought she could get rid of Joseph because he would not disobey God and meet her demands, she got a surprise when Joseph was promoted above her and she had to bow before him. When Pharaoh thought he had control over the Israelites and could threaten to kill Moses if he continued to bother him, God brought such a great plague of death in the land of Egypt until the king gladly yielded to the demands of Moses.

There are numerous accounts in the Word of God that demonstrate God's faithfulness to stand up for His own, and we can find many modem stories that show the same thing. God does not just sit back and let anything happen to His ambassadors. He will rebuke kings for our sakes. We need to advance with that attitude.

There are those who have died for the cause of Christ, and sometimes we do not understand why their Jives were not spared. However, we must not resign to a "whatever the will of the Lord is" attitude. We must realize that a number of variables can be involved in our leaving the earth early. God will receive us whenever we come to Heaven. However, we cannot claim it is the will of the Lord every time someone checks out of here early. Sometimes people fail to complete their assignment because they did not follow the leading or the direction of the Holy Spirit. Some have been afraid and acted in fear, instead of faith. Others were doing good things, but not what God told them to do. We must make every effort to do what we can to fulfill our assignments and live long lives. At the same time, we must never be afraid to die, because if we lose our lives for the cause of Christ, there is a great reward for us. If we die early because we just missed it, we are still going to be with the Lord.

Once we have settled the issue that death is not something for us to fear, then let us press forward, unafraid. Let us do our best to follow the Holy Spirit, as He directs our steps. While we are serving God, let us keep the attitude of invincibility in Christ. When we run into those who would oppose us as we attempt to carry out the plan of God, let us remember that our God is a God of war and will fight for us until the fear and dread of us falls on those who are against us.


I will endeavor to follow the Holy Spirit and fulfill the plan of God for my life without fear of death. I will expect the supernatural intervention of God when people oppose me. I am God's ambassador, and He will back me up. He will not allow anyone to stand in my way and stop me from accomplishing what He has told me to do.
